
# -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Plot a set of time series
#' \code{sits_plot} plot one or more time series
#' Plot one SITS time series for a single place and interval
#' @param  data.tb      tibble - a SITS table with the list of time series to be plotted
#' @param  patterns.tb  patterns SITS tibble used to matching
#' @param  type         string - the type of plot to be generated
#' @param  colors       the color pallete to be used (default is "Set1")
#' @param  start_date   the start date of the plot (used for showing classifications)
#' @param  end_date     the end date of the plot (used for showing classifications)
#' @param  interval     the interval between classifications (used for showing classifications)
#' @param  overlap      minimum overlapping between one match and the interval of classification. For details see dtwSat::twdtwApply help.
#' @param  n_matches    number of matches of a given label to be displayed
#' @return data.tb      tibble - the input SITS table (useful for chaining functions)
#' @export
sits_plot <- function (data.tb, patterns.tb = NULL, type = "allyears", colors = "Dark2", n_matches = 4,
                       start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, interval = "12 month", overlap = 0.5) {
     # check the input exists
    .sits_test_table (data.tb)

            "allyears"       = .sits_plot_allyears (data.tb, colors),
            "one_by_one"     = .sits_plot_one_by_one (data.tb, colors),
            "together"       = .sits_plot_together (data.tb, colors),
            "patterns"       = .sits_plot_patterns (data.tb),
            "classification" = .sits_plot_classification (data.tb, patterns.tb, start_date, end_date, interval, overlap),
            "alignments"     = .sits_plot_alignments (data.tb, patterns.tb),
            "matches"        = .sits_plot_matches (data.tb, patterns.tb, n_matches),
            message (paste ("sits_plot: valid plot types are allyears,
                            one_by_one, together, patterns, classification, alignments, matches", "\n", sep = ""))

     # return the original SITS table - useful for chaining
     return (invisible (data.tb))

#' @title Plot all time intervals of one time series for the same lat/long together
#' @name .sits_plot_allyears
#' @description finds out the different lat/long places in the data, and joins temporal
#' instances of the same place together for plotting
#' @param data.tb one or more time series (stored in a SITS tibble)
#' @param colors  the color pallete to be used (default is "Dark2")
.sits_plot_allyears <- function (data.tb, colors) {
     locs <- dplyr::distinct (data.tb, longitude, latitude)
     locs %>%
          purrrlyr::by_row( function (r){
               long = as.double (r$longitude)
               lat  = as.double (r$latitude)
               # filter only those rows with the same label
               data2.tb <- dplyr::filter (data.tb, longitude == long, latitude == lat)
               # use ggplot to plot the time series together
               data2.tb %>%
                    .sits_ggplot_series(colors) %>%

#' @title Plot  time intervals of one time series separately (one-by-one)
#' @name .sits_plot_one_by_one
#' @description plots each row of a data set separately
#' @param data.tb one or more time series (stored in a SITS tibble)
#' @param colors  the color pallete to be used (default is "Dark2")
.sits_plot_one_by_one <- function (data.tb, colors){
     data.tb %>%
          purrrlyr::by_row( function (r){
               .sits_ggplot_series (r,colors) %>%

#' @title Plot classification patterns
#' @name .sits_plot_patterns
#' @description plots the patterns to be used for classification (uses dtwSat)
#' @param data.tb one or more time series containing patterns (stored in a SITS tibble)
.sits_plot_patterns <- function (data.tb) {
     data.tb %>%
          .sits_toTWDTW_time_series() %>%
          dtwSat::plot (type = "patterns") %>%

#' @title Plot classification results
#' @name .sits_plot_classification
#' @description plots the results of TWDTW classification (uses dtwSat)
#' @param data.tb one or more time series containing classification results (stored in a SITS tibble)
.sits_plot_classification <- function (data.tb, patterns.tb, start_date, end_date, interval, overlap){

    # does the input data exist?
    .sits_test_table (data.tb)
    .sits_test_table (patterns.tb)
    # retrieve a dtwSat S4 twdtwMatches object
    data.tb %>%
        .sits_toTWDTW_matches(patterns.tb) %>%
        purrr::map(function (m.twdtw) {
            if (purrr::is_null (start_date) | purrr::is_null (end_date))
                dplot <- dtwSat::plot (m.twdtw, type = "classification", overlap = 0.5)
                dplot <- dtwSat::plot (m.twdtw, type = "classification", from = start_date,
                                       to = end_date, by = interval, overlap = overlap)

