
Defines functions compute_density_values compute_type_m compute_type_s type_s_errors compute_alt_power alternative_power aggregate_precision aggregate_t1e aggregate_power aggregate_estimate compute_t1e compute_power compute_statistics replicate_simulation_vary replicate_simulation tidy_mixed extract_coefficients model_fit

Documented in compute_density_values compute_statistics extract_coefficients model_fit replicate_simulation

#' Tidy Model Fitting Function
#' @param data A data object, most likely generated from within simglm
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'     \item model_fit: These are arguments passed to the \code{\link{model_fit}}
#'       function. 
#'   }
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @export 
model_fit <- function(data, sim_args, ...) {
  model_args <- sim_args[['model_fit']]
  if(!is.null(model_args[['reg_weights_model']])) {
    model_args[['reg_weights_model']] <- NULL
  if(is.null(model_args[['model_function']])) {
    if(length(parse_formula(sim_args)[['randomeffect']]) == 0) {
      model_function <- 'lm'
      if(!is.null(sim_args[['outcome_type']])) {
        model_function <- 'glm'
    } else {
      model_function <- 'lmer'
      if(!is.null(sim_args[['outcome_type']])) {
        model_function <- 'glmer'
  } else {
    model_function <- model_args[['model_function']]
  if('id' %in% names(model_args)) {
    model_args[['id']] <- data[[model_args[['id']]]]
  if(is.null(model_args[['formula']])) {
    model_args[['formula']] <- sim_args[['formula']]
  model_args[['model_function']] <- NULL
              data = data)
  # purrr::invoke(model_function, 
  #               model_args, 
  #               data = data)

#' Extract Coefficients
#' @param model A returned model object from a fitted model.
#' @param extract_function A function that extracts model results. The 
#'   function must take the model object as the only argument.
#' @export 
extract_coefficients <- function(model, extract_function = NULL) {
  if(any(c('glmerMod', 'lmerMod') %in% class(model))) {
  } else {
    if(is.null(extract_function)) {
    } else {
      purrr::invoke(extract_function, model)

#' @importFrom methods selectMethod is
tidy_mixed <- function(model) {
  sum_fun <- methods::selectMethod("summary", class(model))
  ss <- sum_fun(model)
  mod_results <- stats::coef(ss) |> data.frame(check.names=FALSE)
  mod_results <- data.frame(term = rownames(mod_results), mod_results,
                            row.names = NULL)
  if(is(model, 'glmerMod')) {
    mod_results <- mod_results[, 1:4]
  names(mod_results) <- c('term', 'estimate', 'std.error', 'statistic')

#' Replicate Simulation
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'   }
#' @param return_list TRUE/FALSE indicating whether a full list output should be
#'   returned. If TRUE, the nested list is returned. If FALSE, replications are 
#'   combined with a replication id appended.
#' @param future.seed TRUE/FALSE or numeric. Default value is true, see 
#'   \code{\link[future.apply:future_lapply]{future_replicate}}.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @importFrom future.apply future_replicate
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @export 
replicate_simulation <- function(sim_args, return_list = FALSE, 
                                 future.seed = TRUE, ...) {
  if(is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']])) {
      sim_args[['replications']] <- 1
                                   simplify = FALSE,
                                   future.seed = future.seed)
  } else {
    replicate_simulation_vary(sim_args, return_list = FALSE,
                              future.seed = future.seed)

replicate_simulation_vary <- function(sim_args, return_list = FALSE,
                                      future.seed = TRUE) {
    sim_args[['replications']] <- 1
  within_conditions <- list_select(sim_args[['vary_arguments']],
                                   names = c('model_fit'),
                                   exclude = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
  between_conditions <- list_select(sim_args[['vary_arguments']],
                                    names = c('model_fit', 'power'),
                                    exclude = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
  between_conditions_name <- data.frame(sapply(expand.grid(between_conditions, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE),
  within_conditions_name <- data.frame(sapply(expand.grid(within_conditions, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE),

