
Defines functions normalizePlate

Documented in normalizePlate

#' Per-plate normalization
#' This function calculates the percent inhibition or normalized viability values for each plate based on the control wells on the same plate.
#' @param screenData a data frame that contains the output from the \code{readScreen()} function.
#' @param method a character string, either 'negatives' or 'both', specifying the method of per-plate normalization.
#' If 'negatives' is used, the raw signals on the plate will be divided by the median signal intensity of negative control wells on the same plate.
#' If 'both' is used, a 'normalized percent inhibition (NPI)' is applied in a per-plate basis.
#' NPI measures the extent to which the signal of interest is diminished compared to a positive control: \eqn{NPI = (Neg - x)/(Neg - Pos)}.
#' The default value is 'negatives'.
#' @param discardLayer an integer value. To avoid the impact of incubation effect on the negative controls,
#' a certain number of the exterior layers on the plate can be ignored when calculating the median of control wells.
#' 0 means do not discard any control wells.
#' @param bySample a logical value, indicates whether normalized the viability by sample rather than by plate.
#' This is for the situation that multiple samples are on the same plate.
#' @import dplyr tibble
#' @export
#' @return
#' This function will add one column, \code{normVal}, which is the normalized viability based on user-specified normalization method, to the input data frame.
#' @examples
#' rawFolder <- system.file('testData/rawData', package = 'DrugScreenExplorer')
#' plateFile <- system.file('testData/plateAnno/plateAnno.tsv', package = 'DrugScreenExplorer')
#' wellFile <- system.file('testData/wellAnno/wellAnno.tsv', package = 'DrugScreenExplorer')
#' # Read in screen data without normalization
#' screenData <- readScreen(rawDir = rawFolder, plateAnnotationFile = plateFile,
#'     wellAnnotationFile = wellFile,
#'     rowRange = c(3,18), colRange = 2,
#'     sep = '[;\t]',
#'     negWell <- c('DMSO','PBS'), posWell = c(),
#'     normalization = FALSE)
#' # Perform a normalization step separately
#' screenData <- normalizePlate(screenData, method = 'negatives', discardLayer = 2)

normalizePlate <- function(screenData, method = "negatives", discardLayer = 0, bySample = FALSE) {

  if (discardLayer > 0) {
    # generate a list of wellIDs that need to be ignored when summarising control
    # measurements
    nCol <- length(unique(screenData$colID))
    nRow <- length(unique(screenData$rowID))
    disCol <- genColIDs(nCol)[c(seq(1, discardLayer), seq(nCol - discardLayer + 1, nCol))]
    disRow <- genRowIDs(nRow)[c(seq(1, discardLayer), seq(nRow - discardLayer + 1, nRow))]
  } else {
    disCol <- c()
    disRow <- c()

  normOnePlate <- function(onePlate) {
    negMed <- median(dplyr::filter(onePlate, wellType == "neg", !colID %in% disCol, !rowID %in%
                                     disRow)$value, na.rm = TRUE)
    posMed <- median(dplyr::filter(onePlate, wellType == "pos", !colID %in% disCol, !rowID %in%
                                     disRow)$value, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (method == "negatives") {
      if (is.na(negMed)) {
        stop("No negative control wells found on the speficied region of the plate")
      } else {
        onePlate <- dplyr::mutate(onePlate, normVal = value/negMed)
    } else if (method == "NPI") {
      if (is.na(negMed) | is.na(posMed)) {
        stop("No negative and positive control wells found on the specified region of the plate")
      } else {
        onePlate <- dplyr::mutate(onePlate, normVal = (value - posMed)/(negMed - posMed))
    } else stop("Please choose a normalization method, either \"negatives\" or \"NPI\"")

  if (bySample) {
    screenData <- group_by(screenData, sampleID) %>%
      do(normOnePlate(.)) %>%
  } else {
    screenData <- group_by(screenData, fileName) %>%
      do(normOnePlate(.)) %>%
lujunyan1118/DrugScreenExplorer_dev documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 12:42 p.m.