
Defines functions imputeDF impute

Documented in impute imputeDF

#' Impute Censored Values   
#' Impute value for multiply censored data.
#' @param x vector of type survival::Surv
#' @param imputeOption imputation method [default= "mid"], valid impute options
#'   are "lower", "upper", "mid", "norm", "lnorm"
#' @details
#' The imputeOption values of \code{"lower"}, \code{"upper"} and \code{"mid"}
#' impute the lower limit, upper limit, and midpoint between the lower and upper
#' limit. In the context of typical water quality data, these options would be
#' equivalent to zero, detection limit and 1/2 detection limit substitution.
#' Options for substituting the normal [\code{"norm"}] or lognormal
#' [\code{"lnorm"}] expectation can also be used.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x  <- dataCensored[1:20,"tdp"]
#' x.lower <- impute(x,'lower')
#' x.mid   <- impute(x,'mid')
#' x.upper <- impute(x,'upper')
#' x.norm  <- impute(x,'norm')
#' x.lnorm <- impute(x,'lnorm')
#' }
#' @return vector where x is transformed into a simple numeric variable
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSurvDF}},  \code{\link{unSurvDF}}
#' ,  \code{\link{unSurv}},  \code{\link{imputeDF}},  \code{\link{imputeDF}},  
#' @export
impute <-function(x, imputeOption="mid") { 
# ----- Change history --------------------------------------------
# 22May2020: JBH: Converted to survival::Surv objects  
# 01Jun2018: JBH: Updated impute function to include maximum likelihood
#                 estimation assuming normal and lognormal distribution
# 01May2018: JBH: changed function name from .impute to impute; focus
#                 lower, mid and upper options; accomodate NAs
# 11Oct2016: JBH: corrected documentation, switched to explicit '::'
#                 for external function calls 

# Initialization ####
  # Set valid imputeOption
  validImpute <- c("lower", "upper", "mid", "uniform", "norm", "lnorm")  

# Error traps ####
  # Error trap ... make sure x variable is a qw class
  if (!(class(x) %in% c("Surv"))) {
    stop("input vector not of type Surv.")
  # Error trap ... make sure imputeOption is one of the valid choices
  if (!(imputeOption %in% validImpute)) {
    stop("imputeOption not valid.")
  ### If there are -Inf lower limits or Inf upper limits, then reset the 
  ###    lower and upper limits to address -Inf and Inf values
  # extract lower and upper limits from Surv object
  x <- unSurv(x)
  if (any(x[,1] == -Inf, na.rm=TRUE) | any(x[,2] == Inf, na.rm=TRUE)) {  
    # pull out lower/upper values into easy-to-read vectors
    lower  <- x[,1]
    upper  <- x[,2]
    # compute lower reset: 25% lower than smallest value 
    lowerReset1 <- min( lower [!(lower == -Inf)] , na.rm=TRUE) # smallest lower
    lowerReset2 <- min( upper [!(upper == -Inf)] , na.rm=TRUE) # smallest upper
    lowerReset  <- min(lowerReset1, lowerReset2, na.rm=TRUE) - 
      0.25 * abs(min(lowerReset1, lowerReset2, na.rm=TRUE))
    # compute upper reset: 25% larger than non-Inf value
    upperReset1 <- max( lower [!(lower == Inf)], na.rm=TRUE) 
    # largest non-Inf lower
    upperReset2 <- max( upper [!(upper == Inf)], na.rm=TRUE) 
    # largest non-Inf upper
    upperReset  <- max(upperReset1, upperReset2, na.rm=TRUE) + 
      0.25 * abs(max(upperReset1, upperReset2, na.rm=TRUE))
    # apply lower and upper reset values
    x[x[,1] == -Inf , 1] <- lowerReset
    x[x[,2] ==  Inf , 2] <- upperReset  

# Impute censored values ####
  # 01May2018: update to accomodate vector with NA's
  # recreate Surv object after addressing non-finite boundaries
  x2 <- survival::Surv(time = x[,1], time2 = x[,2], type = "interval2")
  # vector of NAs to receive imputted results
  x3 <- rep(NA,nrow(x))
  # logical vector identifying data presence
  not.miss <- !is.na(x[,1])
  # implement imputation, writing results into x3
  if (imputeOption == "lower") {
    x3 <- x[,1]
  } else if (imputeOption == "upper") {
    x3 <- x[,2]
  } else if (imputeOption == "mid") {
    x3 <- 0.5 * (x[,1] + x[,2])
  } else if (imputeOption == "uniform") {
    x3[not.miss] <- stats::runif(sum(not.miss), x[not.miss,1], x[not.miss,2])
  } else if (imputeOption == "norm") {
    myData1 <- data.frame(x=x2[not.miss], left=x[not.miss,1]
                          , right=x[not.miss,2])
    fn1     <- fitdistrplus::fitdistcens(myData1, distr="norm")
    mu.norm <- fn1$estimate[1]
    sd.norm <- fn1$estimate[2]
    myData1$normExpec <- .ExpNmCens(myData1,dep="x",mu.norm,sd.norm)[,1]
    x3[not.miss] <- myData1$normExpec
  } else if (imputeOption == "lnorm") {
    myData1  <- data.frame(x=x2[not.miss], left=x[not.miss,1]
                           , right=x[not.miss,2])
    fn1      <- fitdistrplus::fitdistcens(myData1, distr="lnorm")
    mu.lnorm <- fn1$estimate[1]
    sd.lnorm <- fn1$estimate[2]
    myData1$lnormExpec <- .ExpLNmCens(myData1,dep="x",mu.lnorm,sd.lnorm)[,1]
    x3[not.miss] <- myData1$lnormExpec
  x <- x3