#' @title Plot classification alignments
#' @name .sits_plot_alignments
#' @description plots the alignments from TWDTW classification (uses dtwSat)
#' @param data.tb      one or more time series containing classification results (stored in a SITS tibble)
#' @param patterns.tb  patterns SITS tibble used to matching
.sits_plot_alignments <- function (data.tb, patterns.tb){
    #does the input data exist?
    .sits_test_table (data.tb)
    .sits_test_table (patterns.tb)

    data.tb %>%
        .sits_toTWDTW_matches(patterns.tb) %>%
        purrr::map( function (m.twdtw) {
            dtwSat::plot (m.twdtw, type = "alignments") %>%
#' @title Plot matches between a label pattern and a time series
#' @name .sits_plot_matches
#' @description plots the matches from TWDTW classification for one label
#' @param data.tb      one or more time series containing classification results (stored in a SITS tibble)
#' @param patterns.tb  patterns SITS tibble used to matching
#' @param n_matches    number of matches of a given label to be displayed
.sits_plot_matches <- function (data.tb, patterns.tb, n_matches) {

    #does the input data exist?
    .sits_test_table (data.tb)
    .sits_test_table (patterns.tb)

        data.tb %>%
        .sits_toTWDTW_matches(patterns.tb) %>%
        purrr::map(function (m.twdtw) {
            dtwSat::plot (m.twdtw, type = "matches", patterns.labels = patterns.tb$label, k = n_matches) %>%

#' @title Plot a set of time series for the same spatio-temporal reference
#' @name .sits_plot_together
#' @description plots all time series for the same label together
#' This function is useful to find out the spread of the values of the time serie
#' for a given label
#' @param    data.tb    tibble - a SITS table with the list of time series to be plotted
#' @param    colours    the color pallete to be used (default is "Set1")
#' @return   data.tb    tibble - the input SITS table (useful for chaining functions)
#' @keywords SITS
.sits_plot_together <- function (data.tb, colors) {
     # this function plots all the values of all time series together (for one band)
     plot_samples <- function (ts, band, label, number) {
          series.tb <- ts %>%
               data.frame ()                      %>%  # convert list to data frame
               tibble::as_tibble()                        %>%  # convert data fram to tibble
               dplyr::select (Index, dplyr::starts_with(band))       # select only the index and the chosen band

          # compute the quantiles
          qts   = apply (series.tb[,2:ncol(series.tb)],1,stats::quantile, na.rm = TRUE)
          # create a data frame with the median, and 25% and 75% quantiles
          means.tb <- data.frame  (Index = series.tb$Index,
                                   qt25  = qts[2,],
                                   med   = qts[3,],
                                   qt75  = qts[4,]) %>%

          # melt the data into long format (required for ggplot to work)
          melted.tb <- series.tb %>%
               reshape2::melt (id.vars = "Index")
          # make the plot title
          title <- paste ("Samples (", number, ") for class ", label, " in band = ", band, sep="")
          # plot all data together
          g <- .sits_ggplot_together (melted.tb, means.tb, title)
          graphics::plot (g)

     # how many different labels are there?
     labels <- dplyr::distinct (data.tb, label)

     labels %>%
          purrrlyr::by_row( function (r) {
               lb = as.character (r$label)
               # filter only those rows with the same label
               data2.tb <- dplyr::filter (data.tb, label == lb)
               # how many time series are to be plotted?
               number <- nrow (data2.tb)
               # what are the band names?
               bands  <- sits_bands (data2.tb)
               # what are the reference dates?
               ref_dates <- data2.tb[1,]$time_series[[1]]$Index
               # align all time series to the same dates
               data2.tb <- sits_align(data2.tb, ref_dates)
               # extract the time series
               ts <- data2.tb$time_series
               # plot all samples for the same label
               bands %>%
                    purrr::map (function (band) {plot_samples(ts, band, lb, number)})
               return (data2.tb)

#' @title Plot one timeSeries using ggplot
#' @name .sits_ggplot_series
#' @description plots a set of time series using ggplot. This function is used
#' for showing the same lat/long location in a series of time steps.
#' @param row         a row of a SITS table with the time series to be plotted
#' @param colors      string - the set of Brewer colors to be used for plotting
.sits_ggplot_series <- function (row, colors = "Dark2") {
     # create the plot title
     plot_title <- .sits_plot_title (row)
     #extract the time series
     data.ts <- row$time_series
     # melt the data into long format
     melted.ts <- data.ts %>%
          reshape2::melt (id.vars = "Index") %>%
     # plot the data with ggplot
     g <- ggplot2::ggplot(melted.ts, ggplot2::aes(x = Index, y = value, group = variable)) +
          ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(color = variable)) +
          ggplot2::labs (title = plot_title) +
          # ylim(0.0, 1.0) +
          ggplot2::scale_color_brewer (palette = colors)
     # scale_colour_hue(h=c(90, 270)) - alternative to brewer
     return (g)

