
Defines functions chooseAttributesX getAttributesOfInterestX getAttributesOfInterest0 getGONamespace getFiltersOfInterest

getFiltersOfInterest <- function()

getGONamespace <- function()
    c("biological_process", "cellular_component",

## These functions return the attributes that are used as a criterion
## for ENSEMBL mart sets to be used in pRoloc. These are the
## attributes that are susceptible to be queried by pRoloc functions
## as \code{\link{getGOFromFeatures}} or \code{\link{getSeq}}.
## @title Get Biomart attributes of interest. Returns a
## \code{character} or \code{list} of \code{characters} (when multiple
## alternatives exists) with the attributes that the biomart data sets
## used in pRoloc all have.  @author Laurent Gatto @rdname
## getAttributesOfInterest

getAttributesOfInterest0 <- function()
    c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_peptide_id",
      "cdna", "peptide", "coding",
      "gene_exon", "gene_exon_intron",

getAttributesOfInterestX <- function()
    list(c("go_id", "go_accession", "goslim_goa_accession"),
         c("namespace_1003", "go_namespace_1003"),
         c("name_1006", "go_name_1006"))

chooseAttributesX <-
  function(p) {  
    .attrX <- getAttributesOfInterestX()
    sapply(.attrX, function(.attr) {
      sel <- .attr %in% biomaRt::listAttributes(p@mart)[, 1]
      .attr[sel][1] ## return first in case multiple matches
lgatto/pRoloc documentation built on June 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m.