  sim_arguments <- parse_varyarguments(sim_args)
  if(length(within_conditions_name) > 0) {
    sim_arguments_w <- parse_varyarguments_w(sim_args, name = c('model_fit'))
    if(any(unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w),  function(xx) 
      sim_arguments_w[[xx]][['model_fit']] |> names())) == 'name')) {
      within_conditions_name <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w),  function(xx) 
      for(ss in seq_along(sim_arguments_w)) {
        sim_arguments_w[[ss]][['model_fit']][['name']] <- NULL
    simulation_out <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments), function(xx) {
                                     simplify = FALSE,
                                     future.seed = future.seed)
    }, future.seed = future.seed)
    power_out <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(simulation_out), function(xx) {
      future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(simulation_out[[xx]]), function(yy) {
        future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w), function(zz) {
        }, future.seed = future.seed)
      }, future.seed = future.seed)
    }, future.seed = future.seed)
  if(length(within_conditions_name) == 0) {
    power_out <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments), function(xx) {
                                     simplify = FALSE,
                                     future.seed = future.seed)
    }, future.seed = future.seed)
  if(return_list) {
  } else {
    power_df <- lapply(power_out, dplyr::bind_rows)
    num_rows <- unlist(lapply(power_df, nrow))
    rep_id <- lapply(seq_along(num_rows), function(xx) 
          each = num_rows[xx]/sim_args[['replications']]))
    if(length(within_conditions_name) > 0) {
      num_terms <- lapply(seq_along(power_out), function(xx)
        lapply(seq_along(power_out[[xx]]), function(yy)
          lapply(power_out[[xx]][[yy]], nrow))
      within_id <- rep(rep(seq_along(sim_arguments_w), 
      within_df <- data.frame(
        within_id = unique(within_id),
        within_names = within_conditions_name
      power_list <- lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments), function(xx) 
        data.frame(between_conditions_name[xx, , drop = FALSE],
                   replication = rep_id[[xx]],
                   within_id = within_id,
                   row.names = NULL
      power_list <- lapply(seq_along(power_list), function(xx) 
                         by = 'within_id')
    } else {
      power_list <- lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments), function(xx) 
        data.frame(between_conditions_name[xx, , drop = FALSE],
                   replication = rep_id[[xx]],
                   row.names = NULL

#' Compute Power, Type I Error, or Precision Statistics
#' @param data A list of model results generated by \code{\link{replicate_simulation}}
#'  function.
#' @param sim_args A named list with special model formula syntax. See details and examples
#'   for more information. The named list may contain the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item fixed: This is the fixed portion of the model (i.e. covariates)
#'     \item random: This is the random portion of the model (i.e. random effects)
#'     \item error: This is the error (i.e. residual term).
#'   }
#' @param power TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether power should be computed. 
#'  Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param type_1_error TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether type I error rate
#'  should be computed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param precision TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether precision should be 
#'  computed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param alternative_power TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether alternative 
#'  power estimates should be computed. If TRUE, this must be accompanied by 
#'  thresholds specified within the power simulation arguments. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param type_s_error TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether Type S error should
#'  be computed. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param type_m_error TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether Type M error should
#'  be computed. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate summarise group_by bind_rows
#' @importFrom rlang syms
#' @export
compute_statistics <- function(data, sim_args, power = TRUE, 
                               type_1_error = TRUE, precision = TRUE,
                               alternative_power = FALSE,
                               type_s_error = FALSE,
                               type_m_error = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(sim_args[['sample_size']])) {
    samp_size <- lapply(seq_along(data), function(xx) {
  } else {
    samp_size <- sim_args[['sample_size']]
  if(!is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']][['power']])) {
    sim_arguments_w <- parse_varyarguments_w(sim_args, name = 'power')
    within_conditions <- list_select(sim_args[['vary_arguments']],
                                     names = c('power'),
                                     exclude = FALSE)
    within_conditions_name <- data.frame(sapply(expand.grid(within_conditions, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE),
    power_args <- lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w), function(xx) 
      parse_power(sim_arguments_w[[xx]], samp_size)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']])) {
      sim_args_vary <- parse_varyarguments(sim_args)
      power_args <- lapply(seq_along(sim_args_vary), function(xx) 
        parse_power(sim_args_vary[[xx]], samp_size[[xx]]))
    } else {
      power_args <- parse_power(sim_args, samp_size)
  # if(is.null(sim_args[['model_fit']][['reg_weights_model']])) {
  #   reg_weights <- sim_args[['reg_weights']]
  # } else {
  #   reg_weights <- sim_args[['model_fit']][['reg_weights_model']]
  # }
  if(!is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']])) {
    data_list <- lapply(seq_along(data), function(xx) 
      split(data[[xx]], f = data[[xx]]['term']))
  } else {
    data_df <- do.call("rbind", data)

