
Defines functions nanoival c.nanoival

Documented in c.nanoival nanoival

## TODO:
## - should nanoival have NA?
## - what do do when subsetting NA nanotime?
## - prevent matrix, array, cbind, rbind, compared with non-interval
## - see how we can better organize documentation for S4 methods that are
##   defined only to produce an error

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setClass("nanoival", contains="integer64")

##' Interval type with nanosecond precision
##' \code{nanoival} is a time interval type (an S4 class) with
##' nanosecond functionality. One of its purposes is to allow quick
##' subsetting of a \code{nanotime} vector. \code{nanoival} is
##' composed of a \code{nanotime} pair which defines the start and end
##' of the time interval. Additionally, it has a pair of logical
##' values which determine if the start and end of the time interval
##' are open (true) or closed (false).
##' An interval object can be constructed with the constructor
##' \code{nanoival} which takes as arguments two \code{nanotime}
##' objects that define the start and the end of the interval,
##' together with two \code{logical} arguments that define if the
##' start and the end of the interval are open (true) or closed
##' (false) (note that these objects can all be vector, and therefore
##' the interval object is not necessarily scalar). Alternatively, an
##' interval can be constructed with a \code{character}: the format
##' follows that of \code{nanotime}; the start time is preceeded by
##' either \code{-} or \code{+} indicating if the interval start is
##' open (-) or closed (+); the start and end times are separated by
##' an arrow \code{->}; the end is folloed by either \code{-} or
##' \code{+} which have the same semantics as the start time.
##' The most important set of methods defined for \code{interval} are
##' set functions \code{intersect}, \code{union} and \code{setdiff}.
##' Additionally, \code{interval} allows the subsetting into a
##' \code{nanotime} vector. Note that subsetting is allowed only if
##' the \code{nanotime} vector is sorted.
##' Finally, accessors are provided to get the interval start
##' (\code{start}), the end (\code{end}), the open/close status of the
##' start (\code{sopen}) and the open/close status of the end
##' (\code{eopen}). The former return a \code{nanotime} while the
##' latter return a \code{logical}.
##' @section Output Format:
##' Formatting and character conversion for \code{nanoival} objects is
##' identical to \code{nanotime} objects. The default format is
##' ISO3339 compliant: \code{\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%E9S\%Ez}. It
##' specifies a standard ISO 8601 part for date and time --- as well
##' as nine digits of precision for fractional seconds (down to
##' nanoseconds) and on offset (typically zero as we default to UTC).
##' It can be overriden by using \code{options()} with the key of
##' \code{nanotimeFormat} and a suitable value. Similarly,
##' \code{nanotimeTz} can be used to select a different timezone.
##' @param x a \code{nanoival} object
##' @param tz a timezone string
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from methods.
##' @param e1 Operand of class \code{nanoival}
##' @param e2 Operand of class \code{nanoival}
##' @param digits Required for \code{Math2} signature but ignored here
##' @param recursive argument for method \code{c}
##' @param object argument for method \code{show}
##' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.
##' @param i index specifying elements to extract or replace.
##' @param j Required for \code{[} signature but ignored here
##' @param drop Required for \code{[} signature but ignored here
##' @param z Required for \code{Complex} signature but ignored here
##' @param value argument for \code{nanoival-class}
##' @param start \code{nanotime} start of interval
##' @param end \code{nanotime} end of interval
##' @param sopen logical indicating if the start of the interval is open
##' @param eopen logical indicating if the end of the interval is open
##' @return A nanoival object
##' @author Leonardo Silvestri
##' @examples
##' ## creating a \code{nanoival}, with the start time included ('+') and the end
##' ## time excluded ('-')
##' as.nanoival("+2012-03-01T21:21:00.000000001+00:00->2015-01-01T21:22:00.000000999+04:00-")
##' ## a \code{nanoival} can also be created with a pair of \code{nanotime} objects, a start
##' ## and an end, and optionally two logicals determining if the interval start(end) are open
##' ## or closed; by default the start is closed and end is open:
##' start <- nanotime("2012-03-01T21:21:00.000000001+00:00")
##' end <- nanotime("2013-03-01T21:21:00.000000001+00:00")
##' nanoival(start, end)
##' ## a vector of \code{nanotime} can be subsetted by an interval:
##' fmt <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
##' one_second <- 1e9
##' a <- seq(nanotime("2012-12-12 12:12:12", fmt), length.out=10, by=one_second)
##' idx <- c(as.nanoival("-2012-12-12 12:12:10 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:14-", fmt),
##'          as.nanoival("+2012-12-12 12:12:18 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:20+", fmt))
##' a[idx]
##' ## \code{nanoival} also has the set operations \code{union}, \code{intersect},
##' ## \code{setdiff}
##' a <- seq(nanotime("2012-12-12 12:12:12", fmt), length.out=10, by=one_second)
##' i <- as.nanoival("-2012-12-12 12:12:14 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:18-", fmt)
##' setdiff(a, i)
##' i1 <- as.nanoival("+2012-12-12 12:12:14 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:17-", fmt)
##' i2 <- as.nanoival("+2012-12-12 12:12:16 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:18-", fmt)
##' union(i1, i2)
##' ## Finally, \code{intersect.idx} which gives back the indices of the intersection is
##' ## defined:
##' a <- seq(nanotime("2012-12-12 12:12:12"), length.out=10, by=one_second)      
##' idx <- as.nanoival("+2012-12-12 12:12:14 -> 2012-12-12 12:12:19+")           
##' intersect.idx(a, idx)                                                        
##' ## which gives back:                                                               
##' ## $x                                                                        
##' ## [1] 3 4 5 6 7 8                                                           
##' ##                                                                           
##' ## $y                                                                        
##' ## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1                                                           

