
#' Internal API for query objects.
#' @param x `repository` object or an object to be turned into a `query`.
#' @rdname query-internal
new_query <- function (x) {
  structure(list(store   = x,
                 filter  = list(),
                 arrange = list(),
                 top_n   = NULL,
                 type    = 'raw'),
            class = 'query')

#' @param type make `x` be of type `type`.
#' @rdname query-internal
set_type <- function (x, type) {
  x$type <- type

# TODO a general query man page mentioning all categories of functions + specific pages (query, read, etc.)

#' Query the repository of artifacts.
#' @param x Object to be tested (`is_query()`, `is_artifacts()`, `is_commits()`),
#'        printed, cast as `query` (`as_query()`, `as_artifacts()`,
#'        `as_commits()`) or querried (verbs).
#' @rdname query
#' @name query

#' @description `as_query` creates a general `query`.
#' @export
#' @rdname query
as_query <- function (x) {
  if (is_query(x)) {
  if (is_object_store(x)) {
  if (is_repository(x)) {

  abort(glue("cannot coerce class '{first(class(x))}' to query"))

#' @description `reset_query` drops all filters and sets type to `"raw"`.
#' @export
#' @rdname query
reset_query <- function (x) {

#' @return `TRUE` if `x` inherits from `"query"`.
#' @export
#' @rdname query
is_query <- function (x) inherits(x, 'query')

is_raw <- function (x) is_query(x) && identical(x$type, 'raw')

#' @param indent string prepended to each line.
#' @inheritDotParams base::format
#' @importFrom rlang expr_deparse get_expr
#' @export
#' @rdname query
format.query <- function (x, indent = '  ', ...) {

  quos_text <- function (x) {
    join(map_chr(x, function (f) expr_deparse(get_expr(f))), ', ')

  # describe the source repo
  lines <- new_vector()
  lines$push_back(paste0('<repository:', toString(x$store), '>'))

  # print the full query
  for (part in c('select', 'filter', 'arrange', 'top_n', 'summarise')) {
    if (length(x[[part]])) {
      lines$push_back(paste0(part, '(', quos_text(x[[part]]), ')'))

  lines <- stri_paste(indent, lines$data())
  join(lines, ' %>%\n  ')

#' @export
#' @rdname query
print.query <- function (x, ...) {
  cat0(format(x), '\n')

#' @param .data `query` object.
#' @name query
#' @rdname query

#' @importFrom rlang quos
#' @export
#' @rdname query
filter.query <- function (.data, ...) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  .data$filter <- c(.data$filter, dots)

#' @importFrom rlang quos quo
#' @export
#' @rdname query
arrange.query <- function (.data, ...) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  .data$arrange <- c(.data$arrange, dots)

#' @inheritParams top_n
#' @importFrom rlang quos quo abort
#' @export
#' @rdname query
top_n.query <- function (.data, n, wt) {
  if (!missing(wt)) {
    abort("wt not yet supported in top_n")
  if (missing(n) || !is.numeric(n) || isFALSE(n > 0)) {
    abort("n has to be a non-negative number")

  .data$top_n <- n

#' @export
#' @rdname query
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
summarise.query <- function (.data, ...) {
  expr <- quos(...)

  if (!length(expr)) {
    abort("empty summary not supported")

  if (!is_all_named(expr)) {
    abort("all summary expressions need to be named")

  if (!only_n_summary(expr)) {
    abort("only the n() summary is supported")

  n <- length(match_ids(.data))
  with_names(tibble(n), names(expr))

# A stop-gap function: check if the only summary is n() and if so, returns TRUE.
# If there is no summary at all, returns FALSE.
# If there's an unsupported summary, throws an exception.
#' @importFrom rlang abort quo_squash
only_n_summary <- function (expr) {
  if (!length(expr)) return(FALSE)

  i <- map_lgl(expr, function (s) {
    e <- quo_squash(s)
    is.call(e) && identical(e, quote(n()))


# --- old code ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom rlang abort caller_env expr_text eval_tidy quos quo_get_expr
#' @rdname query
update <- function (.data, ...) {
  stopif(length(.data$select), length(.data$summarise), length(.data$arrange), length(.data$top_n))

  quos <- quos(...)
  e <- caller_env()

  ids <- match_ids(.data)
  lapply(ids, function (id) {
    tags <- storage::os_read_tags(.data$store, as_id(id))

    newt <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(quos), function (i) {
      n <- nth(names(quos), i)
      q <- nth(quos, i)

      if (nchar(n)) {
        return(with_names(list(eval_tidy(q, tags, e)), n))

      update_tag_values(quo_get_expr(q), tags)
    }), recursive = FALSE)

    storage::os_update_tags(.data$store, as_id(id), combine(newt, tags))

# --- internal ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom rlang quo
update_tag_values <- function (expr, tags) {
  what <- nth(expr, 1)
  stopifnot(identical(what, quote(append)) || identical(what, quote(remove)))

  where <- as.character(nth(expr, 2))
  if (!has_name(tags, where)) tags[[where]] <- character()

  e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  e$append <- function (where, what) union(where, what)
  e$remove <- function (where, what) setdiff(where, what)

  with_names(list(eval_tidy(expr, tags, e)), where)
lbartnik/repository documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:50 a.m.