
# Authenticate all qualtRics calls to the Qualtrics API
authenticate_qualtrics <- function(qualtrics_config = "qualtrics.yml") {
  creds <- yaml::yaml.load_file("qualtrics.yml")
  qualtRics::registerOptions(api_token = creds$api_token, root_url = creds$root_url)

# Get raw responses from Qualtrics in wide format with one column per subquestion.
get_qualtrics_responses <- function(survey_name, ...) {
  survey_id <- get_survey_id_from_name(survey_name)

  data_dir <- "data-raw"
  if (!dir.exists(data_dir)) dir.create(data_dir)
  as_data_frame(qualtRics::getSurvey(survey_id, save_dir = data_dir, ...))

# Get survey questions from Qualtrics.
get_qualtrics_questions <- function(survey_name, ...) {
  survey_id <- get_survey_id_from_name(survey_name)
  questions <- as_data_frame(qualtRics::getSurveyQuestions(survey_id))
  questions <- questions %>%
    rename(question_id = qid, question_name = qnames, question_text = question) %>%
    mutate(question_text = remove_html(question_text))
  questions[questions$question_name == "fp1", "question_text"] <- "Consider the following two snippets of code performing the same function (determining all the words in a list have an odd number of characters): ..."
  questions[questions$question_name == "pipe1", "question_text"] <- "Do you see any advantage to \"piping\" rather than traditional function composition? ..."

# Melt the Qualtrics data to long format, and merge in labels and names for questions.
tidy_qualtrics <- function(qualtrics) {
  labels <- get_question_labels(qualtrics)
  qualtrics %>%
    melt_responses() %>%
    left_join(labels) %>%

# Melt Qualtrics responses to long format with one row per subquestion.
melt_responses <- function(responses, subj_id_col = "ResponseID") {
  responses$subj_id <- responses[[subj_id_col]]
  gather(responses, question_str, response_str, -subj_id)

# Label question name from Qualtrics question label.
label_question_name <- function(melted) {
  re_question_name <- "^([A-Za-z\\d_]+)\\.?"
  question_names <- str_match(melted$question_str, re_question_name)[, 2]
  mutate(melted, question_name = question_names)

# Get question labels from column attributes.
get_question_labels <- function(responses) {
  question_labels <- lapply(responses, attributes) %>%
    map(function(question_attributes) {
      if (!("label" %in% names(question_attributes))) return("")
  question_label_map <- data_frame(
    question_str = names(question_labels),
    question_label = unlist(question_labels)


# List recent Qualtrics surveys
list_recent_surveys <- function(n = 10) {
  getSurveys() %>%
    arrange(desc(lastModified)) %>%
    head(n = n)

# Get survey id from survey name
get_survey_id_from_name <- function(survey_name) {
  getSurveys() %>%
    filter(name == survey_name) %>%
    .$id %>%

# Write named table arguments to a SQLite DB.
write_tables_to_sqlite <- function(sqlite_db, ..., overwrite = FALSE) {
  named_tables = list(...)
  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), sqlite_db)
  for(table_name in names(named_tables)) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(con, table_name, named_tables[[table_name]], overwrite = overwrite)

remove_html <- function(question_text) {
  gsub("<.*?>", "", question_text)
lupyanlab/programming-questionnaire documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:33 p.m.