Man pages for kyoustat/T4mle
What the Package Does Using Title Case

Bernoulli(Weighted) MLE of Bernoulli Distribution
Beta(Weighted) MLE of Beta Distribution
BetaPrime(Weighted) MLE of Beta-Prime Distribution
Dagum(Weighted) MLE of Dagum Distribution
Exponential(Weighted) MLE of Exponential Distribution
FoldedNormal(Weighted) MLE of Folded Normal Distribution
Gamma(Weighted) MLE of Gamma Distribution
GenGamma(Weighted) MLE of Generalized Gamma Distribution
Gompertz(Weighted) MLE of Gompertz Distribution
Gumbel(Weighted) MLE of Gumbel Distribution
HalfNormal(Weighted) MLE of Half-Normal Distribution
InvGamma(Weighted) MLE of Inverse Gamma Distribution
Kumaraswamy(Weighted) MLE of Kumaraswamy Distribution
Levy(Weighted) MLE of Lévy Distribution
LogCauchy(Weighted) MLE of Log-Cauchy Distribution
LogitNormal(Weighted) MLE of Logit-Normal Distribution
LogLaplace(Weighted) MLE of Log-Laplace Distribution
LogLogistic(Weighted) MLE of Log-Logistic Distribution
LogNormal(Weighted) MLE of Log-Normal Distribution
Lomax(Weighted) MLE of Lomax Distribution
Nakagami(Weighted) MLE of Nakagami Distribution
package-T4mle_T4mle_ Package
Rayleigh(Weighted) MLE of Rayleigh Distribution
ShiftedGompertz(Weighted) MLE of Shifted Gompertz Distribution
Weibull(Weighted) MLE of Weibull Distribution
YuleSimon(Weighted) MLE of Yule-Simon Distribution
kyoustat/T4mle documentation built on March 26, 2020, 12:09 a.m.