
Defines functions breed crossover

Documented in breed

# Function: breed
#' Breed the next generation
#' @description Breeding to create a new combination of predictors to use in
#'   the regression, via genetic crossover and mutation by default.
#' @param parents A tuple (2-list) of ordered numeric vectors,
#'   representing the parents which will breed. Each parent is
#'   represented by the indices of the genes which are active
#'   in its chromosome, e.g. c(1, 4, 7) corresponds to using the
#'   first, fourth, and seventh predictors in the regression.
#' @param C The length of chromosomes, i.e. the maximum number of
#'   possible predictors.
#' @param n Number of crossover points, up to a maximum of C - 1.
#' @param op An optional, user-specified genetic operator function
#'   to carry out the breeding.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the user-specific op
#'   function.
#' @return A tuple (2-list) of ordered numeric vector representing
#'   the two offspring produced by the breeding as indices of the
#'   genes (predictors) which are active in the chromosome (regression).
#' @examples
#' C <- 5 ## 5 genes / max number of predictors
#' ## parent generation of size 3
#' parent_gen <- list(list(c(1, 3), c(4)),
#'                    list(c(2, 3), c(1,4)),
#'                    list(c(3), c(1, 3, 4)))
#' ## list of numeric vectors representing the next generation
#' next_gen <- unlist(lapply(parent_gen, breed, C), FALSE, FALSE)

breed <- function(parents, C, n = 1, op = NULL, ...) {
  if (n >= C) {
    msg <- paste0("Number of crossover points is greater than ",
                  "chromosome length. Using default number of ",
                  "crossover points (1) instead.")
    n = 1

  if (!is.null(op)) {
    ## run user-provided genetic operation
    return(op(parents, C, ...))
  } else {
    ## default breeding with random crossover point
    ## and mutation chance of 1% at each gene

    parent1 <- parents[[1]]
    parent2 <- parents[[2]]

    ## random crossover points
    splits <- sort(sample(1:(C - 1), n))
    embryo1 <- crossover(splits, parent1, parent2)
    embryo2 <- crossover(splits, parent2, parent1)

    ## each gene/parameter has a 1% chance to be flipped on/off
    mutate1 <- which(runif(C) <= 0.01)
    mutate2 <- which(runif(C) <= 0.01)

    ## combine genes of embryo that are not mutated
    ## with those that are activated by the mutation
    child1 <- sort(c(setdiff(embryo1, mutate1),
                     setdiff(mutate1, embryo1)))
    child2 <- sort(c(setdiff(embryo2, mutate2),
                     setdiff(mutate2, embryo2)))

    if (length(child1) == length(child2) &&
        all(child1 == child2)) return(list(child1))
    else return(list(child1, child2))


crossover <- function(splits, parent1, parent2) {
  n <- length(splits)
  unlist(sapply(1:(n + 1), function(i) {
    if (i %% 2 == 1) {
      ## take genetic material from first parent
      if (i == 1) {
        parent1[parent1 <= splits[i]]
      } else if (i == n + 1) {
        parent1[parent1 > splits[n]]
      } else {
        parent1[parent1 > splits[i - 1] &
                  parent1 <= splits[i]]
    } else {
      ## take genetic material from second parent
      if (i == n + 1) {
        parent2[parent2 > splits[n]]
      } else {
        parent2[parent2 > splits[i - 1] &
                  parent2 <= splits[i]]
kunaljaydesai/GA documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:38 a.m.