#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate ungroup
add_summaries <- function(aligned_topics) {
aligned_topics <- aligned_topics %>%
add_measure(topic_coherence) %>%
aligned_topics@topics <- aligned_topics@topics %>%
group_by(m) %>%
mutate(refinement = refinement * length(unique(k))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
#' Removes the refinement scores from the last set of models
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across if_else
#' @keywords internal
remove_summaries <- function(topics) {
topics %>%
refinement, # coherence:
~ if_else(m == last(levels(m)), NA_real_, .)
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
add_measure <- function(aligned_topics, fi=topic_coherence) {
all_topics <- topics(aligned_topics)
measure <- map_dfr(
.x = seq_len(nrow(all_topics)),
.f = ~ fi(all_topics$m[.], all_topics$k[.], aligned_topics)
aligned_topics@topics <- all_topics %>%
left_join(measure, by = c("m", "k"))
#' Computes the coherence score of a topic
#' The coherence score of a topic reflects how similar this topic is
#' to the other topics of the same path.
#' @param model The index of the model containing the topic whose coherence we
#' want
#' @param topic The index of the topic whose coherence we want, within the
#' current model
#' @param aligned_topics An alignment object on which the coherence scores
#' should be computed.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select rowwise left_join select rename group_by
#' summarize
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @keywords internal
topic_coherence <- function(model, topic, aligned_topics) {
all_topics <- topics(aligned_topics)
topic_path <- all_topics %>%
filter(m == model, k == topic) %>%
topic_peers <- weights(aligned_topics) %>%
all_topics %>%
select(m, k, path),
by = c("m", "k")) %>%
all_topics %>%
select(m, k, path) %>%
rename(m_next = m, k_next = k, path_next = path),
by = c("m_next", "k_next")
) %>%
((m == model) & (k == topic)) | ((m_next == model) & (k_next == topic)),
path == path_next
if (nrow(topic_peers) > 0) {
ans <- topic_peers %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(r_weight = min(fw_weight, bw_weight)) %>%
group_by(m, m_next) %>%
summarize(r_weight = sum(r_weight), .groups = "drop") %>%
summarize(coherence = mean(r_weight)) %>%
mutate(m = model, k = topic) %>%
select(m, k, coherence)
} else {
ans <- tibble(m = model, k = topic, coherence = 0)
#' Computes the refinement score of a topic
#' The refinement score of a topic reflects the average weight
#' that each of this topic's children attributes to that topic.
#' A topic with a high refinement score is a topic for which
#' all of the subsequent topics connected by some forward weight to
#' this topic have high backward weights to that topic.
#' @param model The index of the model containing the topic whose coherence we
#' want
#' @param topic The index of the topic whose coherence we want, within the
#' current model
#' @param aligned_topics An alignment object on which the coherence scores
#' should be computed.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate group_by summarize
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords internal
topic_refinement <- function(model, topic, aligned_topics) {
topic_descendants <- aligned_topics@weights %>%
filter(m == model, k == topic)
if (nrow(topic_descendants) > 0) {
ans <- topic_descendants %>%
mutate(r = fw_weight * bw_weight) %>%
group_by(m, k, m_next) %>%
summarize(r = sum(r), .groups = "drop") %>%
group_by(m, k) %>%
summarize(refinement = mean(r), .groups = "drop")
} else {
ans <- tibble(m = model, k = topic, refinement = 1)
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