
Defines functions validate_x validate_list

MSG <- list(
  not_list = "Must be a list.",
  valid_x = "x must be a named list or data.frame",
  not_unique = "List names must be unique.",
  no_names = "List must have named items.",
  all_names = "All list items must be named.",
  read_only = "VarBundle fields are read only.",
  not_empty = "List must not be empty",
  not_null = "Argument cannot be NULL",
  not_atomic = "Variables must be atomic.",
  only_atomic_scalar = "Only VarBundles with all atomic scalar items can be converted to data.frame",
  return_null = "Returning NULL"

validate_x <- function(x) {
  x %>%
  if (sum(c("list", "data.frame") %in% class(x)) == 0) {


validate_list <- function(ll) {
  ll %>%
    assertive::assert_is_non_empty() %>%
    assertive::assert_has_names() %>%
    names() %>%
    assertive::assert_all_are_non_empty_character() %>%

  # if (length(ll) == 0) {
  #   stop(MSG$not_empty)
  # }
  # if (is.null(names(ll))) {
  #   stop(MSG$no_names)
  # }
  # if ("" %in% names(ll)) {
  #   stop(MSG$all_names)
  # }
  # if (sum(duplicated(names(ll))) > 0) {
  #   stop(MSG$not_unique)
  # }
loudermilk/VarBundle documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:31 p.m.