
context('fixed effect sim')
# test_that('sim_factor are discrete', {
#   expect_length(table(sim_factor(n = 100, numlevels = 4, 
#                                  prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                                  replace = TRUE,
#                           var_type = 'single')), 4)
#   expect_length(table(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100),numlevels = 4, 
#                                  prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                                  replace = TRUE,
#                                      var_type = 'level1')), 4)
#   expect_length(table(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), numlevels = 4, 
#                                  prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                                  replace = TRUE,
#                                      var_type = 'level2')), 4)
#   expect_length(table(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), k = 30, 
#                                  numlevels = 4, 
#                                  prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                                  replace = TRUE,
#                                      var_type = 'level3')), 4)
# })
# test_that('sim_factor errors', {
#   expect_error(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), numlevels = 4, 
#                           replace = FALSE,
#                           prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                           var_type = 'level2'))
#   expect_error(sim_factor(n = 100, numlevels = 4, replace = FALSE,
#                           prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25),
#                           var_type = 'single'))
#   expect_error(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), numlevels = 4, 
#                           replace = FALSE,
#                           prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25),
#                           var_type = 'level1'))
#   expect_error(sim_factor(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), k = 30, numlevels = 4, 
#                           replace = FALSE,
#                           prob = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), 
#                           var_type = 'level3'))
# })
# test_that('sim_continuous are continuous', {
#   expect_length(table(sim_continuous(n = 100, dist_fun = 'rnorm', 
#                                      mean = 0, sd = 1, 
#                                      var_type = 'single')), 100)
#   expect_length(table(sim_continuous(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), 
#                                      dist_fun = 'rnorm', mean = 0, sd = 1, 
#                                      var_type = 'level1')), 300)
#   expect_length(table(sim_continuous(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), 
#                                      dist_fun = 'rnorm', mean = 0, sd = 1, 
#                                      var_type = 'level2')), 100)
#   expect_length(table(sim_continuous(n = 100, p = rep(3, 100), k = 30, 
#                                      dist_fun = 'rnorm',
#                                      mean = 0, sd = 1, 
#                                      var_type = 'level3')), 30)
# })
test_that('number of columns, fixed generation', {
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + sex + type + sex:type,
    fixed = list(sex = list(var_type = 'factor', levels=c('fem','male')),
                 type = list(var_type = 'factor', levels = c('type1', 'type2', 'type3'))),
    error = list(variance = 0.2),
    sample_size = 150,
    reg_weights = c(0,0,1,2,0, 0)    ## less parameters than previous example!
    # outcome_type = 'count'
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 150)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 9)
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + sex + type + sex:type,
    fixed = list(sex = list(var_type = 'factor', levels=c('fem','male')),
                 type = list(var_type = 'factor', levels = c('type1', 'type2'))),
    error = list(variance = 0.2),
    sample_size = 250,
    reg_weights = c(0,0,1,2)    ## less parameters than previous example!
    # outcome_type = 'count'
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 250)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 7)
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + sex + type ,
    fixed = list(sex = list(var_type = 'factor', levels=c('fem','male')),
                 type = list(var_type = 'factor', levels = c('type1', 'type2', 'type3'))),
    error = list(variance = 0.2),
    sample_size = 250,
    reg_weights = c(0,0,1,2)    ## less parameters than previous example!
    # outcome_type = 'count'
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 250)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 7)
test_that('number of columns, categorical and continuous', {
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + turnover + type,
    fixed = list(turnover = list(var_type = 'continuous', mean = 10, sd = 3),
                 type = list(var_type = 'factor', levels = c('A','B','C'), prob = c(.2,.6,.2))),
    error = list(variance = 0.1),
    sample_size = 100,
    reg_weights = c(2, 0.01, 0.5, -0.25),
    outcome_type = 'poisson'
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 100)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 6)
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + turnover + type + turnover:type,
    fixed = list(turnover = list(var_type = 'continuous', mean = 10, sd = 3),
                 type = list(var_type = 'factor', levels = c('A','B','C'), prob = c(.2,.6,.2))),
    error = list(variance = 0.1),
    sample_size = 100,
    reg_weights = c(2, 0.01, 0.5, -0.25, -1, 0.1),
    outcome_type = 'poisson'
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 100)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)), 8)

test_that('knot sim', {
  sim_args <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1  + age + age_knot,
    fixed = list(age = list(var_type = 'ordinal', levels = 30:60)),
    knot = list(age_knot = list(variable = 'age', 
                                knot_locations = 50)),
    sample_size = 250,
    error = list(variance = 10),
    reg_weights = c(2, .5, 1.5)
  expect_equal(nrow(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_args = sim_args)), 250)
  expect_equal(ncol(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_args = sim_args)), 4)
  expect_equal(length(unique(simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_args = sim_args)[['age_knot']])), 2)

test_that("Ceiling and floor effects", {
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + turnover,
    fixed = list(turnover = list(var_type = 'continuous', mean = 10, sd = 3,
                                 ceiling = 15)),
    error = list(variance = 0.1),
    sample_size = 100
  tmp_data <- simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)
  expect_equal(15, max(tmp_data$turnover))
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + turnover,
    fixed = list(turnover = list(var_type = 'continuous', mean = 10, sd = 3,
                                 floor = 8)),
    error = list(variance = 0.1),
    sample_size = 100
  tmp_data <- simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)
  expect_equal(8, min(tmp_data$turnover))
  sim_arguments <- list(
    formula = y ~ 1 + turnover,
    fixed = list(turnover = list(var_type = 'continuous', mean = 10, sd = 3,
                                 floor = 8, ceiling = 12)),
    error = list(variance = 0.1),
    sample_size = 100
  tmp_data <- simulate_fixed(data = NULL, sim_arguments)
  expect_equal(8, min(tmp_data$turnover))
  expect_equal(12, max(tmp_data$turnover))
lebebr01/simglm documentation built on May 9, 2024, 7:27 p.m.