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
nanoival <- function(start, end, sopen=FALSE, eopen=TRUE) {
    ## probably have to check that start/end are nanotime or integer64
    v <- cbind(start, end, ifelse(sopen, 4294967296, 0) + ifelse(eopen, 1, 0))
    new("nanoival", c(t(v)))  

setGeneric("start", function(x) standardGeneric("start"))
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x) { oldClass(x) <- "integer64"; nanotime(x[c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE)]) })

setGeneric("end", function(x) standardGeneric("end"))
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x) { oldClass(x) <- "integer64"; nanotime(x[c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE)]) })

setGeneric("sopen", function(x) standardGeneric("sopen"))
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x) { oldClass(x) <- "integer64"; x[c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)] > 1 })

setGeneric("eopen", function(x) standardGeneric("eopen"))
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x) {
              oldClass(x) <- "integer64";
              x[c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)]==1 | x[c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)]==4294967297

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x, ...) {
              ## like in nanotime, we must prevent the conversion to printout to be too large LLL
              oldClass(x) <- "integer64"
              j <- 1
              s <- character(0)
              while (j < length(x)) {
                  s <- c(s, 
                         paste0(ifelse(x[j+2] > 1, "-", "+"),
                                format(nanotime(x[j])), " -> ",
                                ifelse(x[j+2]==1 | x[j+2]==4294967297, "-", "+")))
                  j <- j + 3
              if (!is.null(attr(x, "names", exact=TRUE))) {
                  names(s) <- names(x)[c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)]

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(object) print(object))

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x) {
              oldClass(x) <- "integer64"
              names(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE))[c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)]

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x, value) {
              names(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)) <- rep(value, each=3)

setGeneric("as.nanoival", function(x, format="", tz="") standardGeneric("as.nanoival"))
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          function(x, format="", tz="") {
              ## parse the +-, split on -> and process the two 
              sopen <- substr(x, 1, 1) == "-"
              xlen <- nchar(x)
              eopen <- substr(x, xlen, xlen) == "-"
              start_stop <- strsplit(substr(x, 2, xlen-1), "->")
              start <- sapply(start_stop, function(x) head(x, 1))
              end <- sapply(start_stop, function(x) tail(x, 1))
              res <- nanoival(nanotime(start, format, tz),
                              nanotime(end,   format, tz),

## ------------ logical comp

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("<", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_lt', e1, e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("<=", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_le', e1, e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod(">", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_gt', e1, e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod(">=", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_ge', e1, e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("==", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_eq', e1, e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("!=", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Call('_nanoival_ne', e1, e2)

## ------------ `-`
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("-", c("nanoival", "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              stop("invalid operand types")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("-", c("nanoival", "integer64"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1 <- S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE)
              e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] <- e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] - e2
              new("nanoival", e1)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("-", c("nanoival", "numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1 <- S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE)
              e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] <- e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] - e2
              new("nanoival", e1)
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("-", c("ANY", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              stop("invalid operand types")

## ----------- `+`
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("nanoival", "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              stop("invalid operand types")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("nanoival", "integer64"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1 <- S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE)
              e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] <- e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] + e2
              new("nanoival", e1)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("nanoival", "numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1 <- S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE)
              e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] <- e1[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)] + e2
              new("nanoival", e1)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("ANY", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              stop("invalid operand types")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("integer64", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              new("nanoival", e1 + S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE))

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("numeric", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              new("nanoival", e1 + S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE))

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("+", c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              stop("invalid operand types")

## ---------- other ops

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Arith", c("nanoival", "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              callNextMethod(S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE), e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Compare", c("nanoival", "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              callNextMethod(S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE), e2)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Logic", c("nanoival", "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for "A" | "A"
              stop("operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Logic", c("ANY", "nanoival"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for "A" | "A"
              stop("operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Math", c("nanoival"),
          function(x) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for abs("A")
              stop("non-numeric argument to mathematical function")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Math2", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, digits) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for round("A")
              stop("non-numeric argument to mathematical function")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Summary", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for sum("A")
              stop("invalid 'type' (nanoival) of argument")

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("min", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
              ## LLL
              new("nanoival", callNextMethod())

