
Defines functions KrzProjection.list KrzProjection

Documented in KrzProjection KrzProjection.list

#' Compare matrices via Modified Krzanowski Correlation
#' Calculates the modified Krzanowski correlation between matrices,
#' projecting the variance in each principal  components of the first
#' matrix in to the ret.dim.2 components of the second matrix.
#' @param cov.x Single covariance matrix ou list of covariance matrices.
#' If cov.x is a single matrix is supplied, it is compared to cov.y.
#' If cov.x is a list of matrices is supplied and no cov.y is supplied, all matrices
#' are compared between each other.
#' If cov.x is a list of matrices and a single cov.y matrix is supplied, all matrices in list are compared to it.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to other methods
#' @param cov.y First argument is compared to cov.y.
#' If cov.x is a list, every element in cov.x is projected in cov.y.
#' @param ret.dim.1 number of retained dimensions for first matrix in comparison, default for nxn matrix is n/2-1
#' @param ret.dim.2 number of retained dimensions for second matrix in comparison, default for nxn matrix is n/2-1
#' @param parallel if TRUE computations are done in parallel. Some foreach back-end must be registered, like doParallel or doMC.
#' @param full.results if FALSE returns only total variance, if TRUE also per PC variance.
#' @return Ratio of projected variance to total variance, and ratio of projected total in each PC
#' @references Krzanowski, W. J. (1979). Between-Groups Comparison of Principal
#' Components. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(367),
#' 703. doi:10.2307/2286995
#' @author Diogo Melo, Guilherme Garcia
#' @seealso \code{\link{RandomSkewers}},\code{\link{MantelCor}}
#' @rdname KrzProjection
#' @export
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @examples
#' c1 <- RandomMatrix(10)
#' c2 <- RandomMatrix(10)
#' KrzProjection(c1, c2)
#' m.list <- RandomMatrix(10, 3)
#' KrzProjection(m.list)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, full.results = TRUE)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, ret.dim.1 = 5, ret.dim.2 = 4)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, ret.dim.1 = 4, ret.dim.2 = 5)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, c1)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, c1, full.results = TRUE)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' #Multiple threads can be used with some foreach backend library, like doMC or doParallel
#' library(doMC)
#' registerDoMC(cores = 2)
#' KrzProjection(m.list, parallel = TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords matrixcomparison
#' @keywords matrixcorrelation
#' @keywords Krzanowski

KrzProjection <- function(cov.x, cov.y, ...) UseMethod("KrzProjection")

#' @rdname KrzProjection
#' @method KrzProjection default
#' @export
KrzProjection.default <- function (cov.x, cov.y, ret.dim.1 = NULL, ret.dim.2 = NULL, ...) {
  num.traits <- dim(cov.x)[1]
  if (is.null(ret.dim.1))
    ret.dim.1 <- round(num.traits/2 - 1)
  if (is.null(ret.dim.2))
    ret.dim.2 <- round(num.traits/2 - 1)
  eigen.cov.x <- eigen(cov.x)
  eVal.1 <- eigen.cov.x$values
  eVec.1 <- eigen.cov.x$vectors
  eVar.1 <- t(aaply(1:num.traits, 1, function(n) eVec.1[,n]*sqrt(eVal.1[n])))
  eVec.2 <- eigen(cov.y)$vectors
  SumSq  <- function(x) sum(x^2)
  MapProjection  <- function(x) SumSq(t(aaply(1:ret.dim.2, 1, function(n) eVar.1[,x]%*%eVec.2[,n])))
  ProjectionNorms <- aaply(1:ret.dim.1, 1, MapProjection)
  output <- list(total.variation = sum(ProjectionNorms)/sum(eVal.1),
                 per.PC = ProjectionNorms/eVal.1[1:ret.dim.1])
  return (output)

#' @rdname KrzProjection
#' @method KrzProjection list
#' @export
KrzProjection.list <- function(cov.x, cov.y = NULL,
                               ret.dim.1 = NULL, ret.dim.2 = NULL,
                               parallel = FALSE, full.results = FALSE, ...){
      CompareToNProj <- function(n) llply(cov.x,
                                          function(x) {KrzProjection(x,
                                                                     ret.dim.1, ret.dim.2)},
                                          .parallel = parallel)
    } else{
      CompareToNProj <- function(n) llply(cov.x,
                                          function(x) {KrzProjection(x,
                                                                     ret.dim.1, ret.dim.2)[1]},
                                          .parallel = parallel)
    if(is.null(names(cov.x))) {names(cov.x) <- 1:length(cov.x)}
    comparisons.proj <- llply(names(cov.x),
                              .parallel = parallel)
      names(comparisons.proj) = names(cov.x)
    } else{
      comparisons.proj <- melt(comparisons.proj)
      comparisons.proj[,4] = names(cov.x)[(comparisons.proj[,4])]
      comparisons.proj = comparisons.proj[,-2]
      comparisons.proj = acast(comparisons.proj, L2~L1)[names(cov.x), names(cov.x)]
  } else{
      comparisons.proj <- llply(cov.x, function(x) {KrzProjection(x, cov.y, ret.dim.1, ret.dim.2)}, .parallel = parallel)
    } else{
      comparisons.proj <- laply(cov.x, function(x) {KrzProjection(x, cov.y, ret.dim.1, ret.dim.2)[1]}, .parallel = parallel)
      comparisons.proj <- ldply(comparisons.proj)
lem-usp/EvolQG documentation built on April 14, 2024, 6:21 a.m.