#' Morph spatial networks into a different structure
#' Spatial morphers form spatial add-ons to the set of
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{morphers}} provided by \code{tidygraph}. These
#' functions change the existing structure of the network.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param protect Nodes or edges to be protected from being changed in
#' structure. Evaluated by \code{\link{evaluate_node_query}} in the case of
#' nodes and by \code{\link{evaluate_edge_query}} in the case of edges.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}, meaning that no features are protected.
#' @param attribute_summary Whenever groups of nodes or edges are merged
#' into a single feature during morphing, how should their attributes be
#' summarized? There are several options, see
#' \code{\link[igraph]{igraph-attribute-combination}} for details.
#' @param summarise_attributes Deprecated, use \code{attribute_summary} instead.
#' @param store_original_data Whenever groups of nodes or edges are merged
#' into a single feature during morphing, should the data of the original
#' features be stored as an attribute of the new feature, in a column named
#' \code{.orig_data}. This is in line with the design principles of
#' \code{tidygraph}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed on to other functions. See the description
#' of each morpher for details.
#' @return Either a \code{morphed_sfnetwork}, which is a list of one or more
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}} objects, or a \code{morphed_tbl_graph}, which is a
#' list of one or more \code{\link[tidygraph]{tbl_graph}} objects. See the
#' description of each morpher for details.
#' @details Morphers are not meant to be called directly. Instead, they should
#' be called inside the \code{\link[tidygraph]{morph}} verb to change the
#' network structure temporarily. Depending on the chosen morpher, this results
#' in a list of one or more network objects. Single elements of that list can
#' be extracted directly as a new network by calling the morpher inside the
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{convert}} verb instead, to make the changes lasting
#' rather than temporary.
#' It also possible to create your own morphers. See the documentation of
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{morph}} for the requirements for custom morphers.
#' @examples
#' library(sf, quietly = TRUE)
#' library(tidygraph, quietly = TRUE)
#' net = as_sfnetwork(roxel, directed = FALSE) |>
#' st_transform(3035)
#' # Temporary changes with morph and unmorph.
#' net |>
#' activate(edges) |>
#' morph(to_spatial_shortest_paths, from = 1, to = 10) |>
#' mutate(in_paths = TRUE) |>
#' unmorph()
#' # Lasting changes with convert.
#' net |>
#' activate(edges) |>
#' convert(to_spatial_shortest_paths, from = 1, to = 10)
#' @name spatial_morphers
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Combine groups of nodes into a single node per
#' group. \code{...} is forwarded to \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by}} to
#' create the groups. The centroid of such a group will be used by default as
#' geometry of the contracted node. If edges are spatially explicit, edge
#' geometries are updated accordingly such that the valid spatial network
#' structure is preserved. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a
#' single element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param simplify Should the network be simplified after contraction? Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}. This means that multiple edges and loop edges will be
#' removed. Multiple edges are introduced by contraction when there are several
#' connections between the same groups of nodes. Loop edges are introduced by
#' contraction when there are connections within a group. Note however that
#' setting this to \code{TRUE} also removes multiple edges and loop edges that
#' already existed before contraction.
#' @param compute_centroids Should the new geometry of each contracted group of
#' nodes be the centroid of all group members? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. If set
#' to \code{FALSE}, the geometry of the first node in each group will be used
#' instead, which requires considerably less computing time.
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by group_indices
#' @importFrom sf st_drop_geometry
#' @export
to_spatial_contracted = function(x, ..., simplify = TRUE,
compute_centroids = TRUE,
attribute_summary = "ignore",
summarise_attributes = deprecated(),
store_original_data = FALSE) {
if (is_present(summarise_attributes)) deprecate_sa("to_spatial_contracted")
# Create groups.
groups = group_by(st_drop_geometry(nodes_as_sf(x)), ...)
group_ids = group_indices(groups)
# Contract.
x_new = contract_nodes(
x = x,
groups = group_ids,
simplify = simplify,
compute_centroids = compute_centroids,
reconnect_edges = TRUE,
attribute_summary = attribute_summary,
store_original_ids = TRUE,
store_original_data = store_original_data
# Return in a list.
contracted = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Make a network directed in the direction given
#' by the linestring geometries of the edges. Differs from
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_directed}}, which makes a network directed based
#' on the node indices given in the \code{from} and \code{to} columns. In
#' undirected networks these indices may not correspond with the endpoints of
#' the linestring geometries. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a
#' single element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. This morpher requires edges
#' to be spatially explicit. If not, use \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_directed}}.
