


# ----- CMP -----
n = 200
x1 = as.factor(sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE))
x2 = as.factor(sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE))
X = model.matrix(~ x1)
S = model.matrix(~ x2)
offx = rep(log(10), n)
offs = rep(log(3), n)
Beta.true = c(1, -1)
Gamma.true = c(-1, 1)
lambda.true = exp(X %*% Beta.true + offx)
nu.true = exp(S %*% Gamma.true + offs)
y = rcmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true)

out = glm.cmp(y ~ x1 + offset(offx), = ~ x2 + offset(offs))

# A little simulation to make sure we're seeing the right properties
R = 200
d = c(length(Beta.true), length(Gamma.true))
est = matrix(NA, R, sum(d))
for (r in 1:R) {
	cat("Rep", r, "\n")
	y = rcmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true)
	out = glm.cmp(y ~ x1 + offset(offx), = ~ x2 + offset(offs))
	est[r,] = coef(out)

W.stat = numeric(R)
V.sim = var(est)
for (r in 1:R) {
	delta = est[r,] - c(Beta.true, Gamma.true)
	W.stat[r] = delta %*% solve(V.sim, delta)

# These two should roughly match
curve(pchisq(x, df = sum(d)), lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)

# ----- ZICMP -----
n = 200
x1 = as.factor(sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE))
x2 = as.factor(sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE))
x3 = as.factor(sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE))
X = model.matrix(~ x1)
S = model.matrix(~ x2)
W = model.matrix(~ x3)
offx = rep(log(10), n)
offs = rep(log(3), n)
offw = rep(-log(3), n)
Beta.true = c(1, -1)
Gamma.true = c(-1, 1)
Zeta.true = c(-1, 1)
lambda.true = exp(X %*% Beta.true + offx)
nu.true = exp(S %*% Gamma.true + offs)
p.true = plogis(W %*% Gamma.true + offw)
y = rzicmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true, p.true)

out = glm.cmp(y ~ x1 + offset(offx), = ~ x2 + offset(offs),
	formula.p = ~ x3 + offset(offw))

# A little simulation to make sure we're seeing the right properties
R = 200
d = c(length(Beta.true), length(Gamma.true), length(Zeta.true))
est = matrix(NA, R, sum(d))
for (r in 1:R) {
	cat("Rep", r, "\n")
	y = rzicmp(n, lambda.true, nu.true, p.true)
		out = glm.cmp(y ~ x1 + offset(offx), = ~ x2 + offset(offs),
			formula.p = ~ x3 + offset(offw))
		est[r,] = coef(out)
	}, error = function(e){

W.stat = numeric(R)
V.sim = var(est)
for (r in 1:R) {
	delta = est[r,] - c(Beta.true, Gamma.true, Zeta.true)
	W.stat[r] = delta %*% solve(V.sim, delta)

# These two should roughly match
curve(pchisq(x, df = sum(d)), lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "blue", add = TRUE)
lotze/COMPoissonReg documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 12:03 p.m.