
Defines functions benchmark_run_iteration

Documented in benchmark_run_iteration

#' Run a benchmark iteration
#' @param expr_before_benchmark Expression to run before
#'   the benchmark is ran, will be captured with [rlang::enexpr()]. So you can
#'   use quasiquotation.
#' @param n Number of iterations to run a benchmark within an iteration.
#' @param dots list of quoted expressions (length 1).
#' @inheritParams benchmark_write
#' @importFrom tibble lst tibble
#' @keywords internal
benchmark_run_iteration <- function(expr_before_benchmark,
                                    n = getOption("touchstone.n_iterations", 1)) {
  if (rlang::is_missing(expr_before_benchmark)) {
    expr_before_benchmark <- rlang::expr({})

  args <- rlang::list2(
    expr_before_benchmark = expr_before_benchmark,
    dots = dots,
    branch = branch,
    block = block,
    asset_dirs = options() %>%
      names() %>%
      grep("touchstone.dir_assets_", .) %>%

  for (iteration in seq_len(n)) {
    # iterations
      function(expr_before_benchmark, dots, branch, block, iteration, asset_dirs) {
        benchmark <- bench::mark(eval(dots[[1]]), memory = FALSE, iterations = 1)
        benchmark_write(benchmark, names(dots), branch = branch, block = block, iteration = iteration)
      args = append(args, lst(iteration)),
      libpath = c(libpath_touchstone(branch), .libPaths())
  cli::cli_alert_success("Ran {n} iteration{?s} of branch {.val {branch}}.")
  benchmark_read(names(dots), branch)

#' Run a benchmark for git branches
#' @param ... Named expression of length one with code to benchmark,
#'   will be captured with [rlang::enexprs()]. So you can use quasiquotation.
#' @param branches Character vector with branch names to benchmark. The package
#'   must be built for each benchmarked branch beforehand with [branch_install()].
#'   The base branch is the target branch of the pull request in a workflow run,
#'   the head branch is the source branch of the pull request in a workflow run.
#' @param n Number of times benchmarks should be run for each `branch`. The more
#'   iterations you run, the more narrow your confidence interval will be and
#'   the smaller the differences you will detect. See also
#'   `vignette("inference")`. To simplify interactive experimentation with
#'   `benchmark_run()`, `n` will be overridden in interactive usage after the
#'   user calls `activate(..., n = 1)`.
#' @param path_pkg The path to the package to benchmark. Will be used to
#'   temporarily checkout the branch during benchmarking.
#' @inheritParams branch_install
#' @inheritParams benchmark_run_impl
#' @details
#' Runs the following loop `n` times:
#'  * removes all touchstone libraries from the library path, adding the one
#'    corresponding to `branch`.
#'  * runs setup code `exp_before_branch`.
#'  * benchmarks `expr_to_benchmark` and writes them to disk.
#' @return
#' All timings in a tibble.
#' @section Caution:
#' This function will perform various git operations that affect the state of
#' the directory it is ran in, in particular different branches will be checked
#' out. Ensure a clean git working directory before invocation.
#' @export
benchmark_run <- function(expr_before_benchmark =
                          branches = c(
                          n = 100,
                          path_pkg = ".") {
  expr_before_benchmark <- rlang::enexpr(expr_before_benchmark)
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)

  if (length(dots) > 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("Expression to benchmark cannot have length greater than one.")
  if (rlang::is_string(dots[[1]]) ||
    rlang::is_string(expr_before_benchmark)) {

  if (rlang::is_interactive()) {
    new_n <- getOption("touchstone.n_runs")
    if (!is.null(new_n) && new_n != n) {
        "{.fun activate} has overriden n = {n} with {new_n} since ",
        "{.fun rlang::is_interactive } is {.code TRUE}."
      n <- new_n

  # touchstone libraries must be removed from the path temporarily
  # and the one to benchmark will be added in benchmark_run_impl()
  gh_cat(glue::glue("::group::Benchmark: {names(dots)}\n\n"))
  branches <- branches_upsample(branches, n = n)
  cli::cli_alert_info("Running {2*n} iterations of benchmark: {names(dots)}.")
  out_list <- purrr::pmap(branches, benchmark_run_impl,
    expr_before_benchmark = expr_before_benchmark,
    dots = dots,
    path_pkg = path_pkg

#' Checkout a branch from a repo and run an iteration
#' @param path_pkg The path to the root of the package you want to benchmark.
#' @inheritParams benchmark_run_iteration
#' @keywords internal
benchmark_run_impl <- function(branch,
                               path_pkg) {
  local_git_checkout(branch, path_pkg)
    expr_before_benchmark = expr_before_benchmark,
    dots = dots,
    branch = branch,
    block = block
lorenzwalthert/touchstone documentation built on April 20, 2024, 9:57 a.m.