
#' Small example proteomic quantification data extract from txt or csv file used to
#' demonstrate data extract function.
#' @format A list containing 2 data frame: one is MaxQ proteomic data; another is other type of proteomic data
#' @keywords internal

#' A network which is obtained by WGCNA-package blockwiseModule function.
#' it can short the time of Module analysis example time.
#' @format A list containing network module information, ME information and dendrograms information.
#' @keywords internal

#' A small uniprot ID information used to do ID convert in example.
#' @format A data frame corresponding uniprot ID information
#' @keywords internal

#' a data used for Dataimpute function.
#' @format A list containing proteomic protein information and quantification data.
#' @keywords internal

#' an imputed data used for downstream analysis
#' @format A list containing proteomic protein information and quantification data.
#' @keywords internal
liukf10/TEST documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:59 a.m.