#' @export
to_spatial_directed = function(x) {
directed = make_edges_directed(x)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Create linestring geometries between source
#' and target nodes of edges. If the edges data can be directly converted to
#' an object of class \code{\link[sf]{sf}} using \code{\link[sf]{st_as_sf}},
#' extra arguments can be provided as \code{...} and will be forwarded to
#' \code{\link[sf]{st_as_sf}} internally. Otherwise, straight lines will be
#' drawn between the source and target node of each edge. Returns a
#' \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @export
to_spatial_explicit = function(x, ...) {
explicit = make_edges_explicit(x, ...)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Drop edge geometries from the network. Returns
#' a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @export
to_spatial_implicit = function(x) {
implict = make_edges_implicit(x)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a mixed network in which some edges
#' are directed, and some are undirected. In practice this is implemented as a
#' directed network in which those edges that are meant to be undirected are
#' duplicated and reversed. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a
#' single element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param directed Which edges should be directed? Evaluated by
#' \code{\link{evaluate_edge_query}}.
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @export
to_spatial_mixed = function(x, directed) {
directed = evaluate_edge_query(x, enquo(directed))
mixed = make_edges_mixed(x, directed)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Limit a network to the spatial neighborhood of
#' a specific node. \code{...} is forwarded to \code{\link{st_network_cost}} to
#' compute the travel cost from the specified node to all other nodes in the
#' network. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} that may contain multiple
#' elements of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}, depending on the number of given
#' thresholds. When unmorphing only the first instance of both the node and
#' edge data will be used, as the the same node and/or edge can be present in
#' multiple neighborhoods.
#' @param node The node for which the neighborhood will be calculated.
#' Evaluated by \code{\link{evaluate_node_query}}. When multiple nodes are
#' given, only the first one is used.
#' @param threshold The threshold cost to be used. Only nodes reachable within
#' this threshold cost from the reference node will be included in the
#' neighborhood. Should be a numeric value in the same units as the given edge
#' weights. Alternatively, units can be specified explicitly by providing a
#' \code{\link[units]{units}} object. Multiple threshold values may be given,
#' which will result in mutliple neigborhoods being returned.
#' @param weights The edge weights to be used for travel cost computation.
#' Evaluated by \code{\link{evaluate_weight_spec}}. The default is
#' \code{\link{edge_length}}, which computes the geographic lengths of the
#' edges.
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom units as_units deparse_unit
#' @export
to_spatial_neighborhood = function(x, node, threshold, weights = edge_length(),
...) {
# Evaluate the given node query.
# Always only the first node is used.
node = evaluate_node_query(x, enquo(node))
if (length(node) > 1) raise_multiple_elements("node"); node = node[1]
# Evaluate the given weights specification.
weights = evaluate_weight_spec(x, enquo(weights))
# If the "to" nodes are also given this query has to be evaluated as well.
# Otherwise it defaults to all nodes in the network.
if (hasArg("to")) {
to = evaluate_node_query(x, enquo(to))
} else {
to = node_ids(x, focused = FALSE)
# Compute the cost matrix from the source node.
# By calling st_network_cost with the given arguments.
if (hasArg("from")) {
# Deprecate the former "from" argument specifying routing direction.
if (isFALSE(list(...)$from)) {
costs = compute_costs(x, node, to, weights, direction = "in", ...)
} else {
costs = compute_costs(x, node, to, weights, ...)