    data_list <- split(data_df, f = data_df['term'])
  if(!is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']][['power']])) {
    data_list <- lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w), function(yy) {
      lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
        cbind(compute_power(data_list[[xx]], power_args[[yy]][[xx]]),
              power_arg = within_conditions_name[yy, ], row.names = NULL)
    # data_list <- lapply(seq_along(sim_arguments_w), function(yy) {
    #   lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
    #     compute_t1e(data_list[[xx]], power_args[[yy]][[xx]], reg_weights = reg_weights[xx])
    #   }
    #   )
    # }
    # )
  } else {
    if(!is.null(sim_args[['vary_arguments']])) {
      data_list <- lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
        lapply(seq_along(data_list[[xx]]), function(yy) {
          compute_power(data_list[[xx]][[yy]], power_args[[xx]][[yy]])
      # data_list <- lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
      #   lapply(seq_along(data_list[[xx]]), function(yy) {
      #     compute_t1e(data_list[[xx]][[yy]], power_args[[xx]][[yy]])
      #   })
      # })
    } else {
      data_list <- lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
          compute_power(data_list[[xx]], power_args[[xx]])
      # data_list <- lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(xx) {
      #     compute_t1e(data_list[[xx]], power_args[[xx]])
      # })

  data_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_list)
  if(is.null(sim_args['vary_arguments'])) {
    group_vars <- c('term')
  } else {
    group_vars <- c(names(expand.grid(sim_args[['vary_arguments']], KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)),
    if(any(group_vars %in% 'power')) {
      group_vars <- gsub("power", "power_arg", group_vars)
  avg_estimates <- aggregate_estimate(data_df,
  if(alternative_power) {
    alt_power_est <- alternative_power(data_df,
                                       group_var = group_vars,
                                       quantiles = sim_args[['power']][['thresholds']])
    avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
                                      by = group_vars)
  if(type_s_error) {
    type_s <- type_s_errors(data_df, 
                            group_var = group_vars, 
                            sign = sim_args[['power']][['type_s_sign']])
    avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
                                      by = group_vars)
  # if(type_m_error){
  #   type_m <- type_m_s_errors(data_df, 
  #                             group_var = group_vars, 
  #                             sign = sim_args[['power']][['type_m_threshold']])
  #   avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
  #                                     type_m,
  #                                     by = group_vars)
  # }
  if(power) {
    power_computation <- aggregate_power(data_df, 
    avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
                                      by = group_vars)
  # if(type_1_error) {
  #   type_1_error_computation <- aggregate_t1e(data_df, 
  #                                             rlang::syms(group_vars))
  #   avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
  #                                     type_1_error_computation,
  #                                     by = group_vars)
  # }
  if(precision) {
    precision_computation <- aggregate_precision(data_df, 
    avg_estimates <- dplyr::full_join(avg_estimates, 
                                      by = group_vars)
  avg_estimates['replications'] <- sim_args['replications']

compute_power <- function(data, power_args) {
  # power_args <- parse_power(sim_args)
  if(power_args['direction'] == 'lower') {
    data |>
      mutate(reject = ifelse(statistic <= power_args['test_statistic'], 1, 0),
             test_statistic = power_args[['test_statistic']]) 
  } else {
    if(power_args['direction'] == 'upper') {
      data |>
        mutate(reject = ifelse(statistic >= power_args['test_statistic'], 1, 0),
               test_statistic = power_args[['test_statistic']]) 
    } else {
      data |>
        mutate(reject = ifelse(abs(statistic) >= power_args['test_statistic'], 1, 0),
               test_statistic = power_args[['test_statistic']]) 

compute_t1e <- function(data, t1e_args) {
  # fixed_vars <- strsplit(as.character(parse_formula(sim_args)[['fixed']]), "\\+")[[2]]
  # if(is.null(sim_args[['model_fit']][['reg_weights_model']])) {
  #   reg_weights <- sim_args[['reg_weights']]
  # } else {
  #   reg_weights <- sim_args[['model_fit']][['reg_weights_model']]
  # }
  # if(length(fixed_vars) != length(reg_weights)) {
  #   stop("Check reg_weights in model_fit simulation arguments, must specify 
  #        reg_weights if specifying model")
  # }
  if(t1e_args['direction'] == 'lower') {
    data |>
      mutate(adjusted_teststat = (estimate - t1e_args['reg_weights']) / std.error,
             t1e = ifelse(adjusted_teststat <= t1e_args['test_statistic'], 
                          1, 0))
  } else {
    if(t1e_args['direction'] == 'upper') {
      data |>
        mutate(adjusted_teststat = (estimate - t1e_args['reg_weights']) / std.error,
               t1e = ifelse(adjusted_teststat >= t1e_args['test_statistic'], 
                            1, 0))
    } else {
      data |>
        mutate(adjusted_teststat = (estimate - t1e_args['reg_weights']) / std.error,
               t1e = ifelse(abs(adjusted_teststat) >= t1e_args['test_statistic'], 
                            1, 0))

