Man pages for leonjessen/SigniSite
Analysis of Genotype-phenotype correlations in protein multiple sequence alignments

correct_z_matrixCorrect a matrix of z-scores for multiple testing
get_consensusGet the consensus sequence from a multiple sequence alignment
get_signisite_zscoresCompute the SigniSite z-scores
get_valuesExtract white space separated end-placed values from a set of...
helloHello, World!
plot_signisite_logoPlot the results of a SigniSite analysis as a sequence logo
read_fastaRead a fasta file
rm_ns_positionsRemove positions where no significant association was...
signisite_zmatRun the SigniSite workflow
tie_c_factorCompute the tie correction factor
leonjessen/SigniSite documentation built on May 2, 2020, 6:31 a.m.