PureCN-defunct: Defunct functions in package 'PureCN'

PureCN-defunctR Documentation

Defunct functions in package ‘PureCN’


These functions are defunct and no longer available.


The following functions are defunct; use the replacement indicated below:

  • autoCurateResults: no replacement

  • calculateGCContentByInterval: preprocessIntervals

  • calculateIntervalWeights: createNormalDatabase

  • createExonWeightFile: createNormalDatabase

  • createSNPBlacklist: setMappingBiasVcf

  • createTargetWeights: createNormalDatabase

  • filterTargets: filterIntervals

  • findBestNormal: calculateTangentNormal

  • getDiploid: no replacement

  • plotBestNormal: no replacement

  • readCoverageGatk: readCoverageFile

lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.