
Defines functions chains

Documented in chains

##' @slot chains `list()` containing the individual full MCMC chain
##'     results in an `MCMCChains` instance. Each element must be a
##'     valid `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
.MCMCChains <- setClass("MCMCChains",
                        slots = c(chains = "list"),
                        validity = function(object) {
                            msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
                            cls <- sapply(object@chains,
                                          function(x) inherits(x, "MCMCChain"))
                            if (!all(cls))
                                msg <- validMsg(msg, "Not all items are MCMCchains.")
                            if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
                            else msg

##' @slot posteriorEstimates A `data.frame` documenting the prosterior
##'     priors in an `MCMCSummary` instance. It contains N rows and
##'     columns `tagm.allocation`, `tagm.probability`, `tagm.outlier`,
##'     `tagm.probability.lowerquantile`,
##'     `tagm.probability.upperquantile` and `tagm.mean.shannon`.
##' @slot diagnostics A `matrix` of dimensions 1 by 2 containing the
##'     `MCMCSummary` diagnostics.
##' @slot tagm.joint A `matrix` of dimensions N by K storing the joint
##'     probability in an `MCMCSummary` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
.MCMCSummary <- setClass("MCMCSummary",
                         slots = c(posteriorEstimates = "data.frame",
                                   diagnostics = "matrix",
                                   tagm.joint = "matrix"))

##' The `MCMCParams` infrastructure is used to store and process
##' Marchov chain Monte Carlo results for the T-Augmented Gaussian
##' Mixture model (TAGM) from Crook et al. (2018).
##' Objects of the `MCMCParams` class are created with the
##' `tagmMcmcTrain()` function. These objects store the *priors* of
##' the generative TAGM model and the results of the MCMC chains,
##' which themselves are stored as an instance of class `MCMCChains`
##' and can be accessed with the `chains()` function. A summary of the
##' MCMC chains (or class `MCMCSummary`) can be further computed with
##' the `tagmMcmcProcess()` function.
##' See the *pRoloc-bayesian* vignette for examples.
##' @title Instrastructure to store and process MCMC results
##' @slot method `character(1)` describing the method in the
##'     `MCMCParams` object.
##' @slot chains Object of class `MCMCChains` containing the full MCMC
##'     chain results stored in the `MCMCParams` object.
##' @slot priors `list()`
##' @slot summary Object of class `MCMCSummary` the summarised MCMC
##'     results available in the `MCMCParams` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
##' @aliases class:MCMCParams MCMCParams-class MCMCChains
##'     class:MCMCChains MCMCChains-class chains MCMCChain
##'     class:MCMCChain MCMCChain-class MCMCSummary class:MCMCSummary
##'     MCMCSummary-class.
##' @seealso The function `tagmMcmcTrain()` to construct object of
##'     this class.
.MCMCParams <- setClass("MCMCParams",
                        slots = c(method = "character",
                                  chains = "MCMCChains",
                                  priors = "list",
                                  summary = "MCMCSummary"))

##' @param object An instance of appropriate class.
##' @rdname MCMCParams
chains <- function(object) {
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "MCMCParams"))

##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("show", "MCMCParams",
          function(object) {
            cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
            cat("Method:", object@method, "\n")
            cat("Number of chains:", length(object@chains), "\n")
            if (nrow(object@summary@tagm.joint))
                cat("Summary available\n")

##' @slot K `integer(1)` indicating the number of components.
##' @slot D `integer(1)` indicating the number of samples.
##' @slot method `character(1)` defining the method used. Currently
##'     `"TAGM.MCMC"`, later also `"TAGM.GP"`.
##' @slot mk `matrix(K, D)`
##' @slot lambdak `numeric(K)`
##' @slot nuk `numeric(K)`
##' @slot sk `array(K, D, D)`
##' @md
##' @noRd
.ComponentParam <- setClass("ComponentParam",
                            slots = c(K = "integer",
                                      D = "integer",
                                      method = "character",
                                      mk = "matrix",
                                      lambdak = "numeric",
                                      nuk = "numeric",
                                      sk = "array"),
                            prototype = prototype(
                                method = "TAGM.MCMC"
                            validity = function(object) {
                                msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
                                K <- object@K
                                D <- object@D
                                if (object@method != "TAGM.MCMC")
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong method")
                                if (!identical(dim(object@mk), c(K, D)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong dimensions: mk")
                                if (!identical(length(object@lambdak), K))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong length: lambdak")
                                if (!identical(length(object@nuk), K))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong length: nuk")
                                if (!identical(dim(object@sk), c(K, D, D)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong dimensions: sk")
                                if (!identical(names(object@nuk), names(object@lambdak)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "nuk and lambdak names don't match")
                                if (is.null(names(object@nuk)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "Missing names")
                                if (!identical(rownames(object@mk), rownames(object@sk)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "nmk and sk rownames don't match")
                                if (!identical(rownames(object@mk), names(object@nuk)))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "rownames and names don't match")
                                if (!identical(colnames(object@mk), dimnames(object@sk)[[2]]))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "mk and sk[2] colnames don't match")
                                if (!identical(colnames(object@mk), dimnames(object@sk)[[3]]))
                                    msg <- validMsg(msg, "mk and sk[3] colnames don't match")
                                if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
                                else msg

