
Defines functions rLmer mkRanefStructures mkZtSection mkZt mkTemplate mkTemplates mkLind mkLambdat mkTheta mkRanefStructuresCorr

Documented in mkLambdat mkLind mkRanefStructures mkRanefStructuresCorr mkTemplate mkTemplates mkTheta mkZt mkZtSection rLmer

##' Random lmer-type model simulation
##' @export
rLmer <- function(grp, mmRE, mmFE) message("not yet written")

##' Make random effects structures
##' @param grp List of grouping factors (one for each term)
##' @param mm List of model matrices (one for each term)
##' @export
mkRanefStructures <- function(grp, mm){
                                        # checking things are OK
    if(!is.list(grp)) grp <- list(grp)
    if(!is.list(mm)) mm <- list(mm)
    grp <- lapply(grp, as.factor)

    nl <- sapply(grp, nlevels)   # number of grouping factor levels per term 
    nc <- sapply(mm, ncol)       # number of model matrix columns per term
    templates <- mkTemplates(nc) # templates for relative covariance factor
    theta <- mkTheta(templates)

    list(     Zt = mkZt(grp, mm),
         Lambdat = mkLambdat(templates, nl),
            Lind = mkLind(nl, nc),
           theta = theta,
           lower = ifelse(theta, 0, -Inf),  # lower and
           upper = rep(Inf, length(theta))  # upper bounds on theta parameters

##' Create a section of a transposed random effects model matrix
##' @param grp Grouping factor for a particular random effects term.
##' @param mm Dense model matrix for a particular random effects term.
##' @return Section of a random effects design matrix corresponding to a
##' particular term.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## consider a term (x | g) with:
##' ## number of observations, n = 6
##' ## number of levels, nl = 3
##' ## number of columns ('predictors'), nc = 2
##' (X <- cbind("(Intercept)"=1,x=1:6)) # an intercept in the first column
##'                                     # and 1:6 predictor in the other
##' (g <- as.factor(letters[rep(1:3,2)])) # grouping factor
##' nrow(X) # n = 6
##' nrow(X) == length(g) # and consistent n between X and g
##' ncol(X) # nc = 2
##' nlevels(g) # nl = 3
##' Zsection(g, X)
mkZtSection <- function(grp,mm) {
    Jt <- as(as.factor(grp), Class="sparseMatrix")

##' Make transposed random-effects model matrix
##' @export
mkZt <- function(grp,mm){
    ZtSections <- mapply(mkZtSection, grp, mm, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    do.call(rBind, ZtSections)

##' Make a single template for a relative covariance factor
##' @param nc Number of columns in a dense model matrix for a particular
##' random effects term
##' @export
##' @examples
##' mkTemplate(5)
mkTemplate <- function(nc){
                                        # generate row (i) and column (j) indices
                                        # of the upper triangular template matrix
    i <- sequence(1:nc); j <- rep(1:nc,1:nc)
                                        # initialize theta:
                                        # 1) 1's along the diagonal (i.e. when i==j)
                                        # 2) 0's above the diagonal (i.e. when i!=j)
    theta <- 1*(i==j)
                                        # return the template using triplet (i,j,theta)

##' Make list of templates for relative covariance factor
##' @export
mkTemplates <- function(nc) lapply(nc, mkTemplate)

##' Make vector of indices giving the mapping from theta to Lambdat
##' @export
mkLind <- function(nl, nc){
                                        # number of thetas per term (i.e. number
                                        # of elements in the upper triangle of
                                        # each of the template matrices)
    nTheta <- choose(nc+1, 2)
                                        # Lind per template
    templateLind <- lapply(nTheta, seq_len)
                                        # 0-based pointers to where each term
                                        # begins in theta
    offsetTheta <- c(0,cumsum(nTheta[-length(nTheta)]))
                                        # add offsets (i.e. pointers)
    templateLindWithOffset <- mapply("+", templateLind, offsetTheta)
                                        # repeat template-specific Lind vectors
                                        # once for each term and return Lind
    unlist(rep(templateLindWithOffset, nl))

##' Make initial relative covariance factor from list of templates
##' @export
mkLambdat <- function(templates, nl){
                                        # repeat templates once for each level
    templateList <- rep(templates, nl)
                                        # return Lambdat by putting blocks
                                        # together along the diagonal

##' Make initial theta from list of templates
##' @export
mkTheta <- function(templates){
    thetas <- lapply(templates, slot, "x")

##' Make random effects structures for the single correlation template model
##' @param corr a correlation matrix template
##' @param grp a grouping factor vector
##' @param n sample size
##' @export
mkRanefStructuresCorr <- function(corr, grp, n){
                                        # create indicator matrix and order it
                                        # to be consistent with the order of corr
    Jt <- as(as.factor(grp), Class="sparseMatrix")
    Jt <- Jt[dimnames(corr)[[1]],]

                                        # create Zt
    Zt <- KhatriRao(Jt, t(rep(1,n)))

                                        # create Lambdat
    Lambdat <- as(t(chol(corr)), Class="sparseMatrix")

                                        # create mapping from theta to
                                        # the non-zero components of
                                        # Lambdat
    thfun <- local({
        template <- Lambdat
        function(theta) theta * template@x})

    list(     Zt = Zt,
         Lambdat = Lambdat,
           thfun = thfun,
           theta = 1,
           lower = 0,    # lower and
           upper = Inf)  # upper bounds on theta parameters
lme4/lme4pureR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 7:34 a.m.