#' @title Plot many timeSeries together using ggplot
#' @name .sits_ggplot_together
#' @description plots a set of  time series together
#' @param melted.tb   a tibble with the time series (a lot of data already melted)
#' @param means.tb    a tibble with the means and std deviations of the time series
#' @param plot_title  the title for the plot
.sits_ggplot_together <- function (melted.tb, means.tb, plot_title) {
     g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = melted.tb, ggplot2::aes(x = Index, y = value, group = variable)) +
          ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#819BB1", alpha = 0.5) +
          ggplot2::labs (title = plot_title) +
          ggplot2::geom_line (data = means.tb, ggplot2::aes (x = Index, y = med),  colour = "#B16240", size = 2, inherit.aes=FALSE) +
          ggplot2::geom_line (data = means.tb, ggplot2::aes (x = Index, y = qt25), colour = "#B19540", size = 1, inherit.aes=FALSE) +
          ggplot2::geom_line (data = means.tb, ggplot2::aes (x = Index, y = qt75), colour = "#B19540", size = 1, inherit.aes=FALSE)
     return (g)


#' @title Create a plot title to use with ggplot
#' @name sits_plot_title
#' @description creates a plot title from row information
#' @param row      data row with <longitude, latitude, label> information
#' @return title   string - the title to be used in the plot
.sits_plot_title <- function (row) {
     title <- paste ("location (",
                     row$latitude,  ", ",
                     row$longitude, ") - ",
                     sep = "")
     return (title)
#' @title Plot a dendrogram
#' @name sits_plot_dendrogram
#' @description Plot an enhanced dendrogram based on a cluster object usually found in `.sits_last_cluster`
#' @param data.tb       SITS tibble to extract labels
#' @param cluster_obj   cluster object. Usually stored by `sits_cluster` function in `.sits_last_object`
#' @param cutree_height A dashed horizontal line to be drawed indicating the height of dendrogram cutting.
#' @param colors        a color scheme as showed in `sits_color_name` function
#' @param ...           Other parameters to be passed to graphics::plot() function
#' @export
sits_plot_dendrogram <- function(data.tb,
                                 cutree_height = NULL,
                                 colors = "RdYlGn", ...){

     # ensures that a cluster object is informed or exists in .sits_last_cluster global variable.
     ensurer::ensure_that(cluster_obj, !is.null(.), err_desc = "plot_dendrogram: no valid `cluster_obj` informed or found in `.sits_last_cluster`.")

     # get unique labels
     data_labels <- data.tb$label
     uniq_labels <- base::unique(data_labels)

     # warns if the number of available colors is insufficient to all labels
     if (length(uniq_labels) > (length(.sits_brewerRGB[[sits_color_name(colors)]]) - 1))
          message("sits_plot_dendrogram: The number of labels is greater than the number of available colors.")

     # extract the dendrogram object
     hclust_cl <- methods::S3Part(cluster_obj, strictS3 = TRUE)
     dendrogram <- hclust_cl %>%

     # prepare labels color vector
     cols <- character(length(data_labels))
     cols[] <- grDevices::rgb(0/255,   0/255,   0/255,   0/255)
     i <- 1
     seq(uniq_labels) %>%
          purrr::map(function (i){
               cols[data_labels[hclust_cl$order] == uniq_labels[i]] <<- .sits_brewerRGB[[sits_color_name(colors)]][[length(uniq_labels)]][[i]]
               i <<- i + 1

     # plot the dendrogram
     dendrogram %>%
          dendextend::set("labels", character(length = length(data_labels))) %>%
          dendextend::set("branches_k_color", value = cols, k = length(data_labels)) %>%
          graphics::plot(xlab = "Clusters", ylab = paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(cluster_obj@method),
                                                         "linkage distance"), ...)

     # plot cutree line
     if (!is.null(cutree_height)) graphics::abline(h = cutree_height, lty = 2)

     # plot legend
                      fill = as.character(.sits_brewerRGB[[sits_color_name(colors)]][[length(uniq_labels)]]),
                      legend = uniq_labels, ...)
luizassis/sits documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:15 p.m.