
The goal of T4mle is to ...


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Available Distributions for Estimation

We use following notations; B(a, b) a beta function.

| type | distribution | domain | parameter | |------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|---------------| | continuous | Beta | [0, 1] | α, β | | continuous | Beta-Prime | [0, ∞) | α, β | | continuous | Dagum | (0, ∞) | p, a, b | | continuous | Exponential | [0, ∞) | λ | | continuous | Folded-Normal | [0, ∞) | μ, σ | | continuous | Gamma | (0, ∞) | α, β | | continuous | Generalized Gamma | (0, ∞) | a, d, p | | continuous | Gompertz | [0, ∞) | η, b | | continuous | Gumbel | ℝ | μ, β | | continuous | Half-Normal | [0, ∞) | σ | | continuous | Inverse-Gamma | (0, ∞) | α, β | | continuous | Kumaraswamy | (0, 1) | a, b | | continuous | Lévy | [μ, ∞) | μ, c | | continuous | Log-Cauchy | (0, ∞) | μ, σ | | continuous | Log-Laplace | (0, ∞) | μ, b | | continuous | Log-Logistic | [0, ∞) | α, β | | continuous | Log-Normal | (0, ∞) | μ, σ | | continuous | Logit-Normal | (0, 1) | μ, σ | | continuous | Lomax | [0, ∞) | α, λ | | continuous | Nakagami | (0, ∞) | m, Ω | | continuous | Rayleigh | [0, ∞) | σ | | continuous | Shifted Gompertz | [0, ∞) | b, η | | continuous | Weibull | [0, ∞) | λ, k | | discrete | Bernoulli | {0, 1} | p | | discrete | Yule-Simon | {1, 2, …} | ρ |

kyoustat/T4mle documentation built on March 26, 2020, 12:09 a.m.