
Defines functions drawone

# draw linkage group

drawone <-
           denmap = FALSE,
           maxnbrcolsfordups = 3,
           pdf.width = 12,
           pdf.fg = "black",
           lgw = 0.25,
           lg.col = NULL,
           lg.lwd = par("lwd"),
           pgx = 0.5 ,
           labdist = 0.1 ,
           rcex = par("cex"),
           lcex = par("cex"),
           rfont = par("font"),
           lfont = par("font"),
           rcol = par("col"),
           lcol = par("col"),
           rsegcol = TRUE,
           main = main,
           cex.main = cex.main,
           font.main = font.main,
           col.main = col.main,
           cex.lgtitle = par("cex.main"),
           font.lgtitle = par("font.main"),
           col.lgtitle = par("col.main"),
           qtldf = NULL,
           posonleft = TRUE,
           ruler = FALSE,
           prtlgtitles = TRUE,
           lgtitles = NULL,
           segcol = NULL,
           showonly = NULL,
           sectcoldf = NULL) {
    y <- df$position
    rlab <- df$locus
    llab <- df$position

    pctwidth <- dim$reqwidth / totwidth
    width <- pctwidth * pdf.width

    lgwpct <- lgw / pdf.width

    # if user requested to have positions show on right
    # set up adjustments

    if (posonleft) {
      labdistpct <- labdist / pdf.width
      x1 <- rep(pgx - lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))
      x2 <- rep(pgx + lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))
      rpos <- 4
      lpos <- 2
      posmult <- 1    # adjuster for left or right positioning
    else {
      labdistpct <- -labdist / pdf.width
      x1 <- rep(pgx + lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))
      x2 <- rep(pgx - lgwpct / 2, length(df$position))
      rpos <- 2
      lpos <- 4
      posmult <- -1

    if (!is.null(segcol)) {
      linesegcolor <- df[[eval(segcol)]]
    else {
      linesegcolor <- rep(pdf.fg,nrow(df))

      type = "n",
      cex = 1,
      xlab = "",
      ylab = ""

    # put title on top of chromosome
    if (prtlgtitles) {
      if (!is.null(lgtitles)) {
        lgtext = lgtitles
      else {
        lgtext = df[1, 1]
      #mtext writes text in the margins

        at = pgx,
        line = 1,
        cex = cex.lgtitle,
        col = col.lgtitle,
        font = font.lgtitle
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        at = .5,
        line = 1,
        outer = TRUE,
        cex = cex.main,
        col = col.main,
        font = font.main

    # eliminate all but showonly labels if requested

    if (!is.null(showonly)) {
      solist <- show(
        rcex = rcex,
        lcex = lcex,
        rfont = rfont,
        lfont = lfont,
        rcol = rcol,
        lcol = lcol
      llab <- solist$newllab
      rlab <- solist$newrlab
      rcex <- solist$newrcex
      lcex <- solist$newlcex
      rfont <- solist$newrfont
      lfont <- solist$newlfont
      rcol <- solist$newrcol
      lcol <- solist$newlcol
    else {
      solist <- NULL
    # if density map skip all of this
    if (!denmap) {
      # find and save dup locations before calling spreadcexlabs
      dups <- fsdups(llab, maxnbrcolsfordups)

      # spread the labels as necessary
      # heights are negative because y axis is reversed

      if (length(dups$rkeep) > 1) {
        adjyr <- spreadcexlabs(
          max(strheight(rlab)) * -1.4,
          strh = -max(strheight(rlab)),
          min = min(yrange),
          max = max(yrange),
          cex = rcex[dups$rkeep],
          maxiter = 999999

      else {
        adjyr <- llab[dups$rkeep]

      pos = rpos

      # label the first columns except those that are dups(
      if (length(setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)) > 0) {
          x2[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] + labdistpct,
          adjyr[setdiff(1:length(adjyr), dups$fykeep)],
          labels = rlab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
          pos = pos,
          col = rcol[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
          cex = rcex[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
          font = rfont[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)]

      # label the first columns of dups inset for visibility
      if (length(dups$frkeep > 0)) {
          x2[dups$frkeep] + labdistpct * 1.2,
          labels = rlab[dups$frkeep],
          pos = pos,
          col = rcol[dups$frkeep],
          cex = rcex[dups$frkeep],
          font = rfont[dups$frkeep]

      # now fill out duplicates in columns
      if (maxnbrcolsfordups > 1) {
        for (i in 1:length(llab)) {
          for (m in 1:(maxnbrcolsfordups - 1)) {
            if (!is.na(dups$yd[m, i])) {
              if (m == 1) {
                rx <- x2[i] + labdistpct * 1.2
              ry <- adjyr[dups$yd[m, i]]
              rx <-
                rx + posmult * (strwidth(rlab[(i + m - 1)]) * rcex[(i + m - 1)] + (strwidth(" ")  * rcex[(i + m -
                                                                                                            1)]) / 2)

                labels = rlab[(i + m)],
                pos = pos,
                col = rcol[(i + m)],
                cex = rcex[(i + m)],
                font =
                  rfont[(i + m)]
    }  # end skip all of this if denmap

