# Returns a named vector of hashed variables in the calling environment
hash_env = function(env) {
varnames = ls(envir = env, all.names = TRUE)
hashes = lapply(varnames, function(x) suppressWarnings(digest::digest(get(x, envir = env))))
names(hashes) = varnames
#' What to return from a job
#' Call this function as the last line in `job::job()` to select what is exported
#' back into `globalenv()`. `export()` does nothing if called in any other context.
#' Under the hood, this function merely `rm()` variables that does not match `value`.
#' Because `job::job()` returns everything at the end of the script, this defines
#' what is returned.
#' @aliases export
#' @export
#' @param value What to return. One of:
#' * `"all"`: Return everything, including imports
#' * `"changed"` (default): Return all variables that are not identical to import.
#' * `"new"`: Return only new variable names.
#' * `c(var1, var2, ...)`: Return these variable names.
#' * `NULL` or `"none"`: Return nothing. This is particularly useful for unnamed code chunks.
#' @param file Name of `.RData` file to export to. If not `NULL`, nothing will be returned
#' to the main session (corresponding to `export("none")`).
#' @return `NULL` invisibly.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Jonas Kristoffer Lindeløv, \email{jonas@@lindeloev.dk}
#' @examples
#' if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
#' a = 55
#' b = 77
#' d = 88
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 55; job::export("all")}) # export a, b, d, n
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 11; job::export("changed")}) # export a, n
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 11; job::export("new")}) # export n
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 55; job::export(c(a, d, b))}) # export a, d, b
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 55; job::export("none")}) # export nothing
#' # To file
#' job::job({n = 11; a = 11; job::export("changed", file = "jobresult.RData")}) # save a, n
#' jobresult = new.env() # import to this env instead of global
#' load("jobresult.RData", envir = jobresult)
#' print(jobresult$n)
#' }
export = function(value = "changed", file = NULL) {
# Do nothing if this is not a job
if (is.null(options("is.job")[[1]]))
if (FALSE) .__jobsettings__ = NULL # make R CMD Check happy
call_env = parent.frame()
env_varnames = ls(envir = call_env, all.names = TRUE)
init_hashes = get(".__jobsettings__", envir = call_env)$init_hashes
init_hashes$.__jobsettings__ = NULL # Ignore this
value = substitute(value)
# Remove c(selected, via, vector)
if (is.symbol(value) | is.language(value)) {
# To character vector
value = as.character(value)
if (value[1] == "c")
value = value[-1]
# Check existence
does_exist = sapply(value, exists, envir = call_env)
if (any(does_exist == FALSE))
stop("'", paste0(value[does_exist == FALSE], collapse = "' and '"), "' do not exist.")
# Delete all others
remove_vars = env_varnames[env_varnames %in% value == FALSE]
rm(list = remove_vars, envir = call_env)
# Remove everything
} else if (is.null(value) || value == "none") {
rm(list = env_varnames, envir = call_env)
# Remove unchanged
} else if (value == "changed"){
post_hashes = hash_env(call_env)
unchanged_vars = sapply(names(post_hashes), function(x) ifelse(x %in% names(init_hashes) == TRUE, identical(init_hashes[[x]], post_hashes[[x]]), FALSE))
rm(list = names(post_hashes)[unchanged_vars], envir = call_env)
# Remove those with imported varnames
} else if (value == "new") {
imported_vars = env_varnames[env_varnames %in% names(init_hashes)]
rm(list = imported_vars, envir = call_env)
# Don't remove anything
} else if (value == "all") {
} else {
stop("Invalid `value` argument.")
# Optionally export to file (and delete all)
if (is.character(file)) {
objects_to_save = ls(envir = call_env, all.names = TRUE)
objects_to_save = objects_to_save[objects_to_save != ".__jobsettings__"]
save(list = objects_to_save, envir = call_env, file = file)
rm(list = objects_to_save, envir = call_env)
} else if (is.null(file) == FALSE) {
warning("`file` must be a character or NULL. Ignoring...")
options("job.exported" = TRUE)
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