
Defines functions weightcdf

Documented in weightcdf

### Dec. 8, 2010 simple weighted cdf
################################### changed weight of stations
#' Simple weighted cdf
#' Uses wtd.quantile() from Hmisc.
#' @param df1 ; default = my.samp
#' @param ss Species crosstabed data; default = "ss" from global environment.
#' @param SampID Site/sample id column; default = "Sample.ID"
#' @param xvar variable on which to base calculations; default  = "cond"
#' @param nt Minimum number of occurence; default = 25.
#' @param log A boolean for if the values should be log (base 10) transformed; default = TRUE
#' @param np Number of bins; default = 61.
#' @return data frame: taxaname, XC95.all, N
#' @keywords logistic regression, quantiles, xc95, hc05, cdf, gam, taxon response
#' @examples
#' ### Step 1A. use samples to calcualte HC05
#' ### basic models for season, and ecoregion
#' allyear <- weightcdf(df1 = bio.sample[!is.na(bio.sample$lgSO4HCO3),], ss = ss, SampID = "Sample.ID", xvar = "lgSO4HCO3", nt = 25)
#' @export
weightcdf <- function(df1 = my.samp, ss = ss, SampID = "Sample.ID", xvar = "cond", nt = 25,
        log = TRUE, np = 61) {##FUNCTION.weightcdf.START

  df1 <- merge(df1, ss, by = SampID)
  tnames <- names(ss)[-1]

  df1 <- df1[, c(SampID, tnames, xvar)]
  #df1 <- na.omit(df1)

  numocc <- apply(df1[, tnames], 2, function(x) sum((x>0), na.rm =T))
  tnames.sav <- names(numocc)[numocc >= nt]

  cutp <- seq(from = min(df1[,xvar]), to = max(df1[,xvar]), length = np)

  cutm <- 0.5*(cutp[-1] + cutp[-np])
  df1$cutf <- cut(df1[,xvar], cutp, include.lowest = T, labels = 1:(np-1))

  wt <- 1/table(df1$cutf)
  wt[is.infinite(wt)] <- NA
  wt <- wt/sum(wt, na.rm = T)

  dftemp1 <- data.frame(cutf = names(wt), wt = as.vector(wt))

  df1 <- merge(df1, dftemp1, by = "cutf")

  tolval.e <- rep(NA, times = length(tnames.sav))

  cnew <- seq(from = min(df1[,xvar]), to = max(df1[,xvar]), length = 100)
  new.data <- data.frame(cond = cnew)

  cond.u <- sort(unique(df1[,xvar]))

  for (i in 1:length(tnames.sav)) {##FOR.i.START
      resp <- df1[, tnames.sav[i]] > 0
      df2 <- df1[resp,]

      tolval.e[i] <- Hmisc::wtd.quantile(df2[,xvar], df2$wt, normwt = TRUE, prob = 0.95)   ### R buildin ecdf function


  if(log) XC95.all = round(10^tolval.e)
  else   XC95.all = round(tolval.e, 1)
  dftv <- data.frame(taxaname = tnames.sav, XC95.all = XC95.all,
                     N = as.vector(numocc[numocc >= nt]), stringsAsFactors = F)
  dftv <- dftv[order(dftv$XC95.all),]


leppott/InvertExtirp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 5:58 p.m.