# Return ####   

#' Impute Censored Values in dataframes   
#' Impute value for multiply censored data in data frames
#' @param df dataframe 
#' @param imputeOption imputation method [default= "mid"], valid impute options
#'   are "lower", "upper", "mid", "norm", "lnorm"
#' @details
#' The imputeOption values of \code{"lower"}, \code{"upper"} and \code{"mid"}
#' impute the lower limit, upper limit, and midpoint between the lower and upper
#' limit. In the context of typical water quality data, these options would be
#' equivalent to zero, detection limit and 1/2 detection limit substitution.
#' Options for substituting the normal [\code{"norm"}] or lognormal
#' [\code{"lnorm"}] expectation can also be used.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df  <- dataCensored[1:20, ]
#' df.lower <- imputeDF(df,'lower')
#' df.mid   <- imputeDF(df,'mid')
#' df.upper <- imputeDF(df,'upper')
#' df.norm  <- imputeDF(df,'norm')
#' df.lnorm <- imputeDF(df,'lnorm')
#' }
#' @return dataframe where fields with censored data (i.e., Surv objects) are
#'   transformed into a simple numeric fields
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSurvDF}},  \code{\link{unSurvDF}}
#' ,  \code{\link{unSurv}},  \code{\link{impute}},  \code{\link{imputeDF}},  
#' @export
imputeDF <- function(df, imputeOption = "mid") {
  # Initialization & Error Traps ####
    # Set valid imputeOption
    validImpute <- c("lower", "upper", "mid", "uniform", "norm", "lnorm")  
    # Error trap ... make sure df variable is a data frame
    if (!(class(df) %in% c("data.frame"))) {
      stop("input vector not of type Surv.")
    # Error trap ... make sure imputeOption is one of the valid choices
    if (!(imputeOption %in% validImpute)) {
      stop("imputeOption not valid.")
  # Convert and return data frame ####
    i <- sapply(df,survival::is.Surv)
    df2 <- cbind(df[!i], sapply(df[i], impute, imputeOption=imputeOption))
    df2 <- df2[,names(df)]

#' # simCensored ####
#' #' Fit normal or log normal distribution; simulation in censored data
#' #' provided by Elgin Perry
#' #' phi.left and phi.right are distribution function, e.g., 
#' # pnorm(q=10,mean=10,sd=1) =0.5
#' #' phi.sim is a uniform random number between phi.left and phi.right
#' #' sim is imputed value
#' #' 
#' #' @param x data
#' #' @param distr Distribution type; norm (default) or lnorm
#' #' @return qnorm (or qlnorm) values for input data
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @export
#' .simCensored <- function(x,distr="norm") {
#'   # 12Mar2019: EWL: Added roxygen documentation  
#'   tmp <- data.frame(left = x@.Data[,1], 
#'                     right = x@.Data[,2])
#'   fn1 <- fitdistrplus::fitdistcens(tmp, distr=distr)
#'   summary(fn1)
#'   if(distr=="norm")
#'   {                    
#'     tmp$phi.left  <- stats::pnorm(tmp$left,mean=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                   ,sd=fn1$estimate[2])
#'     tmp$phi.right <- stats::pnorm(tmp$right,mean=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                   ,sd=fn1$estimate[2])
#'     tmp$phi.sim   <- stats::runif(nrow(tmp),tmp$phi.left,tmp$phi.right)
#'     tmp$sim       <- stats::qnorm(tmp$phi.sim,mean=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                   ,sd=fn1$estimate[2])
#'   }
#'   if(distr=="lnorm")
#'   {                    
#'     tmp$phi.left  <- stats::plnorm(tmp$left,meanlog=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                    ,sdlog=fn1$estimate[2])
#'     tmp$phi.right <- stats::plnorm(tmp$right,meanlog=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                    ,sdlog=fn1$estimate[2])
#'     tmp$phi.sim   <- stats::runif(nrow(tmp),tmp$phi.left,tmp$phi.right)
#'     tmp$sim       <- stats::qlnorm(tmp$phi.sim,meanlog=fn1$estimate[1]
#'                                    ,sdlog=fn1$estimate[2])
#'   }
#'   return(tmp$sim)
#' }
leppott/baytrends033 documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 9:27 a.m.