soybean_ir_sub: Raw and subsetted soybean leaves iron-metabolism data

soybean_ir_subR Documentation

Raw and subsetted soybean leaves iron-metabolism data


This dataset contains raw RNA-sequencing read counts from a soybean dataset that compared leaves that were exposed to iron-rich (iron -postive) soil conditions versus leaves that were exposed to iron-poor (iron-negative) soil conditions. The data was collected 120 minutes after iron conditions were initiated. To save on size, this example dataset was generated by obtaining a random subset of 1 out of 10 genes from the original resource.




a RData instance, 1 row per gene

A data frame with 5,604 rows and 7 variables


Raw and subsetted soybean leaves data

  • ID gene name

  • N.1 iron-negative condition replicate 1 raw read counts

  • N.2 iron-negative condition replicate 2 raw read counts

  • N.3 iron-negative condition replicate 3 raw read counts

  • P.1 iron-positive condition replicate 1 raw read counts

  • P.2 iron-positive condition replicate 2 raw read counts

  • P.3 iron-positive condition replicate 3 raw read counts


Moran Lauter AN, Graham MA. NCBI SRA bioproject accession: PRJNA318409.

See Also

soybean_ir from which this dataset is subsetted

lrutter/bigPint documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 1 a.m.