
Defines functions renderTaggle taggleOutput renderLineup lineupOutput lineupRanking taggle lineup buildTaggle buildLineUp .crosstalkLineUpLibs .buildLineUpWidget lineupBuilder

.lineupDefaultOptions <- list(
  filterGlobally = TRUE,
  singleSelection = FALSE,
  animated = TRUE,
  sidePanel = "collapsed",
  hierarchyIndicator = TRUE,
  labelRotation = 0,
  rowHeight = 18,
  rowPadding = 2,
  groupHeight = 40,
  groupPadding = 5,
  summaryHeader = TRUE,
  overviewMode = FALSE,
  expandLineOnHover = FALSE,
  defaultSlopeGraphMode = "item",
  ignoreUnsupportedBrowser = FALSE

#' lineup builder pattern function
#' @param data data frame like object i.e. also crosstalk shared data frame
#' @param options LineUp options
#' @param ranking ranking definition created using \code{\link{lineupRanking}}
#' @param ... additional ranking definitions like 'ranking1=...' due to restrictions in converting parameters
#' @section LineUp options:
#'   \describe{
#'    \item{filterGlobally}{whether filter within one ranking applies to all rankings (default: TRUE)}
#'    \item{singleSelection}{restrict to single item selection (default: FALSE}
#'    \item{noCriteriaLimits}{allow more than one sort and grouping criteria (default: FALSE)}
#'    \item{animated}{use animated transitions (default: TRUE)}
#'    \item{sidePanel}{show side panel (TRUE, FALSE, 'collapsed') (default: 'collapsed')}
#'    \item{hierarchyIndicator}{show sorting and grouping hierarchy indicator (TRUE, FALSE) (default: TRUE)}
#'    \item{labelRotation}{how many degrees should a label be rotated in case of narrow columns (default: 0)}
#'    \item{summaryHeader}{show summary histograms in the header (default: TRUE)}
#'    \item{overviewMode}{show overview mode in Taggle by default (default: FALSE)}
#'    \item{expandLineOnHover}{expand to full row height on mouse over (default: FALSE)}
#'    \item{defaultSlopeGraphMode}{default slope graph mode: item,band (default: 'item')}
#'    \item{ignoreUnsupportedBrowser}{ignore unsupported browser detection at own risk (default: FALSE)}
#'    \item{rowHeight}{height of a row in pixel (default: 18)}
#'    \item{rowPadding}{padding between two rows in pixel  (default: 2)}
#'    \item{groupHeight}{height of an aggregated group in pixel (default: 40)}
#'    \item{groupPadding}{padding between two groups in pixel (default: 5)}
#'  }
#' @return lineup builder object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lineupBuilder(iris) |> buildLineUp()
#' }
#' @export
lineupBuilder <- function(data,
                          options = c(.lineupDefaultOptions),
                          ranking = NULL,
                          ...) {
  # extend with all the default options
  options <- c(options, .lineupDefaultOptions[!(names(.lineupDefaultOptions) %in% names(options))])

  if (requireNamespace("crosstalk") && crosstalk::is.SharedData(data)) {
    # using Crosstalk
    key <- data$key()
    group <- data$groupName()
    data <- data$origData()
  } else {
    # Not using Crosstalk
    key <- NULL
    group <- NULL

  # escape remove .
  colnames(data) <- gsub("[.]", "_", colnames(data))

  toDescription <- function(col, colname) {
    clazz <- class(col)
    if (clazz == "numeric") {
        type = "number",
        column = colname,
        domain = c(min(col, na.rm = TRUE), max(col, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (clazz == "factor") {
        type = "categorical",
        column = colname,
        categories = levels(col)
    } else if (clazz == "logical") {
      list(type = "boolean", column = colname)
    } else {
      list(type = "string", column = colname)
  # convert columns
  cols <- mapply(toDescription, data, colnames(data), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # insert id column
  cols[["rowname"]] <- list(type = "string", column = "rowname", frozen = TRUE)