} else {
costs = compute_costs(x, node, to, weights, ...)
# Parse the given threshold values.
if (inherits(costs, "units") && ! inherits(threshold, "units")) {
threshold = as_units(threshold, deparse_unit(costs))
# For each given threshold:
# --> Define which nodes are in the neighborhood.
# --> Subset the network to keep only the nodes in the neighborhood.
get_single_neighborhood = function(k) {
in_neighborhood = costs[1, ] <= k
induced_subgraph(x, in_neighborhood) %preserve_all_attrs% x
lapply(threshold, get_single_neighborhood)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Reverse the direction of edges. Returns a
#' \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed reverse_edges
#' @importFrom rlang enquo try_fetch
#' @importFrom sf st_reverse
#' @export
to_spatial_reversed = function(x, protect = NULL) {
# Define which edges should be reversed.
if (try_fetch(is.null(protect), error = \(e) FALSE)) {
reverse = edge_ids(x, focused = FALSE)
} else {
protect = evaluate_edge_query(x, enquo(protect))
reverse = setdiff(edge_ids(x, focused = FALSE), protect)
# Reverse the from and to indices of those edges.
# This will have no effect on undirected networks.
x_new = reverse_edges(x, eids = reverse) %preserve_all_attrs% x
# Reverse the geometries of those edges.
if (has_explicit_edges(x)) {
edge_geom = pull_edge_geom(x)
edge_geom[reverse] = st_reverse(edge_geom)[reverse]
x_new = mutate_edge_geom(x_new, edge_geom)
# Return in a list.
reversed = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Limit a network to those nodes and edges that
#' are part of the shortest path between two nodes. \code{...} is evaluated in
#' the same manner as \code{\link{st_network_paths}}. Returns a
#' \code{morphed_sfnetwork} that may contain multiple elements of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}, depending on the number of requested paths. When
#' unmorphing only the first instance of both the node and edge data will be
#' used, as the the same node and/or edge can be present in multiple paths.
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @export
to_spatial_shortest_paths = function(x, ...) {
# Call st_network_paths with the given arguments.
paths = st_network_paths(
use_names = FALSE,
return_cost = FALSE,
return_geometry = FALSE
# Retrieve original node and edge indices from the network.
nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
edges = edge_data(x, focused = FALSE)
# Subset the network for each computed shortest path.
get_single_path = function(i) {
if (paths[i, ]$path_found) {
node_ids = paths$node_path[[i]]
edge_ids = paths$edge_path[[i]]
N = nodes[node_ids, ]
E = edges[edge_ids, ]
E$from = c(1:(length(node_ids) - 1))
E$to = c(2:length(node_ids))
} else {
N = nodes[0, ]
E = edges[0, ]
sfnetwork_(N, E, directed = is_directed(x))
lapply(seq_len(nrow(paths)), get_single_path)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a simple version of the network. A
#' simple network is defined as a network without loop edges and multiple
#' edges. A loop edge is an edge that starts and ends at the same node.
#' Multiple edges are different edges between the same node pair. When merging
#' them into a single edge, the geometry of the first edge is preserved. The
#' order of the edges can be influenced by calling \code{\link[dplyr]{arrange}}
#' before simplifying. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single
#' element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param remove_multiple Should multiple edges be merged into one. Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param remove_loops Should loop edges be removed. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @export
to_spatial_simple = function(x, remove_multiple = TRUE, remove_loops = TRUE,
attribute_summary = "first",
summarise_attributes = deprecated(),
store_original_data = FALSE) {
if (is_present(summarise_attributes)) deprecate_sa("to_spatial_simple")
