Man pages for kueckelj/confuns
Convenience Functions

across_an1across an1 dummy
across_an2across an2 dummy
across_optionsAcross input
across_picker_inputPicker inputs
across_vis1across vis1 dummy
across_vis2across vis2 dummy
adapt_referenceAdapt glue reference
addClusterVarsHclustAdd hierarchical cluster variables
addClusterVarsKmeansAdd kmeans cluster variables
addClusterVarsPamAdd PAM cluster variables
addGroupingVarsAdd grouping variables
adjust_corr_mtrAdjust correlation matrix
adjust_ggplot_paramsAdjust ggplot parameters
adjust_sub_colorsCreate sub cluster colors
agglomerateHierarchicalTreesAgglomerate hierarchical trees
all_color_palettesColor palette names
all_vars_discreteCheck data.frame variables
AnalysisAspect-classThe 'AnalysisAspect'-class
Analysis-classThe 'AnalysisAspect'-class
argument_dummyArgument dummy
arrange_rowsArrange rows
assemble_listAssemble list of objects
assignDefaultS4 Default Assignment
assign_objAssign objects into the global environment
bin_numeric_variableConvert a numeric variable to a discrete one
call_flexiblyConstruct a flexible function call
change_order_inputChange order input
check_across_subsetSubset the across-variables
check_across_subset_negateCheck across subset input
check_assignCheck assign input
check_data_frameCheck data.frame validity
check_df_variablesData.frame variable check
check_directoriesCheck directory input
check_h_kCheck h and k input for hclust
check_ksCheck and adjust k
check_none_ofOverwrite check
check_no_overlapCheck no overlap
check_one_ofCheck valid values
checkpointShiny feedback messages
check_vectorCompare input to control input
circumferenceCompute circle circumference
Classification-classThe 'Classification'-class
clrp_aaasAmerican Association for the Advancement - color palette
clrp_egrElena Grabis - color palette
clrp_jamaThe Journal of the American Medical Association - color...
clrp_jcoJournal of Oncology - color palette
clrp_loLancet Oncology - color palette
clrp_miloMILO Research Group - color palette
clrp_nejmNew England Journal of Medicine- color palette
clrp_npgNature Publishing Group - color palette
clrp_sifreSimon Frerich - color palette
clrp_ucUniversity of Chicago - color palette
Clustering-classThe 'Clustering'-class
ClusteringMethod-classThe 'ClusteringMethod'-class
colorpalettesColor palettes
color_vectorGet vector of colors
computeClusteringHclustCompute 'hclust' objects
compute_clustering_kmeansIterate over kmeans
computeClusteringKmeansCompute cluster with kmeans
compute_clustering_pamIterate over pam
computeClusteringPamCompute cluster with pam
computeCorrelationCompute correlation
computeDistanceMatricesCompute distance matrices
computePCACompute PCA
computeTSNECompute TSNE
computeUMAPCompute UMAP
Correlation-classThe 'Correlation'-class
corr_mtr_to_dfConvert correlation matrix to data.frame
create_progress_barCreate a progress bar object
degr2radConvert radians to degrees
detectOutliersDetect outliers
detect_outliers_iqrDetect outliers with IQR
detectOutliersIQRDetect outliers
detect_outliers_mahalanobisDetect outliers with Mahalanobis
dfnormal df_dummy
DimRed-classThe 'Clustering'-class
DimRedMethod-classThe 'DimRedMethod' class
DimRedPCA-classThe 'DimRedPCA'
DimRedTSNE-classThe 'DimRedTSNE'
DimRedUMAP-classThe 'DimRedUMAP'
discard_ifDiscard values
discard_unnamedDiscard unnamed elements
error_handlerReturn function
feedback_listA named list of possible feedback messages
filter_genesSearch for genes
fit_curveCurve fitting
gene_info_dfCollection of gene information
getAnalysisAspectObtain objects of class 'AnalysisAspect'
getAvgSilWidthsDfObtain average sil-width data
getClusteringObtain 'Clustering' object
getClusteringHclustObtain object of class 'ClusteringHclust'
getClusteringKmeansObtain object of class 'ClusteringKmeans'
getClusteringPamObtain object of class 'ClusteringPam'
getClusterVarsHclustObtain cluster variables (hclust)
getClusterVarsKmeansObtain cluster variables (kmeans)
getClusterVarsPamObtain cluster variables (PAM)
getCorrDfObtain correlation data.frame
getCorrelationObtain 'Correlation' object
getCorrMtrObtain correlation matrix
getDendroObtain object of class 'dendro'
getDendroSegmentDfObtain dendrogram segments
getDfObtain object data
getDimRedObtain 'DimRed' object
getDistMtrObtain distance matrix
getEmbeddingDfObtain 'DimRed' embedding
get_gene_namesObtain gene names
get_gene_synonymsObtain gene synonyms
getHclustObtain object of class 'hclust'
getKeyDfObtain empty data.frame
getKmeansObtain object of class 'kmeans'
getMedoidsDfObtain medoids from PAM clustering
getMetaNamesObtain meta names
getMtrObtain data matrix
getOutlierIDsObtain outlier ids
getOutlierResultsObtain outlier results
getPamObtain object of class 'pam'
getRcorrObtain object of class 'rcorr'
getResultsObtain analysis results
getScaledDfObtain scaled data
getScaledMtrObtain scaled matrix
getSilWidthsDfObtain sil-width data
getVariableNamesObtain variable names
ggpubr_comparison_listPrepare input for 'ggpubr::stat_compare_means()'
give_feedbackPrint feedback in console
glue_list_reportGlue a human readable list report
helloHello, World!
