get_img_ann_helper: Obtain image annotation screening data.frame

View source: R/getH-M.R

get_img_ann_helperR Documentation

Obtain image annotation screening data.frame


Extracts a data.frame that contains information about barcode-spots needed for analysis related to imageAnnotationScreening().


  distance = NA_integer_,
  n_bins_circle = NA_integer_,
  binwidth = getCCD(object),
  angle_span = c(0, 360),
  n_bins_angle = 1,
  variables = NULL,
  method_gs = NULL,
  summarize_by = FALSE,
  summarize_with = "mean",
  normalize_by = "sample",
  normalize = FALSE,
  remove_circle_bins = FALSE,
  remove_angle_bins = FALSE,
  rename_angle_bins = FALSE,
  bcsp_exclude = NULL,
  drop = TRUE,
  verbose = NULL,



An object of class spata2.


Character value. The ID of the image annotation of interest.


Distance value. Specifies the distance from the border of the image annotation to the horizon in the periphery up to which the screening is conducted. (See details for more.) - See details of ?is_dist for more information about distance values.


Numeric value or vector of length 2. Specifies how many times the area is buffered with the value denoted in binwidth. (See details for more.)


Distance value. The width of the circular bins to which the barcode-spots are assigned. We recommend to set it equal to the center-center distance: binwidth = getCCD(object). (See details for more.) - See details of ?is_dist for more information about distance values.


Numeric vector of length 2. Confines the area screened by an angle span relative to the center of the image annotation. (See details fore more.)


Numeric value. Number of bins that are created by angle. (See details for more.)


Character vector. All numeric variables (meaning genes, gene-sets and numeric features) that are supposed to be included in the screening process.


Character value. The method according to which gene sets will be handled specified as a character of length one. This can be either 'mean or one of 'gsva', 'ssgsea', 'zscore', or 'plage'. The latter four will be given to gsva::GSVA().


Character value. Either 'mean' or 'median'. Specifies the function with which the bins are summarized.


Character value or FALSE. If character, there are two options:

  • normalize_by = 'sample': Values are normalized across the whole sample.

  • normalize_by = 'bins_angle': Values are normalized within each angle bin. This only has an effect if n_bins_angle is bigger than 1.


Logical. If set to TRUE values will be scaled to 0-1.

Hint: Variables that are uniformly expressed can not be scaled and are discarded.


Character value containing name(s) of barcode-spots to be excluded from the analysis.


Logical value. If TRUE, unused levels of the bins_circle variables are dropped.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Used to absorb deprecated arguments or functions.


The final output depends on the input for variables and summarize_by.

By default (both arguments are NULL) the returned data.frame contains barcode-spots as observations/rows and variables that describe their position to the image annotation denoted with id. This includes the variables bins_circle, bins_order, angle, bins_angle. Their content depends on the set up via the arguments distance, binwidth and n_bins_circle.

Coordinates data.frame vs. Inferred expression changes:

If argument variables is a character the denoted variables are joined to the data.frame via joinWith(). If the set of variables contains only numeric ones (genes, gene-sets and numeric features) the function argument summarize_by can be set up in three different ways:

  • summarize_by = FALSE: Values are not summarized. The output is a coordinates data.frame with each observation/row corresponding to a barcode spots with additional information of its relation to the image annotation denoted in id.

  • summarize_by = 'bins_circle' Values of each variable area summarized by each circular expansion of the polygon. This results in data.frame with a column named bins_circle containing the names of the bin (Core, Circle 1, Circle 2, Circle 3, ..., Circle n, Outside) and 1 column per variable that contain the summarized expression value by circle bin. Visualization of the concept can be obtained using plotIasLineplot(..., facet_by = 'variables')

  • summarize_by = c('bins_circle', 'bins_angle')) Values of each area are summarized by each circular expansion as well as by angle-bin. Output data.frame is similar to summarize_by = 'bins_circle' apart from having an extra column identifying the angle-bins. Adding 'bins_circle' is only useful if n_bins_circle is bigger than 1. Visualization of the concept can be obtained by using plotIasLineplot(..., facet_by = 'bins_angle').

Normalization in case of normalize_by != FALSE happens after the summary step.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.