
Defines functions tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts

Documented in tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts

#' Add pairwise contrasts for categorical variables
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Computes pairwise contrasts with [emmeans::emmeans()] and add them to the
#' results tibble. Works only with models supported by `emmeans`, see
#' `vignette("models", package = "emmeans")`.
#' @note
#' If the `contrasts` column is not yet available in `x`,
#' [tidy_add_contrasts()] will be automatically applied.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' For multi-components models, such as zero-inflated Poisson or beta
#' regression, support of pairwise contrasts is still experimental.
#' @param x (`data.frame`)\cr
#' A tidy tibble as produced by `tidy_*()` functions.
#' @param variables include ([`tidy-select`][dplyr::dplyr_tidy_select])\cr
#' Variables for those pairwise contrasts should be added.
#' Default is  [all_categorical()].
#' @param keep_model_terms (`logical`)\cr
#' Keep terms from the model?
#' @param pairwise_reverse (`logical`)\cr
#' Determines whether to use `"pairwise"` (if `TRUE`)
#' or `"revpairwise"` (if `FALSE`), see [emmeans::contrast()].
#' @param contrasts_adjust (`string`)\cr
#' Optional adjustment method when computing contrasts,
#' see [emmeans::contrast()] (if `NULL`, use `emmeans` default).
#' @param conf.level (`numeric`)\cr
#' Confidence level, by default use the value indicated
#' previously in [tidy_and_attach()].
#' @param model (a model object, e.g. `glm`)\cr
#' The corresponding model, if not attached to `x`.
#' @inheritParams tidy_plus_plus
#' @export
#' @family tidy_helpers
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' if (.assert_package("emmeans", boolean = TRUE)) {
#'   mod1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
#'   mod1 |>
#'     tidy_and_attach() |>
#'     tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts()
#'   mod1 |>
#'     tidy_and_attach() |>
#'     tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts(pairwise_reverse = FALSE)
#'   mod1 |>
#'     tidy_and_attach() |>
#'     tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts(keep_model_terms = TRUE)
#'   mod1 |>
#'     tidy_and_attach() |>
#'     tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts(contrasts_adjust = "none")
#'   if (.assert_package("gtsummary", boolean = TRUE)) {
#'     mod2 <- glm(
#'       response ~ age + trt + grade,
#'       data = gtsummary::trial,
#'       family = binomial
#'     )
#'     mod2 |>
#'       tidy_and_attach(exponentiate = TRUE) |>
#'       tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts()
#'   }
#' }
tidy_add_pairwise_contrasts <- function(
    variables = all_categorical(),
    keep_model_terms = FALSE,
    pairwise_reverse = TRUE,
    contrasts_adjust = NULL,
    conf.level = attr(x, "conf.level"),
    emmeans_args = list(),
    model = tidy_get_model(x),
    quiet = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(model)) {
      "{.arg model} is not provided.",
      "You need to pass it or to use {.fn tidy_and_attach}."

  if (is.null(conf.level) || !is.numeric(conf.level)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg conf.level} is not provided. You need to pass it explicitely.")

  if (!"contrasts" %in% names(x)) {
    x <- x |> tidy_add_contrasts(model = model)

  .attributes <- .save_attributes(x)

  if (isTRUE(stringr::str_starts(.attributes$coefficients_type, "marginal"))) {
    cli::cli_abort("Pairwise contrasts are not compatible with marginal effects / contrasts / means / predictions.") # nolint

  if (is.null(conf.level)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Please specify {.arg conf.level}")

  # obtain character vector of selected variables
    data = scope_tidy(x),
    variables = {{ variables }}

  if (isTRUE(.attributes$exponentiate) && is.null(emmeans_args$type)) {
    emmeans_args$type <- "response"

  pc <- model_get_pairwise_contrasts(
    model = model,
    variables = variables,
    pairwise_reverse = pairwise_reverse,
    contrasts_adjust = contrasts_adjust,
    conf.level = conf.level,
    emmeans_args = emmeans_args

  x <- dplyr::bind_rows(x, pc) |>
    dplyr::mutate(variableF = forcats::fct_inorder(.data$variable)) |>
    dplyr::arrange(.data$variableF) |>
    tidyr::fill(all_of(c("var_class", "var_type", "var_nlevels"))) |>

  if (!keep_model_terms) {
    x <- x |>
        !(.data$variable %in% variables) | .data$contrasts_type == "pairwise"

  x |>
    tidy_attach_model(model = model, .attributes = .attributes)
larmarange/broom.helpers documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 12:35 a.m.