
Defines functions read_vcf write_vcf numeric_2_VCF

# This function will convert a GAPIT formatted numeric genotypes with a marker map into a BEAGLE compatible VCF file (https://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/beagle_5.1_08Nov19.pdf)
numeric_2_VCF <- function(genotypes, marker_map)
  # Set constants
  ref_default <- 'A' # Default reference base, set to A arbitrarily
  alt_default <- 'T' # Default alternate base, set to T arbitrarily
  qual_default <- 60 # Default qualtiy score, set to a very high value (in case quality matters...)
  meta_cols <- 9 # There are 9 marker data columns before the actual genotypes
  n_markers <- ncol(genotypes)
  n_samples <- nrow(genotypes)

  # Format the genotype table to match VCF specifications
  vcf_table <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = meta_cols+n_samples, nrow = n_markers)) # Create a data frame to store both marker metadata and genotypes
  names(vcf_table) <- c("CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT", row.names(genotypes))

  # Transpose the genotype matrix to match the VCF
  vcf_genotypes <- matrix(nrow = nrow(genotypes), ncol = ncol(genotypes))
  vcf_genotypes[genotypes == 0] <- "0/0"
  vcf_genotypes[genotypes == 1] <- "0/1"
  vcf_genotypes[genotypes == 2] <- "1/1"
  vcf_genotypes[is.na(genotypes)] <- "./."

  vcf_genotypes <- t(vcf_genotypes)

  vcf_table[,(meta_cols + 1):ncol(vcf_table)] <- vcf_genotypes

  # Add in metadata from the map table
  vcf_table$CHROM <- marker_map$chr
  vcf_table$ID <- marker_map$rs
  vcf_table$POS <- marker_map$pos
  vcf_table$REF <- ref_default
  vcf_table$ALT <- alt_default
  vcf_table$QUAL <- qual_default
  vcf_table$FILTER <- "PASS"
  vcf_table$INFO <- "None"
  vcf_table$FORMAT <- "GT"


# This function will write a VCF to a text file in the proper format
write_vcf <- function(vcf_genotypes, outfile)
  # Set constants
  VCF_version = 4.2 # (This might be incorporated as a feature in the future for different methods for different versions)

  sink(paste(outfile, ".vcf", sep = "")) # Redirect all R output to the specified file
  cat(paste("##fileformat=VCFv", VCF_version, "\n", sep = '')) # Write the first line representing theversion
  sink() # Close redirection

  write.table(vcf_genotypes, file = paste(outfile, ".vcf", sep = ""), append = T, quote = F, sep = "\t", na = ".", row.names = F, col.names = T) # Append the vcf_table to the output file with proper seperators

# This function will read a VCF file into a vcf genotype table
read_vcf <- function(infile, skip = 8)
  vcf_table <- read.table(infile, header = T, skip = skip, stringsAsFactors = F, comment.char = "", na = ".")
  names(vcf_table)[1] <- "CHROM"

lfmerrick21/WhEATBreeders documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 7:12 a.m.