Man pages for laderast/Consense
Consense: a package for evaluating multiple clusterings

autoCompareClusteringCompare Clusterings Automatically
betweenmetricsBetween-Method Metrics
chocellcycleCho Yeast Cell Cycle Dataset
choclustersOriginal Cho Cell Cycle Cluster Assignments
choresultsConsense Result Set for Cho Cell Cycle
clusterCentersCluster Center function
clusterListCluster List
clusterOutputClustering Output functions
ClusterReportCluster Report
CompareClusteringCompare Clusterings
countclusterproduce a vector of cluster counts of each cluster
getClusterInfoGet Clustering Info
homogeneityCalculates the homogeneity of a clustering.
IndexGeneIndex Gene
inspectTreeInspect Dendrograms
jaccardJaccard Index
separationAverage Separation of a clustering.
variationInformationVariation of Information
withinmetricsWithin-Method Metrics
laderast/Consense documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:32 p.m.