
Defines functions pah_profiler

Documented in pah_profiler

#' pah_profiler
#' Creates profiles of PAH compounds in the sample and compares them to source profiles. The
#' difference between the sample and the source is calculated using a chi-squared statistic. To see
#' which 12 compounds are used from the source profiles, see the table `source_profiles`.
#' @export
#' @param pah_dat dataframe with PAH concentrations, where there is one column of compounds, and each sample
#' is contained in a column. If individual samples are to be averaged before computation, the user should supply
#' the average values.
#' @param compound_column column name which will be used to merge with source profiles. This can be a USGS pcode ('pcode'),
#' CAS registration number ('casrn'), or compound name ('Compound').
#' @param sample_column column name of unique sample identifier
#' @param conc_column column name of reported concentrations
#' @param source_profs a dataframe of source profiles. The default is to use the built-in `source_profiles` table,
#' but users can provide their own table. This is useful if the user has a source profile to add to the built-in table.
#' @param creosote string, Setting for how to handle the source profiles for creosote (n = 2). The source profiles
#' for creosote only include 11 compounds (missing BeP). However, in published source profiles, BeP is almost always equal to BaP.
#' Options for ways to handle these creosote profiles include 1) 'drop' to not include creosote profiles in the analysis,
#' 2) 'raw' to include the creosote profiles but limit all profiles to the 11 compounds included in the creosote profiles,
#' or 3) 'interpolated' to include the creosote profiles where BeP is set equal to BaP.
#' @return Returns two data frames. The first (profiles) is a long dataframe where observations are repeated for
#' each sample/compound/source combination, and reports the proportional concentration of that unique compound/sample combination,
#' and chi-squared distance between the source and sample. Additionally, the function adds
#' all columns in `source_profiles`.  The second dataframe is a long data frame where observations are repeated for
#' each unique sample/source combination, and the chi2 value is summed across all compounds to create a distance
#' metric between each sample and source profile.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @examples

pah_profiler <- function(pah_dat, compound_column = 'casrn', sample_column,
                         conc_column, source_profs = source_profiles, creosote = 'interpolated') {

  if (!creosote %in% c('interpolated', 'raw', 'drop')) {
    stop("Argument creosote should be set to 'interpolated', 'raw', or 'drop'.")
  # make column names dplyr-ready
  quo_compound_column <- sym(compound_column)
  quo_conc_column <- sym(conc_column)
  quo_sample_column <- sym(sample_column)

  # pull out all 12 compounds
  # filter to 11 compounds if using creosote
  all_cols <- names(source_profs)
  noncreosote_profiles <- all_cols[-which(all_cols %in% c('Compound', 'Abbreviation', 'pcode', 'molwt', 'casrn', 'CRE2', 'CRE4'))]
  all_profiles <- all_cols[-which(all_cols %in% c('Compound', 'Abbreviation', 'pcode', 'molwt', 'casrn'))]

  if (creosote == 'raw') {

    profile_compounds <- filter(source_profs, Abbreviation != 'BeP') %>%

    # because other proportions were calculated based on 12 compounds,
    # need to adjust for the proportion that is made up of BeP (the
    # compound being dropped)
    BeP_prop <- filter(source_profs, Abbreviation == 'BeP') %>%

    BeP_prop <- as.numeric(BeP_prop[1,])

    prop_fixed <- filter(source_profs, Abbreviation != 'BeP') %>%

    prop_fixed <- data.frame(t(round(t(prop_fixed)/(1-BeP_prop), 3)))

    prop_rest <- filter(source_profs, Abbreviation != 'BeP') %>%
      select(-(all_profiles)) %>%
      bind_cols(prop_fixed) %>%
      select(Compound, Abbreviation, pcode, all_profiles, casrn, molwt)

    source_profs <- prop_rest

  } else if (creosote == 'drop') {
    profile_compounds <- select(source_profs, !!quo_compound_column)
    source_profs <- select(source_profs, -CRE2, -CRE4)

  } else if (creosote == 'interpolated') {
    profile_compounds <- select(source_profs, !!quo_compound_column)


  # filter user samples to include only those in the source profiles
  # only include necessary columns
  samp.prof <- filter(pah_dat, (!!quo_compound_column) %in% profile_compounds[[1]]) %>%
    select(!!quo_sample_column, !!quo_compound_column, !!quo_conc_column)

  # group by sample - calculate sum total and whether or not there are any samples = 0
  samp.prof.bysample <- group_by(samp.prof, !!quo_sample_column) %>%
    summarize(total_pah = sum(!!quo_conc_column))

  samp.prof <- left_join(samp.prof, samp.prof.bysample) %>%
    mutate(prop_conc = (!!quo_conc_column)/total_pah)

  # merge in source compound info
  all.profs <- full_join(samp.prof, source_profs, by = compound_column) %>%
    select(-!!quo_conc_column) %>%
    gather(key = source, value = source_prop_conc, -!!quo_sample_column, -casrn, -total_pah, -prop_conc, -Compound, -Abbreviation, -pcode, -molwt)

  # calculate the chi squared difference
  all.profs <- mutate(all.profs, chi2 = (abs(prop_conc - source_prop_conc)^2)/((prop_conc + source_prop_conc)/2))

  # sum over the sources by sample
  all.summary <- group_by(all.profs, !!quo_sample_column, source) %>%
    summarize(sum_chi2 = sum(chi2))

  out <- list(all.profs, all.summary)
  names(out) <- c('profiles', 'sum_chi2')
limnoliver/pah documentation built on April 30, 2020, 2:45 p.m.