
Defines functions wrap_strings wrap_standalone

Documented in wrap_standalone wrap_strings

#' @title Regex for standalone detection of words
#' @export
wrap_standalone <- function(string, do = TRUE){


    x <- "[^A-Za-z0-9]" # letters or numbers

    string <- stringr::str_c(x, string, x)




#' @title Wrap all elements of a character vector
#' @param input An object that contains character strings.
#' @param wrap.in A character vector of length one or two.
#' If of length one: Pre- and Suffix of the results will be the same.
#' If of length two: \code{wrap.in[1]} will be the prefix. and \code{wrap.in[1]}
#' the suffix.
#' @return The provided R-object. All elements of the provided character vector
#' are wrapped with a pre- and suffix. If \code{input} is not of type vector the
#' return value from \code{base::names(\code{input})} will be wrapped accordingly.
#' @export

wrap_strings <- function(input, wrap.in = character()){


    stop("Argument 'wrap.in' needs to be of class 'vector'.")


  if(!base::length(wrap.in) %in% c(1, 2)){

    base::stop("Argument 'wrap.in' must be of lengtht 1 or 2.")

  } else if(base::length(wrap.in) == 1){

    wrap.in <- base::rep(x = wrap.in, 2)


  if(base::is.vector(input) && !base::is.list(input)){

    stringr::str_c(wrap.in[1], input, wrap.in[2], sep = "")

  } else {


      base::message("Input needs to have names if it is not of class vector. Returning unprocessed input.")

    } else {

      base::names(input) <-
        stringr::str_c(wrap.in[1], base::names(input), wrap.in[2], sep = "")




kueckelj/confuns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:19 a.m.