
Defines functions patchSearch.train patchSearch.predict makeRLearner.regr.patchSearch trainLearner.regr.patchSearch predictLearner.regr.patchSearch rmse2d.fun rmse2d

Documented in makeRLearner.regr.patchSearch patchSearch.predict patchSearch.train predictLearner.regr.patchSearch rmse2d rmse2d.fun

## patch search algorithm based on https://www.kaggle.com/c/facial-keypoints-detection/details/getting-started-with-r
## wrapped into a mlR learner to allow easy tuning, resampling, etc.

#' Training function for patch search algorithm
#' Calculates mean patch of some keypoint (x, y) in an image set by extracting all squared patches with center
#' (x, y), width 2 * patch_size + 1 and height 2 * patch_size + 1 and calculating the mean of all patches afterwards.
#' @param f task function in order to determine target keypoint
#' @param d.tr the training dataset
#' @param patch_size determines size of the mean patch
#' @param search_size determines search area in test image
#' @return mean patch of target keypoint
patchSearch.train <- function(f, d.tr, patch_size = 10, search_size = 2) {
  coord = all.vars(f)[1]
  cat(sprintf("computing mean patch for %s\n", coord))

  # extract all patches
  patches <- foreach (i = 1:nrow(d.tr), .combine=rbind) %do% {
    if ((i %% 100)==0) { cat(sprintf("Extracting %s patch from training image %d/%d\n", coord, i, nrow(d.tr))) }
    im  <- matrix(data = d.tr[i,"Image"], nrow=96, ncol=96)

    # transform to x and y coordinate
    xy  <- d.tr[i, coord]
    x   <- xy %/% 96 + 1
    y   <- xy %% 96

    # determine outer coordinates of patch
    x1  <- (x-patch_size)
    x2  <- (x+patch_size)
    y1  <- (y-patch_size)
    y2  <- (y+patch_size)
    if ( (!is.na(x)) && (!is.na(y)) && (x1>=1) && (x2<=96) && (y1>=1) && (y2<=96) )
      as.vector(im[x1:x2, y1:y2])

  # return mean patch
  mean.patch = matrix(data = colMeans(patches), nrow=2*patch_size+1, ncol=2*patch_size+1)

  # plot mean patch
  par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  image(1:(2*patch_size+1), 1:(2*patch_size+1),
        col=gray((0:255)/255), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ann = FALSE, breaks = 0:256)

  # return the mean patch

#' Predicts the keypoint position in four steps:
#' 1) first the mean keypoint position of all training images is calculated
#' 2) then the search area is determined with the mean position as center, width of 2 * search_size + 1 and height of 2 * search_size + 1
#' 3) the last step is to run through the search area and compare the trained mean patch with all possible positions
#' 4) the best fitting position is used as prediction
#' @param model
#' @param f
#' @param d.te
#' @param patch_size
#' @param search_size
#' @return
patchSearch.predict <- function(model, f, d.te, patch_size = 10, search_size = 2)  {
  mean.patch = model$learner.model

  # the coordinates we want to predict
  coord = all.vars(f)[1]
  coord_x <- paste(coord, "x", sep="_")
  coord_y <- paste(coord, "y", sep="_")

  # the average of them in the training set (our starting point)
  mean_x  <- mean(d.train[, coord_x], na.rm=T)
  mean_y  <- mean(d.train[, coord_y], na.rm=T)

  # search space: 'search_size' pixels centered on the average coordinates
  x1 <- as.integer(mean_x)-search_size
  x2 <- as.integer(mean_x)+search_size
  y1 <- as.integer(mean_y)-search_size
  y2 <- as.integer(mean_y)+search_size

  # ensure we only consider patches completely inside the image
  x1 <- ifelse(x1-patch_size<1,  patch_size+1,  x1)
  y1 <- ifelse(y1-patch_size<1,  patch_size+1,  y1)
  x2 <- ifelse(x2+patch_size>96, 96-patch_size, x2)
  y2 <- ifelse(y2+patch_size>96, 96-patch_size, y2)

