
DecompPipeline is an R package created for preprocessing DNA Methylation data for deconvolution of complex tissue samples using one of the methods MeDeCom, RefFreeEWAS or EDec. Briefly, non-negative matrix factorization of complex methylation data sets is performed to discover latent methylation components (LMCs). Those components can, for instance, represent cell types, but are not limited to that. The DecompPipeline uses the RnBeads package for handling input DNA methylation data and is able to handle both BeadArray (27k, 450k, EPIC) and bisulfite sequencing (RRBS, WGBS) data. Necessary steps include stringent filtering and selecting the correct subset of CpG sites for downstream MeDeCom analysis. Also check out FactorViz for the visualization of deconvolution results.


You can install the DecompPipeline through GitHub using devtools:


Using DecompPipeline

Default Pipeline

The main workhorse for DecompPipeline is start_decomp_pipeline. It only requires few inputs, including DNA methylation data either in the form of a matrix\data.frame or as an RnBSet object. We will now discuss the rich functionalities that are available for having and RnBSet as input. A short introduction on how to import DNA methylation data using RnBeads is given in the last section. For details on the many options available within the DecompPipeline, see the function's documentation. We will further explain the options in this vignette.


CpG Filtering

This filtering step involves removing potentially unreliable and/or problematic CpGs from further analysis and has dedicated functions both for bisulfite sequencing and array based data sets. We will discuss the two data types separately:

Array based data sets

Filtering CpG sites of array based data sets (27k, 450k, EPIC) involves setting the minimum number of required beads on the chip (MIN_N_BEADS). Furthermore, low and high intensity outliers can be removed by a quantile approach, which removes the highest (MAX_INT_QUANT) and lowest quantile (MIN_INT_QUANT). In addition, all sites containing any missing value (FILTER_NA), outside of CpG context (FILTER_CONTEXT), mapping to an annotated Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (FILTER_SNP, snp.list) and on the sex chromosomes (FILTER_SOMATIC) can be omitted. Further options are available and described in the function's documentation. The function also provides options to normalize data using the methods available in the RnBeads R package and will return the processed data set and further information on the steps executed.

data.prep <- prepare_data(RNB_SET = rnb.set.example,
                          NORMALIZATION = "wm.dasen",
                          MIN_N_BEADS = 5,
                          MIN_INT_QUANT = 0.05,
                          MAX_INT_QUANT = 0.95,
                          FILTER_NA = T,
                          FILTER_SNP = T,
                          FILTER_CONTEXT = FALSE,
                          FILTER_SOMATIC = FALSE)

Bisulfite sequencing based data sets

For bisulfite sequencing data sets, different filtering criteria apply. First, a absolute coverage threshold can be specified with MIN_COVERAGE to remove all sites with lower coverage. Similar to array-based data sets, upper and lower quantile of coverage can be omitted using MIN_COVG_QUANT and MAX_COVG_QUANT. In complete accordance with array-based data sets, sites having missing values, located at annotated SNPs and on sex chromosomes can be removed.

rnb.set <- load.rnb.set(system.file("extdata/",package="DecompPipeline")) <- prepare_data_BS(RNB_SET = rnb.set,
                                MIN_COVERAGE = 5,
                                MIN_COVG_QUANT = 0.1,
                                MAX_COVG_QUANT = 0.9,
                                FILTER_NA = T,
                                FILTER_SOMATIC = F,
                                FILTER_SNP = F)

Selecting subsets of CpGs

Since performing MeDeCom on complete 450k/EPIC or BS datasets is still computationally infeasible, it is crucial to select sites for subsequent analysis that might define LMCs. The DecompPipeline provides multiple options to preselect those CpGs and we will briefly introduce each of them:

For most of the options (except for houseman2012, jaffe2014, and range) the number of selected sites can be specified using the parameter N_MARKERS. In contrast to CpG filtering, subset selection is independent of the data type (array-based and BS). The function returns a list, with each entry containing row indices of the selected sites:

cg_subsets <- prepare_CG_subsets(rnb.set=data.prep$rnb.set.filtered,
                                 MARKER_SELECTION = c("houseman2012","var"),
                                 N_MARKERS = 500

Starting MeDeCom

After these preprocessing steps, you are ready to perfom the actual MeDeCom analysis using the start_medecom_analysis function. To store output in a format that is later on readable by FactorViz, you need to set the flag factorviz.outputs. Further parameters are described in detail in the reference manual.

md.res <- start_medecom_analysis(rnb.set=data.prep$rnb.set.filtered,
                                 cg_groups = cg_subsets,
                                 LAMBDA_GRID = c(0.01,0.001),
                                 factorviz.outputs = T)

Executing DecompPipeline

You can also peform all the steps above, by just calling a single function:

md.res <- start_decomp_pipeline(rnb.set=rnb.set,
                                lambda.grid = c(0.01,0.001),
                                factorviz.outputs = T,
                                marker.selection = c("houseman2012","var"),
                                n.markers = 50,
                                min.n.beads = 5,
                       = 0.05,
                       = 0.95,
                       = T,
                                filter.snp  = T,
                                filter.context = FALSE,
                                filter.somatic = FALSE,

Data Import through RnBeads

We recommend to use the RnBeads package to provide methylation data to DecompPipeline. RnBeads can handle BS and array-based datasets and provides an extensive toolset. BS data can be loaded directly from BED-files generated through methylation data mapping and calling software, such as bismark or bsmap. For array-based datasets, IDAT-files can be directly loaded or GEO accession numbers provided to download data from the repository, among other import options. We refer to the RnBeads vignette for further descriptions on the data import options. Data Import is the only module to be exectued ahead of using DecompPipeline.

idat.dir <- "~/idats"
sample.annotation <- "~/sample_annotation.csv"
rnb.set <- rnb.execute.import(data.source = c(idat.dir,sample.annotation),data.type = "infinium.idat.dir")

R session

Here is the output of sessionInfo() on the system on which this document was compiled:



lutsik/DecompPipeline documentation built on Oct. 13, 2019, 1:51 a.m.