
Defines functions centered_gibbs2

Documented in centered_gibbs2

#' centered_gibbs2
#' Gibbs sampler for centered 2-level Gaussian hierarchical model according to derived full conditionals
#' Assumptions:
#'   - variances are constant for parameters within the same level
#'   - all observations y_ijk are equal to 0
#'   - the mean of the root parameter B is mu = 0
#'   - assume a naive sampler where the variances are not updated
#' @param i number of nodes at level 1
#' @param j number of children nodes in level 2 per node at level 1
#' @param ndraws number of samples the user wants to have
#' @param burnin number of samples to throw away at the start as the gibbs sampler warms up
#' @param flat_prior determines whether to use the density with flat prior
#' @param tau variance of the root (level 0)
#' @param tau_a variance for parameters in level 1
#' @param tau_b variance for parameters in level 2
#' @param sigma_2 variance of the observations
#' @return list of means and the samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' i <- 2
#' j <- 3
#' ndraws <- 10000
#' burnin <- 1000
#' centered_gibbs2(i = i, j = j, ndraws = ndraws, burnin = burnin)
centered_gibbs2 <- function(i, j, ndraws, burnin, flat_prior = TRUE, tau = 1, tau_a = 1, tau_b = 1, sigma_2 = 1){

  # possible extensions:
  #     - note that for a truly independent sample to be obtained, only 1 in every m samples from the gibbs sampler
  #       should be retained where m is sufficiently large (since subsequent samples are highly correlated). this
  #       implementation does not take the correlation into account.

  # generate a matrix to store results and initialize at zero for all parameters
  #     - note that the labelling order is lexicographic: B_11, ..., B_ij, B_1, ..., B_i, B
  n <- i*j + i + 1
  means <- matrix(0, n, (ndraws + burnin))
  results <- matrix(0, n, (ndraws + burnin))

  for (a in 2:(ndraws+burnin)){

    # update of B_ij (level 2) and B_i (level 1)
    for (b in 1:i){
      for (c in 1:j){
        # update B_i,j first according to previous values of B_i
        means[((b-1)*j + c),a] <- results[(i*j + b),(a-1)] * sigma_2/(tau_b+sigma_2)
        results[((b-1)*j + c),a] <- stats::rnorm(1, means[((b-1)*j + c),a], sqrt((tau_b*sigma_2)/(tau_b+sigma_2)))

      # update B_i according to new values of B_ij and previous values of B
      means[(i*j + b),a] <- (tau_a * mean(results[((b-1)*j + 1):((b-1)*j + j),a]) + results[n,(a-1)] * tau_b/j) / (tau_a + tau_b/j)
      results[(i*j + b),a] <-  stats::rnorm(1, means[(i*j + b),a], sqrt((tau_a * tau_b/j)/(tau_a + tau_b/j)))

    # update of B according to new values of B_i
    if (flat_prior == TRUE){
      means[n,a] <- mean(results[(i*j+1):(n-1),a])
      results[n,a] <- stats::rnorm(1, means[n,a], sqrt(tau_a/i))

    } else{
      means[n,a] <- mean(results[(i*j+1):(n-1),a]) * tau / (tau_a/i + tau)
      results[n,a] <- stats::rnorm(1, means[n,a], sqrt((tau_a * tau/i) / (tau_a/i + tau)))


  # return a list with the means and the samples
  list(means = means, samples = results)
kwajiehao/ghInf documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:58 a.m.