
Defines functions .draw_image plot_music_bass plot_music_guitar plot_music_tab plot_music_bc plot_music_tc plot_music .ktt .paper_snippet .prep_lyrics render_music_bass render_music_guitar render_music_tab render_music_bc render_music_tc render_music

Documented in plot_music plot_music_bass plot_music_bc plot_music_guitar plot_music_tab plot_music_tc render_music render_music_bass render_music_bc render_music_guitar render_music_tab render_music_tc

#' Render sheet music snippet with LilyPond
#' Render a sheet music/tablature snippet from a music object with LilyPond.
#' These functions allow you to render short, simple snippets of sheet music
#' directly from a `music` object. This is useful when you do not need to
#' build up from phrases to tracks to a full score. They treat `music` objects
#' as a single voice for a single track. This simplifies the possible output but
#' is very convenient when this is all you need.
#' These functions abstract the following pipeline,
#' `music |> phrase() |> track() |> score() |> render_*()`
#' for this simple edge case and directly expose the most relevant arguments.
#' All `header` list elements are character strings. The options for
#' `header` include the following.
#' * `title`
#' * `subtitle`
#' * `composer`
#' * `album`
#' * `arranger`
#' * `instrument`
#' * `meter`
#' * `opus`
#' * `piece`
#' * `poet`
#' * `copyright`
#' * `tagline`
#' All `paper` list elements are numeric except `page_numbers` and
#' `print_first_page_number`, which are logical. `page_numbers = FALSE`
#' suppresses all page numbering. When `page_numbers = TRUE`, you can set
#' `print_first_page_number = FALSE` to suppress printing of only the first
#' page number. `first_page_number` is the number of the first page,
#' defaulting to 1, and determines all subsequent page numbers. These arguments
#' correspond to LilyPond paper block variables.
#' The options for `paper` include the following and have the following default
#' values if not provided.
#' * `textheight = 220`
#' * `linewidth = 150`
#' * `indent = 0`
#' * `fontsize = 20`
#' * `page_numbers = FALSE`
#' * `print_first_page_number = TRUE`
#' * `first_page_number = 1`
#' `textheight = 150` is the default, but for music snippet rendering, a value
#' must be provided explicitly via `paper` when rendering to png. Otherwise for
#' png outputs the height is cropped automatically rather than remaining a full
#' page. See `lilypond()` for details.
#' Passing arguments to `header` can completely or partially prevent cropping in
#' both directions, which must then be done manually with `linewidth` and
#' `textheight`. This is all based on underlying LilyPond behavior.
#' If `music` contains lyrics and there are rests in the note sequence,
#' note-lyric alignment is maintained automatically when these functions
#' remove the lyric timesteps corresponding to the rests prior to sending to
#' LilyPond. LilyPond skips rests when engraving lyrics and expects a shortened
#' lyrics sequence in comparison to how `tabr` matches by timestep including
#' rests. This is in contrast to `track()`, for which you have to shorten the
#' lyrics object yourself prior to combining with a phrase object that has rests.
#' @param music a music object.
#' @param file character, output file ending in .pdf or .png.
#' @param clef character, include a music staff with the given clef. `NA` to
#' suppress. See `track()` for details.
#' @param tab logical, include tablature staff. `NA` to suppress. See `track()`.
#' @param tuning character, string tuning, only applies to tablature. See
#' `track()`.
#' @param string_names label strings at beginning of tab staff. `NULL` (default)
#' for non-standard tunings only, `TRUE` or `FALSE` for force on or off
#' completely.
#' @param header a named list of arguments passed to the header of the LilyPond
#' file. See `lilypond()` details.
#' @param paper a named list of arguments for the LilyPond file page layout. See
#' `lilypond()` details.
#' @param midi logical, also output an corresponding MIDI file.
#' @param colors a named list of LilyPond element color global overrides. See
#' `lilypond()` for details.
#' @param transparent logical, transparent background, png only.
#' @param res numeric, resolution, png only. `transparent = TRUE` may fail when
#' `res` exceeds ~150.
#' @param keep_ly logical, keep the intermediary LilyPond file.