    # xpd = NA to turn off clipping and arcs can go into margins
    par(xpd = NA)
    if (!is.null(lg.col)) {
      rect(pgx - lgwpct / 2, min(y), pgx + lgwpct / 2, max(y), col = lg.col)
        x = pgx,
        y = min(y),
        circles = lgwpct / 2,
        bg = lg.col,
        add = TRUE,
        fg = lg.col,
        inches = FALSE
        x = pgx,
        y = max(y),
        circles = lgwpct / 2,
        bg = lg.col,
        add = TRUE,
        fg = lg.col,
        inches = FALSE

    # color sections and color arcs at end same as first and last section
    if (!is.null(sectcoldf)) {
      if (nrow(sectcoldf) > 0) {
        if (is.null(lg.col)) {
          if (denmap)
            #lg.col overrides coloring same as adjcent color
              x = pgx,
              y = min(y),
              circles = lgwpct / 2,
              bg = sectcoldf$col[1],
              add = TRUE,
              fg = sectcoldf$col[1],
              inches = FALSE
              x = pgx,
              y = max(y),
              circles = lgwpct / 2,
              bg = sectcoldf$col[nrow(sectcoldf)],
              add = TRUE,
              fg = sectcoldf$col[nrow(sectcoldf)],
              inches = FALSE
          for (sc in 1:nrow(sectcoldf)) {
              pgx - lgwpct / 2,
              pgx + lgwpct / 2,
              col = sectcoldf$col,
              border = NA

    segments(pgx - lgwpct / 2, min(y), pgx - lgwpct / 2, max(y), lwd = lg.lwd)
    segments(pgx + lgwpct / 2, min(y), pgx + lgwpct / 2, max(y), lwd = lg.lwd)

      x = pgx,
      y = min(y),
      radius = lgwpct / 2,
      deg1 = 0,
      deg2 = 180,
      lwd = lg.lwd
      x = pgx,
      y = max(y),
      radius = lgwpct / 2,
      deg1 = -180,
      deg2 = 0,
      lwd = lg.lwd

    if (!denmap) {
      if (rsegcol) {
        segcolprt <- rcol[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)]
      else {
        segcolprt <- pdf.fg
      # segments for nondups from chr to marker

      segments(x2[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] + labdistpct,
               adjyr[setdiff(1:length(adjyr), dups$fykeep)],
               x2[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
               llab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
               col = segcolprt)

      if (rsegcol) {
        segcolprt <- rcol[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)]
      else {
        segcolprt <- linesegcolor[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)]
      #connect across chromosome
      segments(x1[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
               llab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
               x2[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)],
               llab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)], col = segcolprt)

      if (rsegcol) {
        segcolprt <- rcol[dups$frkeep]
      else {
        segcolprt <- pdf.fg
      #segments for dups
      if (length(dups$frkeep) > 0) {
        segments(x2[dups$fykeep] + labdistpct * 1.2, adjyr[dups$fykeep],
                 col = segcolprt)

        if (rsegcol) {
          segcolprt <- rcol[dups$frkeep]
        else {
          segcolprt <- linesegcolor[dups$frkeep]

        #connect across chromosome
                 llab[dups$frkeep], col = segcolprt)

        #segments connecting dups vertically
        if (length(y[dups$rkeep]) > 1) {
          for (i in 2:length(y[dups$rkeep])) {
            if (llab[dups$rkeep][i] == llab[dups$rkeep][i - 1]) {
              segments(x2[dups$rkeep][i] + labdistpct * 1.2,
                       x2[dups$rkeep][i] + labdistpct * 1.2,
                       adjyr[(i - 1)])

      # now draw lines across chromosome for non-shown markers if any

      if (!is.null(showonly)) {
          rep(x1[1], length.out = length(setdiff(y, (
          setdiff(y, (llab[dups$rkeep])),
          rep(x2[1], length.out = length(setdiff(y, (
          setdiff(y, (llab[dups$rkeep])),
          col = linesegcolor[match(setdiff(y, (llab[dups$rkeep])), df$position)]

      pos = lpos
      if (!ruler) {
          x1[dups$lkeep] - labdistpct,
          labels = llab[dups$lkeep],
          pos = pos,
          col = lcol[dups$lkeep],
          cex = lcex[dups$lkeep],
          font =

        segments(x1[dups$lkeep] - labdistpct, adjyr[dups$flkeep], x1[dups$lkeep], llab[dups$lkeep])

    } # end don't do this for density map
    else {
      segments(rep(x1[1], length.out = length(y)),
               rep(x2[1], length.out = length(y)),
               col = linesegcolor)

