#create a stochastic impuation function to easily create results over different missing rates
StochasticImpute_rep <- function(data, missing_rate)
X.raw=data #create dataframe that is just the marker data
X=X.raw#create a copy of the dataframe to work on
#Set variables to be used to randomize missing values
n=nrow(X.raw) #rows of data
m=ncol(X.raw) #columns of data
dp=m*n #dp gives the total # of data points - use for % calculation later
uv=runif(dp) #uniform variable
#We are now ready to set each missing rate
mr1=missing_rate# missing rate (how much percentage of data is NA)
#Converts each uniform vector into a series of TRUE/FALSE where each TRUE is a missing variable
#Returns the true rate of missing generated to ensure function worked
#Creates a matrix of true/false values corresponding to dataframe X in layout
index.m=matrix(missing1,n,m)#Format indicator as matrix
#Changes "missing" (TRUE) values to read "NA" and puts them in matrix/dataframe X
fn=colSums(X,na.rm=T) # sum of genotypes for all individuals
fc=colSums(floor(X/3+1),na.rm=T) #count number of non missing individuals
fa=fn/(2*fc) #Frequency of allele "2"
for(i in 1:m){
index.a=runif(n)<fa[i]#if above requency and na include in index 2
index.m0=!index.a&index.na #if not in index 2 include in index 0
X[index.m2,i]=2 #impute 2
X[index.m0,i]=0 #impute 1
accuracy.r=cor(X.raw[index.m],X[index.m], use = 'complete.obs')#correlation accuracy
index.match=X.raw==X #match index
accuracy.m=length(X[index.mm])/length(X[index.m]) #proportion of match accuracy
accsi=c(accuracy.r, accuracy.m)
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