
#' Plot Index Price
#' Plots an interactive time series plot of the index fund(s) adjusted closing
#' price.
#' @param data A sparse data frame of weekly performance
#' @param scale Uses a log transformation to scale price
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
plot_index_price <- function(data, scale=FALSE) {
  # Define color palette
  colors <- c("#dc1018", "#12355b", "#3c91e6", "#9fd356", "ffb86f")

  # Convert data frame to xts
  if (scale) data %<>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, log)
  xtsdata <- xts::xts(data, order.by = data$date)
  xtsdata$date <- NULL

  # Graph dygraph
  xtsdata %>% dygraphs::dygraph(
    main = paste("Weekly Adjusted Closing Price,", min(data$date), "to", max(data$date)),
    ylab = ifelse(scale, "Log Adjusted Closing Price", "Adjusted Closing Price ($)")
  ) %>%
    dygraphs::dyHighlight(highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 3)) %>%
    dygraphs::dyRangeSelector() %>%
    dygraphs::dyOptions(colors = colors)
logan-connolly/fireguard documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:35 a.m.