
Defines functions errDisc

Documented in errDisc

errDisc <-
  ##if the atom list has no names, add them
  if(length(names(atoms)) == 0)
      names(atoms) <- 1:length(atoms)

  ##if the list of posterior probabilities has no names, add them
  if(length(names(post.prob.genes)) == 0)
      names(post.prob.genes) <- 1:length(post.prob.genes)
  ##get number of atoms
  nr.atoms <- length(atoms)
  ##get all the genes in these atoms
  genes <- unique(unlist(atoms))
      ##get the number of genes
  nr.genes <- length(genes)
  ##if the genes are numeric, transform them to characters
  genes <- as.character(genes)
  ##only consider the genes among those in the atoms with posterior probs
  post.prob.genes <- post.prob.genes[genes]
  ##remove all the NAs (corresponding to genes in atoms but not in dataset)
  post.prob.genes <- post.prob.genes[!is.na(post.prob.genes)]
  ##transform all the genes to chars in case they're numeric
  atoms <- lapply(atoms, as.character)
  ##get rid of genes which are in atoms but not in dataset
  atoms <- lapply(atoms, intersect, names(post.prob.genes))
  ##initialize matrix which gets returned
  mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(atoms), ncol = 4)
  rownames(mat) <- names(atoms)
  colnames(mat) <- c("EFD", "EMD", "EFDR", "EMDR")
  ##get atom sizes
  atom.sizes <- sapply(atoms, length)
  ##get sum of posterior probs of genes in each atom
  sum.genes.in.atom <-
    sapply(atoms, function(genes.in.atom,
                           post.prob.genes) {
  ##get EMD
  ##this is the sum of the posterior probabilities of the genes
  ##outside the atom
  mat[, "EMD"] <- sum(post.prob.genes) - sum.genes.in.atom
  ##get EFD
  mat[,"EFD"] <- atom.sizes - sum.genes.in.atom
  ##get EMDR and EFDR
  mat[,"EMDR"] <- mat[,"EMD"]/(nr.genes-atom.sizes)
  mat[,"EFDR"] <- mat[,"EFD"]/atom.sizes
leekgroup/Set documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:30 p.m.