
#' @title Clean the history period of a raster time series
#' @description Filter a time series RasterBrick or RasterStack using a static or statistical threshold in a defined historical period
#' @param x RasterBrick or RasterStack. Raster time series to be cleaned
#' @param monperiod Numeric. Beginning of intended monitoring period in \code{\link{bfmSpatial}} in the form \code{c(year, Julian day)}. The filter will only be applied before this period (ie. to the history period). If set to \code{NULL}, the filter will be applied to the entire time series.
#' @param thresh Either a Numeric static threshold or \code{"IQR"} to calcalate the threshold per pixel based on the interquartile zone.
#' @param dates Date. Vector of dates corresponding exactly to layers in x. If \code{NULL}, dates are either extracted from \code{sceneID} or \code{names(x)} using \code{\link{getSceneinfo}}.
#' @param sceneID Character. Vector of Landsat sceneID's 
#' @param is.max Logical. Is \code{thresh} to be treated as a maximum threshold (ie. all values higher will be removed)? If \code{FALSE}, all values lower than \code{thresh} will be removed (default).
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to \code{\link{mc.calc}}
#' @return RasterBrick with values removed according to \code{thresh}.
#' @details If \code{dates} is not supplied, these will be extracted from sceneID's, with only support for Landsat at this time. If data come from another sensor, be sure to supply a \code{dates} vector.
#' @author Ben DeVries (\email{devries.br@@gmail.com}) and Jan Verbesselt
#' @import raster
#' @export

cleanBrick <- function(x, monperiod, thresh, dates=NULL, is.max=FALSE, ...){
    # get dates (if is.null(dates))
    if(is.null(dates)) {
        if(is.null(getZ(x))) {
            if(!.isLandsatSceneID(x)){ # Check if dates can be extracted from layernames
                stop('A date vector must be supplied, either via the date argument, the z dimension of x or comprised in names(x)')
            } else {
                dates <- as.Date(getSceneinfo(names(x))$date)
        } else {
            dates <- getZ(x)
    } else {
        if(length(dates) != nlayers(x)){
            stop("dates should be of same length as nlayers(x)")
    # reformat monperiod
    monperiod <- as.Date(paste(monperiod, collapse="-"), format="%Y-%j")
    ## define a pixelwise function depending on the nature of the threshold / conditions
    # 1a. if thresh is numeric and is.max=FALSE, apply the threshold as a min thresh
    # 1b. if thresh is numeric and is.max=TRUE, apply the threshold as a max thresh
    # 2a. if thresh=="IQR" and is.max=FALSE, apply the threshold as a max thresh defined as:
                # median - IQR
    # 2b. if thresh=="IQR" and is.max=TRUE, as above, but in reverse
        fun <- function(y){
             y[y < thresh & dates < monperiod] <- NA
             y[y > thresh & dates < monperiod] <- NA
    } else if(thresh=="IQR"){
        fun <- function(y){
                thresh <- median(y, na.rm=TRUE) - IQR(y, na.rm=TRUE)
                y[y < thresh & dates < monperiod] <- NA
            } else {
                thresh <- median(y, na.rm=TRUE) + IQR(y, na.rm=TRUE)
                y[y > thresh & dates < monperiod] <- NA
    # pass to mc.calc
    z <- mc.calc(x, fun=fun, ...)
    ## TODO: report back on how many pixels have been removed and what the thresholds are if !is.numeric(thresh)
    ## what's the best way to do this? As an additional raster layer added to the output brick, or as a list object, with diagnostic layers separate from the output brick? The advantage of the 2nd option is that the output brick still 'resembles' the input brick in terms of nlayers and names. The advantage of the 1st option is that everything can be written to file at once via mc.calc() (therefore saving memory).
loicdtx/bfastSpatial documentation built on May 21, 2019, 7:37 a.m.