
Defines functions brownfieldgrid_osm_nlud

Documented in brownfieldgrid_osm_nlud

#' Grid Maps of OSM and NLUD Brownfield Land
#' Function for creating grid maps of OSM and NLUD brownfield land for comparison.
#' @param Location A location in London
#' @return Grid map of OSM and NLUD brownfield land.
#' @examples
#' brownfieldgrid_osm_nlud("Limehouse, London")
#' @export

brownfieldgrid_osm_nlud = function(location) {
  register_google(key = "AIzaSyBncLCPbi1HBUVHR5SQfqPbVqoZkwYNTbE")
  # Geocode the location
  location = 
    location %>%
      as.data.frame(location) %>%
      mutate(location = as.character(location)) %>%

  # Extract the latitude and longitude
  lon = location$lon
  lat = location$lat
  # Set the bounding box
  bb = center_bbox(lon, lat, 1609, 1609)
  # Bounding box matrix for grid plotting
  bb_mat = as.matrix(bb)
  left = bb_mat[1,1]
  bottom = bb_mat[2,1]
  right = bb_mat[3,1]
  top = bb_mat[4,1]
  # Query data from bounding box
  bb = opq(bbox = bb)
  # Query Overpass API for OpenStreetMap data in bounding box
  b = bb  %>% add_osm_feature(key = 'highway')
  s_b = osmdata_sp(b)
  st  = bb %>% add_osm_feature(key = 'landuse', value = 'brownfield')
  s_st = osmdata_sp(st)
  # Set CRS
  wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
  highway_wgs_84 = spTransform(s_b$osm_lines, CRS(wgs84))
  if(nrow(s_st$osm_polygons) == 0) {brownfield_osm = 0} else{brownfield_wgs_84 = spTransform(s_st$osm_polygons, CRS(wgs84))}
  # Download the NLUD 2009-2010 brownfield shapefile from brownfieldgrids
  # Transform
  london_brownfield_wgs_84 = spTransform(brownfield_nlud_shp, CRS(wgs84))
  proj4string(london_brownfield_wgs_84) <- CRS(wgs84)
  proj4string(highway_wgs_84) <- CRS(wgs84)
  proj4string(london_brownfield_wgs_84) <- CRS(wgs84)
   # Plot the road network, OSM brownfield sites, NLUD data and bounding box
  plot(london_brownfield_wgs_84, col = "#0056b2", add = T, main = "")
  if(nrow(s_st$osm_polygons) == 0) {brownfield_osm = 0} else{sp::plot(brownfield_wgs_84, add = T, col = "#38f7ce", xlab = "")}
  rect(xleft=left, ybottom=bottom, xright=right, ytop=top, xpd=NA, lwd=1.7, border='black')
  # Scale bar and title
  addscalebar(widthhint = 0.1,
              unitcategory = "metric", htin = 0.1, padin = c(0.69, 0.1),
              style = "ticks", lwd = 0.9, plotepsg = 4326,
              linecol = "black", tick.cex = 0.7, labelpadin = 0.07, label.cex = 0.6,
              label.col = "black", pos = "bottomright")
  # Titles and subtitles
  title(main = "", xlab="Data: OSM, NLUD 2009-10", cex = 0.6)
  # Function for plotting legend
  # The function should be attributed to a Stackoverflow (Van Der Laan, 2014)
  # Van Der Laan, J. 2014. Plot a Legend Outside the Legend Area in Base Graphics. [Online]. [Accessed 29 November 2017]. Available from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3932038/plot-a-legend-outside-of-the-plotting-area-in-base-graphics/3932558
  add_legend = function(...) {
    opar <- par(fig=c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
                mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0), new=TRUE)
    plot(0, 0, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
  # Plot the legend
  palette = c("#38f7ce", "#0056b2", "black")
  land = c("OSM", "NLUD", "Streets")
  add_legend(-0.35, 1.1, legend=land, pch=19, col=palette, bty='n', horiz = T, cex=0.9, title = "")
lbuk/brownfieldgrids documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 10:39 a.m.