aggregate_estimate <- function(data, group_var) {
  group_by_var <- dplyr::quos(!!! group_var)
  data |>
    group_by(!!! group_by_var) |>
    summarise(avg_estimate = mean(estimate))

aggregate_power <- function(data, group_var) {
  group_by_var <- dplyr::quos(!!! group_var)
  data |>
    group_by(!!! group_by_var) |>
    summarise(power = mean(reject),
              avg_test_stat = mean(statistic),
              crit_value_power = unique(test_statistic))

aggregate_t1e <- function(data, group_var) {
  group_by_var <- dplyr::quos(!!! group_var)
  data |>
    group_by(!!! group_by_var) |>
    summarise(type_1_error = mean(t1e),
              avg_adjtest_stat = mean(adjusted_teststat),
              crit_value_t1e = unique(test_statistic))

#' @importFrom stats sd aggregate as.formula model.matrix rbinom rnorm rpois runif terms
aggregate_precision <- function(data, group_var) {
  group_by_var <- dplyr::quos(!!! group_var) 
  data |>
    group_by(!!! group_by_var) |>
    summarise(param_estimate_sd = sd(estimate),
              avg_standard_error = mean(std.error),
              precision_ratio = param_estimate_sd / avg_standard_error)

alternative_power <- function(data, group_var, 
                              quantiles) {
  data_list <- split(data, f = data[group_var])
  if(length(quantiles) != length(data_list)) {
    num_repeat <- length(data_list) / length(quantiles)
    rep_quant <- quantiles[rep(1:length(quantiles), each = num_repeat)]
  } else {
    rep_quant <- quantiles
  alt_power_out <- do.call('rbind.data.frame', lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(ii) {
    do.call('rbind.data.frame', lapply(seq_along(rep_quant[[ii]]), function(xx) {
      do.call("cbind", c(compute_alt_power(data_list[[ii]], rep_quant[[ii]][xx]), 
  names(alt_power_out) <- c('alt_power', 'threshold', group_var)
  #  <- lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(ii) {
  #   do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(quantiles[[ii]]), function(xx) {
  #     c(compute_alt_power(data_list[[ii]], quantile = quantiles[[ii]][xx]),
  #       names(data_list)[[ii]]) }
  #   ))}
  # )

compute_alt_power <- function(data, quantile) {
  if(quantile < 0) {
    c(mean(ifelse(data[['estimate']] <= quantile, 1, 0)), quantile)
  } else {
    c(mean(ifelse(data[['estimate']] >= quantile, 1, 0)), quantile)

type_s_errors <- function(data, group_var, sign = NULL) {
  data_list <- split(data, f = data[group_var])
  if(!is.null(sign)) {
    if(length(sign) != length(data_list)) {
      num_repeat <- length(data_list) / length(sign)
      rep_sign <- rep(sign, each = num_repeat)
    } else {
      rep_sign <- sign
    type_s <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(ii) {
      do.call("cbind", c(compute_type_s(data_list[[ii]], rep_sign[ii]), data_list[[ii]][group_var][1,]))
    names(type_s) <- c('type_s_error', 'sign', group_var)

compute_type_s <- function(data, sign) {
  if(sign == 'positive') {
    c(mean(ifelse(data[['estimate']] < 0, 1, 0)), sign)
  } else {
    c(mean(ifelse(data[['estimate']] > 0, 1, 0)), sign)

compute_type_m <- function(data, quantile) {

#' Convenience function for computing density values for plotting.
#' @param data A dataframe that contains the parameter estimates.
#' @param group_var A group variable that specifies the attributes to 
#' group by. By default, this would likely be the term attribute, but can 
#' contain more than one attribute.
#' @param parameter The attribute that represents the parameter estimate.
#' @param values A list of numeric vectors that specifies the values 
#' for which the density values are computed for.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats density
compute_density_values <- function(data, group_var, parameter,
                                   values) {
  data_list <- data |>
    split(f = data[group_var]) 
  dens_values <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(data_list), function(ii) 
                           quantiles = values[[ii]]), 
          names(data_list)[[ii]]), future.seed = TRUE
  dens_df <- do.call('rbind', dens_values)
  names(dens_df) <- c('x', 'y', group_var)
lebebr01/simglm documentation built on April 8, 2024, 9:03 p.m.