#' @param simplify logical, uses `simplify_phrase()` to convert to simpler, more
#' efficient LilyPond syntax.
#' @return nothing returned; a file is written.
#' @export
#' @seealso [plot_music()], [phrase()], [track()], [score()], [lilypond()],
#' [tab()]
#' @examples
#' x <- "a,4;5*5 b,- c cgc'e'~ cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
#' x <- as_music(x)
#' y <- "a,,4;3*5 b,,- c, c,g,c~ c,g,c1 c4;1 g,;2 c,;3 g,;2 c,c1;31"
#' y <- as_music(y)
#' z <- as_music("a,4 b, r c~ c2 d", lyrics = as_lyrics("A2 B2 . C3 . D3"))
#' \dontrun{
#' if(tabr_options()$lilypond != ""){ # requires LilyPond installation
#'   outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "out.pdf")
#'   render_music(x, outfile)
#'   outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "out.png")
#'   render_music(x, outfile, "treble_8", tab = TRUE)
#'   render_music_tc(x, outfile)
#'   render_music_bc(x, outfile)
#'   render_music_tab(x, outfile)
#'   render_music_guitar(x, outfile)
#'   render_music_bass(y, outfile)
#'   # lyrics example
#'   render_music_guitar(z, outfile)
#' }
#' }
render_music <- function(music, file, clef = "treble", tab = FALSE,
                         tuning = "standard", string_names = NULL,
                         header = NULL, paper = NULL, midi = FALSE,
                         colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE, res = 150,
                         keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = clef, tab = tab, tuning = tuning, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, string_names, TRUE, midi,
        colors, TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_music
render_music_tc <- function(music, file, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                            midi = FALSE, colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE,
                            res = 150, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = "treble", tab = FALSE, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, FALSE, TRUE, midi, colors,
        TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_music
render_music_bc <- function(music, file, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                            midi = FALSE, colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE,
                            res = 150, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = "bass", tab = FALSE, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, FALSE, TRUE, midi, colors,
        TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_music
render_music_tab <- function(music, file, clef = NA, tuning = "standard",
                             string_names = NULL, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                             midi = FALSE, colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE,
                             res = 150, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = clef, tuning = tuning, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, string_names, TRUE, midi,
        colors, TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_music
render_music_guitar <- function(music, file, tuning = "standard",
                                string_names = NULL, header = NULL,
                                paper = NULL, midi = FALSE,
                                colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE, res = 150,
                                keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = "treble_8", tuning = tuning, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, string_names, TRUE, midi,
        colors, TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname render_music
render_music_bass <- function(music, file, tuning = "bass",
                              string_names = NULL, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                              midi = FALSE, colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE,
                              res = 150, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = TRUE){
  ktt <- .ktt(music)
  paper <- .paper_snippet(paper)
  lyrics <- .prep_lyrics(music)
  phrase(music) |>
    track(clef = "bass_8", tuning = tuning, lyrics = lyrics) |>
    score() |>
    tab(file, ktt[1], ktt[2], ktt[3], header, paper, string_names, TRUE, midi,
        colors, TRUE, transparent, res, keep_ly, simplify, FALSE)