  # forward options using x
    data = cbind(rowname = rownames(data), data),
    colnames = c("rowname", colnames(data)),
    cols = cols,
    crosstalk = list(key = key, group = group),
    options = options,
    rankings = list(ranking = ranking, ...)
  ), class = "LineUpBuilder")

.buildLineUpWidget <- function(x, width, height, elementId, dependencies, lineupType) {
  # create widget
    name = lineupType,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "lineupjs",
    elementId = elementId,
    dependencies = dependencies

.crosstalkLineUpLibs <- function() {
  if (requireNamespace("crosstalk")) {
  } else {

#' factory for LineUp HTMLWidget based on a LineUpBuilder
#' @param x LineUpBuilder object
#' @param width width of the element
#' @param height height of the element
#' @param elementId unique element id
#' @param dependencies include crosstalk dependencies
#' @return lineup html widget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lineupBuilder(iris) |> buildLineUp()
#' }
#' @export
buildLineUp <- function(x, width = "100%",
                        height = NULL,
                        elementId = NULL,
                        dependencies = .crosstalkLineUpLibs()) {
  .buildLineUpWidget(x, width, height, elementId, dependencies, lineupType = "lineup")

#' factory for LineUp HTMLWidget based on a LineUpBuilder
#' @inheritParams buildLineUp
#' @return taggle html widget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lineupBuilder(iris) |> buildTaggle()
#' }
#' @export
buildTaggle <- function(x, width = "100%",
                        height = NULL,
                        elementId = NULL,
                        dependencies = .crosstalkLineUpLibs()) {
  .buildLineUpWidget(x, width, height, elementId, dependencies, lineupType = "taggle")

#' lineup - factory for LineUp HTMLWidget
#' @inheritParams lineupBuilder
#' @param width width of the element
#' @param height height of the element
#' @param elementId unique element id
#' @param dependencies include crosstalk dependencies
#' @param ... additional ranking definitions like 'ranking1=...' due to restrictions in converting parameters
#' @inheritSection lineupBuilder LineUp options
#' @return lineup html widget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lineup(iris)
#' }
#' @export
lineup <- function(data,
                   width = "100%",
                   height = NULL,
                   elementId = NULL,
                   options = c(.lineupDefaultOptions),
                   ranking = NULL,
                   dependencies = .crosstalkLineUpLibs(),
                   ...) {
  x <- lineupBuilder(data, options, ranking, ...)
  buildLineUp(x, width, height, elementId, dependencies)

#' taggle - factory for Taggle HTMLWidget
#' @inheritParams lineup
#' @param ... additional ranking definitions like 'ranking1=...' due to restrictions in converting parameters
#' @inheritSection lineup LineUp options
#' @return taggle html widget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' taggle(iris)
#' }
#' @export
taggle <- function(data,
                   width = "100%",
                   height = NULL,
                   elementId = NULL,
                   options = c(.lineupDefaultOptions),
                   ranking = NULL,
                   dependencies = .crosstalkLineUpLibs(),
                   ...) {
  x <- lineupBuilder(data, options, ranking, ...)
  buildTaggle(x, width, height, elementId, dependencies)