    # figure locus labwidth to pass back for connecting markers
    # and for drawing qtls

    if (denmap) {
      yrlabwidth <- rep(strwidth("M", units = "inches"),length(y))
      adjyr <- y
      adjyl <- y
      dups <- NULL
    else {
      yrlabwidth <- vector(length = length(llab))
      yrlabwidth[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] <-
        strwidth(rlab[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)], units = "inches") *
        rcex[setdiff(dups$rkeep, dups$frkeep)] + labdist
      yrlabwidth[dups$frkeep] <-
        strwidth(rlab[dups$frkeep], units = "inches") *
        rcex[dups$frkeep] + labdist * 1.2
      # now add space for duplicates in cols
      if (maxnbrcolsfordups > 1) {
        for (i in 1:length(llab)) {
          for (m in 1:(maxnbrcolsfordups - 1)) {
            if (!is.na(dups$yd[m, i])) {
              yrlabwidth[i] <-
                yrlabwidth[i] + strwidth(rlab[(i + m)], units = "inches") * rcex[(i + m)] + (strwidth(" ", units =
                                                                                                        "inches")  * rcex[(i + m)]) / 2
    # save yrlabwidth before adding in any qtls to pass back for connecting markers
    returnlabwidth <- yrlabwidth

    # draw qtls
    if (!is.null(qtldf)) {
      # save calculated start and end (biggest of actual positions or label length)
      # for determining if labels will overlap
      sdf <- vector(length = nrow(qtldf))
      edf <- vector(length = nrow(qtldf))
      # determine x position of qtl

      if (nrow(qtldf) > 0) {
        for (ql in 1:nrow(qtldf)) {
          # if there are labels on y axis where qtl needs to be drawn
          # first decide if QTL line (so to eo) or text label is longest
          oneinch <- grconvertY(0, from = "user", to = "inches") -
            grconvertY(1, from = "user", to = "inches")
          lablen <- strwidth(qtldf$qtl[ql], units = "inches")
          lablenY <- lablen / oneinch
          if (lablenY > qtldf$eo[ql] - qtldf$so[ql]) {
            # use lablenY start is middle - half of label length
            qtlstart <-
              ((qtldf$si[ql] + qtldf$ei[ql]) / 2) - (lablenY / 2)
            qtlend <-
              ((qtldf$si[ql] + qtldf$ei[ql]) / 2) + (lablenY / 2)
          else {
            qtlstart <- qtldf$so[ql]
            qtlend <- qtldf$eo[ql]
          for (f in 1:length(sdf)) {
            if (qtlstart > sdf[f] && qtlstart < edf[f]) {
              qtlstart <- sdf[f]
            if (qtlend < edf[f] && qtlend > sdf[f]) {
              qtlend <- edf[f]
          sdf[ql] <- qtlstart
          edf[ql] <- qtlend
          # adjust in case labels overlap

          if (any(adjyr >= (qtlstart + strheight("M") * max(rcex)) &
                  adjyr <= (qtlend   - strheight("M") * max(rcex)))) {
            qtlxpos <-
              max(yrlabwidth[yrlabwidth > 0][which(adjyr >= (qtlstart + strheight("M") * max(rcex)) &
                                                     adjyr <= (qtlend - strheight("M") * max(rcex)))]) / pdf.width
            yrlabwidth[yrlabwidth > 0][which(adjyr >= (qtlstart + strheight("M") * max(rcex)) &
                                               adjyr <= (qtlend  - strheight("M") * max(rcex)))] <-
              yrlabwidth[yrlabwidth > 0][which(adjyr >= (qtlstart + strheight("M") * max(rcex)) &
                                                 adjyr <= (qtlend  - strheight("M") * max(rcex)))] + lgw / 3 + strheight("M", units = "inches") *
          else {
            qtlxpos <- 0

          if (is.null(qtldf$col[ql])) {
            qtldf$col[ql] <- par("col")
          # draw qtl
            x2[1] + posmult * (qtlxpos + strwidth("M") + lgwpct / 6),
            x2[1] + posmult * (qtlxpos + strwidth("M") + lgwpct / 6),
            col = qtldf$col[ql]
          # make inner region 1/3 size of linkage group width
          # 1/3 is arbitrary, just looks good
            x2[1] + posmult * (qtlxpos + strwidth("M")),
            x2[1] + posmult * (qtlxpos + strwidth("M") + lgwpct / 3),
            col = qtldf$col[ql],
            border = qtldf$col[ql]
            x2[1] + posmult * (qtlxpos + strwidth("MM") + lgwpct / 3),
            (qtldf$si[ql] + qtldf$ei[ql]) / 2,
            label = qtldf$qtl[ql],
            # col = qtldf$col[ql],
            srt = 270
    return (
        adjyr = adjyr,
        adjyl = adjyr[dups$flkeep],
        yrlabwidth = returnlabwidth,
        dups = dups,
        solist = solist
louellette/LinkageMapView documentation built on Nov. 21, 2019, 10:09 p.m.