
# summerby.oat.uniformity.R

# Reason not used:
# The heatmap shows that the field is hardly 'uniform' as claimed by the
# authors. Some plots were suppressed by the author due to flood damage,
# but clearly most of the top row should have been suppressed.

# Summerby, 1925.
# A Study of Sizes of Plats, Numbers of Replications, and the Frequency and Methods of using Check Plats, in Relation to Accuracy in Field Experiments.
# Agronomy Journal, 3, 140--150.

A study conducted at Cornell University, harvested in 1921.
The area investigated was 300 ft x 31 ft.
It was seeded to 300 oat rows 1 foot apart, 15 feet long, with a strip 1 foot between.
On account of flooding near one end of one of the series early in the spring, it was necessary to elimnate a number of rows.


dat <- read_csv("summerby.oat.uniformity.csv", col_names=FALSE)

dat <- as.matrix(dat)
colnames(dat) <- 0:9
rownames(dat) <- 0:51
dat <- melt(dat)
colnames(dat) <- c("row","col","yield")
dat <- transform(dat, plat=10*row+col)
dat <- subset(dat, !
dat <- dat[order(dat$plat),]

# now the 'field' coordinates
dat$row <- dat$col <- NULL

dat$row <- ifelse(dat$plat <65 | dat$plat >364, 2, 1)
dat$col <- NA
dat$col <- ifelse(dat$plat <65, dat$plat+236, dat$col)
dat$col <- ifelse(dat$plat>64 & dat$plat<365, 365-dat$plat, dat$col)
dat$col <- ifelse(dat$plat>364, dat$plat-364, dat$col)

desplot(dat, yield ~ col*row, aspect=31/300,
        main="summerby.oat") # true shape
kwstat/agridat documentation built on July 5, 2024, 1:07 a.m.