hlpr_order_inputWork around
hmPrint top n matrix rows and columns
hsHorizontal Separation (width = 3)
initiateAnalysisInitiate analysis
initiateAnalysisAspectInitiate analysis
initiateOutlierDetectionSet up 'OutlierDetection' object
is_any_ofAny input check
is_colorCheck if elements in a character vector represent valid...
is_key_variableTest key variable validity
is_listList input check
is_namedLogical naming test
is_valueOne dimensional input check
join_listsJoin two lists by their names
lazy_check_dummyThis is a text dummy.
legend_noneLegend location
lin_alg_dummyLin alg dummy
load_filesLoad in all files at once
load_functionsLoad in all functions
load_scriptsLoad in all R scripts
logical_to_groupConvert lgl vars to factors
make_availableAssign objects to environments
make_capital_lettersCapitalizes all words of a string
make_facet_add_onMake facet add on
make_pretty_dfMake a data.frame more aesthetically pleasing
make_pretty_nameMake string aesthetically pleasing
make_trig_vecCreate trigonometric vectors
melt_rcorrMelt 'rcorr'
mrenameRename matrix in tidyverse style
normalizeNormalize numeric values
normalize_zscoreZscore computation
one_peakFit a curve
OutlierDetection-classThe 'OutlierDetection'-class
OutlierDetectionIQR-classThe 'OutlierDetectionIQR'-class
OutlierDetectionMahalanobis-classThe 'OutlierDetectionMahalanobis'-class
OutlierDetectionMethod-classThe 'OutlierDetectionMethod'-class
plot_and_savePlot saving wrapper
plotAvgSilWidthsPlot avg sil-width data
plot_barplotPlot distribution of discrete/categorical variables
plotBoxplotPlot boxplot
plotCorrplotPlot correlation plot
plotDendrogramPlot dendrograms
plot_densityPlot distribution and results of statistical tests
plotDensityplotPlot densityplot
plot_descriptive_statistics_shinyPlot descriptive statistics
plot_dot_plot_1dPlot 1d dot plot
plot_dot_plot_2dPlot 2d dot plot
plot_gsea_dotPlot GSEA hypergeometric test
plotHistogramPlot histogram
plot_mosaicPlot mosaic plot
plotPCAPlot PCA
plotRidgeplotPlot ridgeplot
plotScatterplotPlot a scatterplot
plotScreeplotPlot a screeplot
plotSilWidthsPlot sil-width data
plot_statisticsPlot distribution and results of statistical tests
plot_statistics_interactiveOpens interactive application
plot_violinPlot distribution and results of statistical tests
plotViolinplotPlot violinplot
print_gene_infoPrint gene information
process_and_shift_dfProcess a data.frame A wrapper around 'check_df_variables',...
proj_py_install_pkgsInstall Python Packages into a Virtual Environment
proj_py_pkg_installedCheck if a Python Package is Installed
proj_py_pkgsList Installed Python Packages
proj_py_use_venvUse a Specific Python Virtual Environment
proj_setupSet Up Project Directories with Optional Python Environment
pull_varPull var safely
pythagoras_theoremPythagoras theorem
rad2degrConvert radian to degree
radiusCompute circle radius
renameKeyVariableRename key variable
rename_safelySave wrapper around dplyr::rename()
rgx_lookaheadCreate lookahead/-behind regex
scale_color_add_onggplot2 - color add on
scaleDataScale data
scollapseCollapse with glue::glue_collapse
select_columnsWrapper around dplyr::select()
sequential_single_hueColor spectra names
setAnalysisAspectSet objects of class 'AnalysisAspect'
setDataSet data and key variables
set_data_hlprSet data helper
setInstructionSet instruction
shiny_fdbShow shiny - notifications
show_colorsVisualize colorpalettes and -spectra
slider_input_alphaSlider inputs
statistics_facet_wrapFacet wrap add on
statistics_geom_jitterGeom jitter add on
statistics_testsStat compare means
str_extract_beforeExtract string content with lookarounds
str_suggest_vecObtain string suggestions
synonyms_to_hgncMap gene synonyms to HGNC symbols
theme_statisticsTheme for statistic plots
unfactorWrapper around unfactor()
unique_safelyWrapper around unique and levels
validColorPalettesValid color inputs
validInputObtain valid input options
variable_classesObtain names with classes
variable_classes2Obtain classes with names
vselectSelect vector with tidyselect functions
wrap_standaloneRegex for standalone detection of words
wrap_stringsWrap all elements of a character vector
kueckelj/confuns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:19 a.m.