  # build a list of all positions to be tested
  params <- expand.grid(x = x1:x2, y = y1:y2)

  # for each image...
  r <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(d.te), .combine=rbind) %do% {
    im <- matrix(data = d.te[i, "Image"], nrow=96, ncol=96)
    if ((i %% 100)==0) { cat(sprintf("Predicting %s for test image %d/%d\n", coord, i, nrow(d.te))) }

    # ... compute a score for each position ...
    r  <- foreach(j = 1:nrow(params), .combine=rbind) %do% {
      x     <- params$x[j]
      y     <- params$y[j]
      p     <- im[(x-patch_size):(x+patch_size), (y-patch_size):(y+patch_size)]
      score <- cor(as.vector(p), as.vector(mean.patch))
      score <- ifelse(is.na(score), 0, score)
      data.frame(x, y, score)

    # ... and return the best
    best <- r[which.max(r$score), c("x", "y")]

  # retransform to single value
  result <- (round(r[1]) - 1) * 96 + round(r[2])

#' Create the custom learner for the patch search algorithm
#' @return the patch search learner
#' @export
makeRLearner.regr.patchSearch = function() {
    cl = "regr.patchSearch",
    package = "fkdR",
    par.set = makeParamSet(
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "patch_size", default = 10, lower = 0, tunable = TRUE),
      makeNumericLearnerParam(id = "search_size", default = 2, lower = 1, tunable = TRUE)
    properties = c("numerics"),
    name = "Patch Search Learner for Keypoint Detection in Images",
    short.name = "patchSearch",
    note = ""

#' creates the training part of the patch search learner
#' @param .learner the patch search learner
#' @param .task the current task
#' @param .subset the training data
#' @param ...
#' @return the mean patch calculated by patchSearch.train()
#' @export
trainLearner.regr.patchSearch = function(.learner, .task, .subset, ...) {
  patchSearch.train(f = getTaskFormula(.task),
                    d.tr = getTaskData(.task, .subset),

#' creates the prediction part of the patch search learner
#' @param .learner the patch search learner
#' @param .model the current model
#' @param .newdata data on which the predictions should be calculated
#' @param ...
#' @return the prediction of the current keypoint
#' @export
#' @examples
predictLearner.regr.patchSearch = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, ...) {
  .patch_size = .model$learner$par.vals$patch_size
  .search_size = .model$learner$par.vals$search_size

  .patch_size = ifelse(is.null(.patch_size), 10, .patch_size)
  .search_size = ifelse(is.null(.search_size), 2, .search_size)

                      f = getTaskFormula(.model$task.desc),
                      d.te = .newdata,
                      patch_size = .patch_size,
                      search_size = .search_size,

#' Helper function to calculate the root mean squared error
#' @param task the patch search regression task
#' @param model the learned model containing the mean patch
#' @param pred the predictions of keypoints
#' @param feats
#' @param extra.args
#' @return
rmse2d.fun = function(task, model, pred, feats, extra.args) {
  # retransform response and truth values to x and y coordinate
  # (assuming an image of 96 x 96 pixels)
  response = data.frame(
    x = getPredictionResponse(pred) %% 96 + 1,
    y = getPredictionResponse(pred) %/% 96

  truth = data.frame(
    x = getPredictionTruth(pred) %% 96 + 1,
    y = getPredictionTruth(pred) %/% 96

  # calculate the root mean squared error
  rmse = sqrt((response$x-truth$x)^2 + (response$y-truth$y)^2)

#' Custom measure which respects the transformation of 2-dimensional data into one value
#' @return the rmse2d measure object
#' @export
rmse2d = function() {
    id = "rmse2d", name = "Root Mean Squared Error for 2-dimensional data",
    properties = c("regr", "req.pred", "req.truth"),
    minimize = TRUE, best = 0, worst = Inf,
    fun = rmse2d.fun
lstegger/fkdR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.