Package: massFlowR
Authors: Elzbieta Lauzikaite
Date: r date()

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
Biocpkg <- function (pkg) {
    sprintf("[%s](", pkg, pkg)
## supressing progress bar
options(kpb.suppress_noninteractive = TRUE) 
## load libraries quietly to avoid printing messages in the vignette
out_directory <- getwd()
url_p <- ""
url_a <- ""


This documents provides an overview of the LC-MS data pre-processing with massFlowR.

massFlowR aligns and annotates structurally-related spectral peaks across LC-MS experiment samples. The pipeline consists of three stages:


Peak annotation

If in-house chemical reference database is available, feature table generated by the pipeline can be automatically annotated. For more details how to build a database file, see annotation using database).

See also

lauzikaite/massFlowR documentation built on April 29, 2020, 9:45 a.m.