
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# This hook checks that the `exclude:` key in the pre-commit config files
# are alphabetically ordered. This is helpful for manual searching plus also
# groups the patterns, i.e. extensions, files everywhere, directories
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
run_one_file <- function(file) {
  config <- yaml::read_yaml(file) # pre-commit filter
  ours <- which(purrr::map_chr(config$repos, "repo") == "")
  nme <- purrr::map_chr(config$repos[[ours]]$hooks, "id")

  regex <- config$repos[[1]]$hooks[[which(nme == "spell-check")]]$exclude %>%
    strsplit(" +") %>%

  without_mask <- regex[c(-1, -length(regex))]
  if (any(without_mask != sort(without_mask))) {
      "regular expressions in file ", file, " not sorted for spell check hook, paste this ",
      "into the pre-commit config file: under the `exclude:` key:"

    cat(c("", regex[1], sort(without_mask), regex[length(regex)]), sep = "\n          ")
    rlang::abort("Execution halted.")

purrr::walk(args, run_one_file)
lorenzwalthert/precommit documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 4:31 p.m.