#' Initiate a pre-commit config file
#' @param config_source Path or URL to a `.pre-commit-config.yaml`. This
#' config file will be hard-copied into `root`. If `NULL`, we check if
#' `root` is a package or project directory using
#' [rprojroot::find_package_root_file()], and resort to an appropriate default
#' config. See section 'Copying an existing config file'.
#' @param force Whether to replace an existing config file.
#' @param open Whether or not to open the .pre-commit-config.yaml after
#' it's been placed in your repo. The default is `TRUE` when working in
#' RStudio. Otherwise, we recommend manually inspecting the file.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to communicate what's happening.
#' @section Copying an existing config file:
#' You can use an existing `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file when initializing
#' pre-commit with [use_precommit()] using the argument `config_source` to
#' copy an existing config file into your repo. This argument defaults to the R
#' option `precommit.config_source`, so you may want to set this option in
#' your `.Rprofile` for convenience. Note that this is **not** equivalent to the
#' `--config` option in the CLI command `pre-commit install` and similar,
#' which do *not* copy a config file into a project root (and allow to put it
#' under version control), but rather link it in some more or less transparent
#' way.
#' @inheritParams fallback_doc
#' @return
#' Character vector of length one with the path to the config file used.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' use_precommit_config()
#' }
#' @export
use_precommit_config <- function(config_source = getOption("precommit.config_source"),
force = FALSE,
open = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
verbose = FALSE,
root = here::here()) {
config_source <- set_config_source(
root = root,
verbose = verbose
escaped_name_target <- "^\\.pre-commit-config\\.yaml$"
name_target <- ".pre-commit-config.yaml"
if (!file_exists(fs::path(root, name_target)) | force) {
fs::path(root, name_target),
overwrite = TRUE
cli::cli_alert_success("Copied .pre-commit-config.yaml to {root}")
} else {
"There is already a pre-commit configuration file in ",
". Use `force = TRUE` to replace .pre-commit-config.yaml."
if (is_package(root)) {
write_union(fs::path(root, ".Rbuildignore"), escaped_name_target)
"Edit .precommit-config.yaml to (de)activate the hooks you want to use. ",
"All available hooks: https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html",
paste("R specific hooks:", hooks_repo)
#' Set the location to a config file
#' If a remote location is specified, the file is downloaded to a temporary
#' location and the path to this location is returned. If `NULL`, we'll resort
#' to a default config. We'll perform some checks on the existence of the file
#' too.
#' @keywords internal
set_config_source <- function(config_source,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (is_url(config_source)) {
if (verbose) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Downloading remote config from {config_source}.")
tmp <- tempfile()
target <- fs::path_ext_set(tmp, fs::path_ext(config_source))
utils::download.file(config_source, target, quiet = TRUE)
yaml::read_yaml(target, fileEncoding = "UTF-8"),
error = function(e) {
"Provided config file is not a valid yaml file. ",
"Please provide a valid yaml file. The error was:", conditionMessage(e)
if (is.null(config_source)) {
# workaround for R CMD CHECK warning about hidden top-level directories.
name_origin <- ifelse(is_package(root),
config_source <- system.file(name_origin, package = "precommit")
if (!file_exists(config_source)) {
"File ", config_source, " does not exist. Please use the ",
"argument `config_source` to provide a path to an existing ",
"`.pre-commit-config.yaml` or `NULL` to use the template config."
file_type <- as.character(fs::file_info(config_source)$type)
if (!(file_type %in% c("file", "symlink"))) {
"File ", config_source, " must be a file or a symlink, not a ",
file_type, ". Please change the argument `config_source` ",
if (verbose) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Using local config from {config_source}.")
example_remote_config <- function() {
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