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("show", "ComponentParam",
          function(object) {
            cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
            cat(" method:", object@method, "\n")
            cat(" Number of components:", object@K, "\n")
            cat(" Number of samples:", object@D, "\n")

##' @title Container for a single MCMC chain results
##' @aliases class:MCMCChain MCMCChain-class MCMCChain
##' @slot n `integer(1)` indicating the number of MCMC interactions.
##'     Stored in an `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @slot K `integer(1)` indicating the number of components. Stored
##'     in an `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @slot N `integer(1)` indicating the number of proteins. Stored in
##'     an `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @slot Component `matrix(N, n)` component allocation results of an
##'     `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @slot ComponentProb `matrix(N, n, K)` component allocation
##'     probabilities of an `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @slot Outlier `matrix(N, n)` outlier allocation results.
##' @slot OutlierProb `matrix(N, n, 2)` outlier allocation
##'     probabilities of an `MCMCChain` instance.
##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
.MCMCChain <- setClass("MCMCChain",
                       slots = c(n = "integer",
                                 K = "integer",
                                 N = "integer",
                                 Component = "matrix",
                                 ComponentProb = "array",
                                 Outlier = "matrix",
                                 OutlierProb = "array",
                                 ComponentParam = "ComponentParam"),
                       validity = function(object) {
                           msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
                           N <- object@N
                           n <- object@n
                           K <- object@K
                           if (!identical(nrow(object@Component), N))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of proteins in component")
                           if (!identical(nrow(object@Outlier), N))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of proteins in outlier")
                           if (!identical(ncol(object@Component), n))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of iterations in component")
                           if (!identical(ncol(object@Outlier), n))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of iterations in outlier")
                           if (!identical(rownames(object@Component), rownames(object@ComponentProb)))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Component rownames don't match")
                           if (!identical(rownames(object@Outlier), rownames(object@OutlierProb)))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Outlier rownames don't match")
                           if (!identical(rownames(object@Outlier), rownames(object@Component)))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Proteins don't match between component and outlier")
                           if (!identical(dim(object@ComponentProb)[3], K))
                               msg <- validMsg(msg, "Wrong number of components in component probability")
                           if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
                           else msg

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("show", "MCMCChain",
          function(object) {
            cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
            cat(" Number of components:", object@K, "\n")
            cat(" Number of proteins:", object@N, "\n")
            cat(" Number of iterations:", object@n, "\n")

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("length", "MCMCChains",
          function(x) length(x@chains))

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("length", "MCMCParams",
          function(x) length(chains(x)))

##' @param x Object to be subset.
##' @param i An `integer()`. Should be of length 1 for `[[`.
##' @param j Missing.
##' @param drop Missing.
##' @md
##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("[[", "MCMCChains",
          function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing") x@chains[[i]])

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("[[", "MCMCParams",
          function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing") chains(x)[[i]])

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("[", "MCMCChains",
          function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing") {
              if (any(i > length(x)))
                  stop("Index out of bounds. Only ", length(x), " chain(s) available.")
              x@chains <- x@chains[i]

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("[", "MCMCParams",
          function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing") {
              if (any(i > length(x)))
                  stop("Index out of bounds. Only ", length(x), " chain(s) available.")
              x@chains <- chains(x)[i]

##' @rdname MCMCParams
setMethod("show", "MCMCChains",
          function(object) {
            cat("Object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
            cat(" Number of chains:", length(object), "\n")
lgatto/pRoloc documentation built on June 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m.