.prep_lyrics <- function(x){
  y <- music_lyrics(x)
  if(all(is.na(y))) return(y)
  i1 <- which(note_is_rest(x))
  i2 <- grep("~", as_vector_time(x))
    i2 <- i2 + 1
    i2 <- i2[i2 %in% seq_along(x)]
    i1 <- unique(c(i1, i2))
  if(length(i1)) y[-i1] else y

.paper_snippet <- function(x){
  if(is.null(x$fontsize)) x$fontsize <- 20
  if(is.null(x$page_numbers)) x$page_numbers <- FALSE

.ktt <- function(x){
  c(music_key(x), music_time(x), music_tempo(x))

#' Plot sheet music snippet with LilyPond
#' These functions are wrappers around the `render_music*` functions. They
#' abstract the process of rendering a sheet music snippet to png and loading
#' the rendered image back into R to be displayed as a plot in an open graphics
#' device or inserted into an R Markdown code chunk.
#' While these functions abstract away the details of the process, this is not
#' the same as making the plot completely in R. R is only displaying the
#' intermediary png file. LilyPond is required to engrave the sheet music.
#' For R Markdown you can alternatively render the png using the corresponding
#' `render_music*` function and then place it in the document explicitly
#' using `knitr::include_graphics()`. See [render_music()] for more details.
#' @param music a music object.
#' @param header a named list of arguments passed to the header of the LilyPond
#' file. See `lilypond()` details.
#' @param paper a named list of arguments for the LilyPond file page layout. See
#' `lilypond()` details.
#' @param clef character, include a music staff with the given clef. `NA` to
#' suppress. See `track()` for details.
#' @param tab logical, include tablature staff. `NA` to suppress. See `track()`.
#' @param tuning character, string tuning, only applies to tablature. See
#' `track()`.
#' @param string_names label strings at beginning of tab staff. `NULL` (default)
#' for non-standard tunings only, `TRUE` or `FALSE` for force on or off
#' completely.
#' @param colors a named list of LilyPond element color global overrides. See
#' `lilypond()` for details.
#' @param transparent logical, transparent background for intermediate png file.
#' @param res numeric, resolution, png only. Defaults to 300.
#' @return a plot
#' @export
#' @seealso [render_music()], [phrase()], [track()], [score()], [lilypond()],
#' [tab()]
#' @examples
#' x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4- c4 cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
#' x <- as_music(x)
#' y <- "a,,4;3*5 b,,4- c,4 c,g,c~4 c,g,c1 c4;1 g,;2 c,;3 g,;2 c,c1;31"
#' y <- as_music(y)
#' \dontrun{
#' if(tabr_options()$lilypond != ""){ # requires LilyPond installation
#'   plot_music(x)
#'   plot_music(x, "treble_8", tab = TRUE)
#'   plot_music_tc(x)
#'   plot_music_bc(x)
#'   plot_music_tab(x)
#'   plot_music_guitar(x)
#'   plot_music_bass(y)
#' }
#' }
plot_music <- function(music, clef = "treble", tab = FALSE, tuning = "standard",
                       string_names = NULL, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                       colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music(music, file, clef, tab, tuning, string_names, header, paper,
               midi = FALSE, colors, transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE,
               simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_music
plot_music_tc <- function(music, header = NULL, paper = NULL, colors = NULL,
                          transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music_tc(music, file, header, paper, midi = FALSE, colors,
                  transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_music
plot_music_bc <- function(music, header = NULL, paper = NULL, colors = NULL,
                          transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music_bc(music, file, header, paper, midi = FALSE, colors,
                  transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_music
plot_music_tab <- function(music, clef = NA, tuning = "standard",
                           string_names = NULL, header = NULL, paper = NULL,
                           colors = NULL, transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music_tab(music, file, clef, tuning, string_names, header, paper,
                   midi = FALSE, colors, transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE,
                   simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_music
plot_music_guitar <- function(music, tuning = "standard", string_names = NULL,
                              header = NULL, paper = NULL, colors = NULL,
                              transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music_guitar(music, file, tuning, string_names, header, paper,
                      midi = FALSE, colors, transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE,
                      simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot_music
plot_music_bass <- function(music, tuning = "bass", string_names = FALSE,
                            header = NULL, paper = NULL, colors = NULL,
                            transparent = FALSE, res = 300){
  file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  render_music_bass(music, file, tuning = "bass", string_names, header, paper,
                    midi = FALSE, colors, transparent, res, keep_ly = FALSE,
                    simplify = FALSE)
  unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' @importFrom graphics par plot.new rasterImage
.draw_image <- function(file){
    x <- "Please install the `png` package to read png files made by LilyPond."
  img <- png::readPNG(file)
  op <- par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  u <- par()$usr
  p <- par()$pin
  asp <- dim(img)[1] / dim(img)[2]
  width <- if(asp <= 1) 1 else 1 / asp
  height <- (u[4] - u[3]) / p[2]
  w <- width / (u[2] - u[1]) * p[1]
  h <- if(asp <= 1) w * asp * height else 1
  rasterImage(img, 0.5 - width / 2, 0.5 - h / 2, 0.5 + width / 2, 0.5 + h / 2,
              interpolate = TRUE)
leonawicz/tabr documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:23 p.m.