hlpr_process_spatial_correlation_cluster: Process spatial correlation results

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hlpr_process_spatial_correlation_clusterR Documentation

Process spatial correlation results


Helper function to be used in clusterSpatialCorrelationResults(). Takes a cutree data.frame and a distance data.frame and returns a named list:

  • assessment_df: A data.frame that attempts to evaluate all cluster's quality by providing the average distance between it's genes.

  • distances_list: A named list of data.frames. Each data.frame contains the gene-gene distances between all genes the cluster it corresponds to contains.

  • gene_names_list: A named list of character vectors. Each vector contains the unique gene names of the cluster it corresponds to.

  • k: k-value

  • h: h-value


hlpr_process_spatial_correlation_cluster(cutree_df, dist_df, input)



Data.frame of two variables: gene and cluster-belonging.


Data.frame of three variables: gene1, gene2, distance

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.