#' helper function for creating a LineUp ranking definition as used by \code{\link{lineup}}
#' @param columns list of columns shown in this ranking, besides \emph{column names of the given data frame} following special columns are available
#' @param sortBy list of columns to sort this ranking by, grammar: \code{"<column name>[:desc]"}
#' @param groupBy list of columns to group this ranking by
#' @param ... additional ranking combination definitions as lists (\code{list(type = 'min', columns = c('a', 'b'), label = NULL)}), possible types
#' @return a configured lineup ranking config
#' @section Special columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{'* '}{include all data frame columns}
#'  \item{'_* '}{add multiple support columns (_aggregate, _rank, _selection)}
#'  \item{'_aggregate'}{add a column for collapsing groups}
#'  \item{'_rank'}{add a column for showing the rank of the item}
#'  \item{'_selection'}{add a column with checkboxes for selecting items}
#'  \item{'_group'}{add a column showing the current grouping title}
#'  \item{'$data.frame column$'}{add the specific column}
#'  \item{'$def column$'}{add defined column given as additional parameter to this function, see below}
#' }
#' @section Ranking definition types:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{weightedSum}{a weighted sum of multiple numeric columns, extras \code{list(weights = c(0.4, 0.6))}}
#'  \item{min}{minimum of multiple numeric columns}
#'  \item{max}{maximum of multiple numeric columns}
#'  \item{mean}{mean of multiple numeric columns}
#'  \item{median}{median of multiple numeric columns}
#'  \item{nested}{group multiple columns}
#'  \item{script}{scripted (JS code) combination of multiple numeric columns, extras \code{list(code = '...')}}
#'  \item{impose}{color a numerical column (column) with the color of a categorical column (categoricalColumn), changed \code{list(column = 'a', categoricalColumn = 'b')}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' lineupRanking(columns = c("*"))
#' lineupRanking(columns = c("*"), sortBy = c("hp"))
#' lineupRanking(
#'   columns = c("*", "sum"),
#'   sum = list(type = "weightedSum", columns = c("hp", "wt"), weights = c(0.7, 0.3))
#' )
#' @export
lineupRanking <- function(columns = c("_*", "*"),
                          sortBy = c(),
                          groupBy = c(),
                          ...) {
    columns = columns,
    sortBy = sortBy,
    groupBy = groupBy,
    defs = list(...)

#' Shiny bindings for lineup
#' Output and render functions for using lineup within Shiny
#' applications and interactive Rmd documents.
#' @param outputId output variable to read from
#' @param width,height Must be a valid CSS unit (like \code{'100\%'},
#'   \code{'800px'}, \code{'auto'}) or a number, which will be coerced to a
#'   string and have \code{'px'} appended.
#' @rdname lineup-shiny
#' @return An output or render function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications.
#' @examples # !formatR
#' library(shiny)
#' app <- shinyApp(
#'   ui = fluidPage(lineupOutput("lineup")),
#'   server = function(input, output) {
#'     lineup <- lineupBuilder(iris) |> buildLineUp()
#'     output$lineup <- renderLineup(lineup)
#'   }
#' )
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) app
#' }
#' @export
lineupOutput <- function(outputId,
                         width = "100%",
                         height = "800px") {
  htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "lineup", width, height, package = "lineupjs")

#' Shiny render bindings for lineup
#' @param expr An expression that generates a taggle
#' @param env The environment in which to evaluate \code{expr}.
#' @param quoted Is \code{expr} a quoted expression (with \code{quote()})? This
#'   is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.
#' @rdname lineup-shiny
#' @export
renderLineup <- function(expr,
                         env = parent.frame(),
                         quoted = FALSE) {
  if (!quoted) {
    expr <- substitute(expr)
  } # force quoted
  htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr, lineupOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)

#' Shiny bindings for taggle
#' Output and render functions for using taggle within Shiny
#' applications and interactive Rmd documents.
#' @inheritParams lineupOutput
#' @rdname taggle-shiny
#' @return An output or render function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications.
#' @examples # !formatR
#' library(shiny)
#' app <- shinyApp(
#'   ui = fluidPage(taggleOutput("taggle")),
#'   server = function(input, output) {
#'     taggle <- lineupBuilder(iris) |> buildTaggle()
#'     output$taggle <- renderTaggle(taggle)
#'   }
#' )
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) app
#' }
#' @export
taggleOutput <- function(outputId,
                         width = "100%",
                         height = "800px") {
  htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "taggle", width, height, package = "lineupjs")

#' Shiny render bindings for taggle
#' @inheritParams renderLineup
#' @rdname taggle-shiny
#' @export
renderTaggle <- function(expr,
                         env = parent.frame(),
                         quoted = FALSE) {
  if (!quoted) {
    expr <- substitute(expr)
  } # force quoted
  htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr, taggleOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
lineupjs/lineup_htmlwidget documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 2:45 p.m.