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("max", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
              ## LLL
              new("nanoival", callNextMethod())

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("range", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
              new("nanoival", callNextMethod())

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("Complex", c("nanoival"),
          function(z) {
              ## this is the same error message that R gives for Arg("A")
              stop("non-numeric argument to function")

## ----------- non ops

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          signature("nanoival", "logical"),
          function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
              ## verify ... is empty LLL
              x <- S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)
              new("nanoival", x[rep(i, each=3)])

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          signature("nanoival", "numeric"),
          function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
              ## verify ... is empty LLL
              x <- S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)
              i <- (i-1)*3 + 1
              i <- sapply(i, function(k) k:(k+2))
              new("nanoival", x[i])

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          signature("nanoival", "logical", "ANY", "nanoival"),
          function (x, i, j, ..., value) {
              x <- S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)
              x[rep(i, each=3)] <- S3Part(value, strictS3=TRUE)
              new("nanoival", x)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
c.nanoival <- function(...) {
    res <- do.call(c.integer64, list(...))
    names <- names(res)
    if (!is.null(names)) {
        names(res) <- substr(names, 1, nchar(names)-1)
    new("nanoival", res)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("t", c("nanoival"),
          function(x) {
              ## identity, like POSIXct, because nanoival doesn't support arrays

## setMethod("c",
##           signature("nanoival"),
##           function(x, ..., recursive=FALSE) {
##               print("method c")
##               new("nanoival", callNextMethod())
##           })

## ##' @rdname nanoival
## ##' @export
## setMethod("cbind2",
##           signature("nanoival", "nanoival"),
##           function (x, y, ...) {
##               print(dimnames(x))
##               print("calling next method")
##               res <- callNextMethod()
##               print(attributes(res))
##               new("nanoival", res)              
##           })

## ##' @rdname nanoival
## ##' @export
## setMethod("cbind2",
##           signature("nanoival", "nanoival"),
##           function (x, y, ...) {
##               x <- t(x)
##               y <- t(y)
##               print(dimnames(x))
##               print("calling next method")
##               res <- callNextMethod()
##               print(attributes(res))
##               new("nanoival", res)              
##           })

## ##' @rdname nanoival
## ##' @export
## setMethod("rbind2",
##           signature("nanoival", "nanoival"),
##           function (x, y, ...) {
##               print("rbind2")
##               dim(x)
##               x <- t(x)
##               y <- t(y)
##               print(dim(x))
##               print(dim(y))
##               print("rbind2 dimnames")
##               print(dimnames(x))
##               new("nanoival", callNextMethod())              
##           })

## set functions
## -------------

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              x <- sort(x)
              y <- sort(y)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_intersect', x, y)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanoival", res)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              x <- sort(x)
              y <- sort(y)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_union', x, y)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanoival", res)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanoival", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              x <- sort(x)
              y <- sort(y)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_setdiff', x, y)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanoival", res)

## nanotime and nanoival:
## ---------------------

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          signature("nanotime", "nanoival"),
          function (x, i, ..., drop=FALSE) {
              if (is.unsorted(x)) stop("x must be sorted")
              i <- sort(i)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_intersect_time_interval', x, i)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanotime", res)            

setGeneric("intersect.idx", function(x, y) standardGeneric("intersect.idx"))

## need to add nanotime/nanotime LLL

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanotime", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              if (is.unsorted(x)) stop("x must be sorted")
              y <- sort(y)
              .Call('_nanoival_intersect_idx_time_interval', x, y)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanotime", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              x <- sort(x)
              y <- sort(y)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_intersect_time_interval', x, y)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanotime", res)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanotime", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              x <- sort(x)
              y <- sort(y)
              res <- .Call('_nanoival_setdiff_time_interval', x, y)
              class(res) <- "integer64"
              new("nanotime", res)

setGeneric("setdiff.idx", function(x, y) standardGeneric("setdiff.idx"))

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
          c("nanotime", "nanoival"),
          function(x, y) {
              if (is.unsorted(x)) stop("x must be sorted")
              y <- sort(y)
              .Call('_nanoival_setdiff_idx_time_interval', x, y)

## misc functions:
## --------------

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("is.unsorted", "nanoival",
          function(x, na.rm=FALSE, strictly=FALSE) {
              if (typeof(strictly) != "logical") {
                  stop("argument 'strictly' must be a logical")
              .Call('_nanoival_is_unsorted', x, strictly)

##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("sort", c("nanoival"),
          function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...) .Call('_nanoival_sort', x, decreasing))

## seq for nanotime should be in the "nanotime" package; put it here for the moment so
## we can demo nanoival without forcing folks to upgrade nanotime:
##' @rdname nanoival
##' @export
setMethod("seq", c("nanotime"),
          function(from, to=NULL, by=NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...) {
              nanotime(seq(S3Part(from, strictS3=TRUE),
                           S3Part(to, strictS3=TRUE),
                           by, length.out, along.with, ...))                           
lsilvest/nanoival documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:44 p.m.