# Simplify.
x_new = simplify_network(
x = x,
remove_loops = remove_loops,
remove_multiple = remove_multiple,
attribute_summary = attribute_summary,
store_original_ids = TRUE,
store_original_data = store_original_data
# Return in a list.
simple = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a smoothed version of the network by
#' iteratively removing pseudo nodes, while preserving the connectivity of the
#' network. In the case of directed networks, pseudo nodes are those nodes that
#' have only one incoming and one outgoing edge. In undirected networks, pseudo
#' nodes are those nodes that have two incident edges. Equality of attribute
#' values among the two edges can be defined as an additional requirement by
#' setting the \code{require_equal} parameter. Connectivity of the
#' network is preserved by concatenating the incident edges of each removed
#' pseudo node. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element
#' of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param require_equal Which attributes of its incident edges should be equal
#' in order for a pseudo node to be removed? Evaluated as a
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{dplyr_tidy_select}} argument. Defaults to \code{NULL},
#' meaning that attribute equality is not considered for pseudo node removal.
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @importFrom rlang enquo try_fetch
#' @export
to_spatial_smooth = function(x, protect = NULL, require_equal = NULL,
attribute_summary = "ignore",
summarise_attributes = deprecated(),
store_original_data = FALSE) {
if (is_present(summarise_attributes)) deprecate_sa("to_spatial_smooth")
# Evaluate the node query of the protect argument.
if (! try_fetch(is.null(protect), error = \(e) FALSE)) {
protect = evaluate_node_query(x, enquo(protect))
# Evaluate the edge attribute column query of the require equal argument.
if (! try_fetch(is.null(require_equal), error = \(e) FALSE)) {
require_equal = evaluate_edge_attribute_query(x, enquo(require_equal))
# Smooth.
x_new = smooth_pseudo_nodes(
x = x,
protect = protect,
require_equal = require_equal,
attribute_summary = attribute_summary,
store_original_ids = TRUE,
store_original_data = store_original_data
# Return in a list.
smooth = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Construct a subdivision of the network by
#' subdividing edges at interior points. Subdividing means that a new node is
#' added on an edge, and the edge is split in two at that location. Interior
#' points are those points that shape a linestring geometry feature but are not
#' endpoints of it. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single
#' element of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. This morpher requires edges to be
#' spatially explicit.
#' @param all Should edges be subdivided at all their interior points? If set
#' to \code{FALSE}, edges are only subdivided at those interior points that
#' share their location with any other interior or boundary point (a node) in
#' the edges table. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. By default sfnetworks rounds
#' coordinates to 12 decimal places to determine spatial equality. You can
#' influence this behavior by explicitly setting the precision of the network
#' using \code{\link[sf]{st_set_precision}}.
#' @param merge Should multiple subdivision points at the same location be
#' merged into a single node, and should subdivision points at the same
#' location as an existing node be merged into that node? Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}. If set to \code{FALSE}, each subdivision point is added
#' separately as a new node to the network. By default sfnetworks rounds
#' coordinates to 12 decimal places to determine spatial equality. You can
#' influence this behavior by explicitly setting the precision of the network
#' using \code{\link[sf]{st_set_precision}}.
#' @importFrom rlang enquo try_fetch
#' @export
to_spatial_subdivision = function(x, protect = NULL, all = FALSE,
merge = TRUE) {
# Evaluate the edge query of the protect argument.
if (! try_fetch(is.null(protect), error = \(e) FALSE)) {
protect = evaluate_edge_query(x, enquo(protect))
# Subdivide.
x_new = subdivide_edges(
x = x,
protect = protect,
all = all,
merge = merge
# Return in a list.
subdivision = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Subset the network by applying a spatial
#' filter, i.e. a filter on the geometry column based on a spatial predicate.
#' \code{...} is evaluated in the same manner as \code{\link[sf]{st_filter}}.
#' Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. For filters on an attribute column, use
#' \code{\link[tidygraph]{to_subgraph}}.
#' @param subset_by Whether to create subgraphs based on nodes or edges.
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert
#' @export
to_spatial_subset = function(x, ..., subset_by = NULL) {
# Subset.
if (is.null(subset_by)) {
subset_by = attr(x, "active")
cli_alert("Subsetting by {subset_by}")
x_new = switch(
nodes = spatial_filter_nodes(x, ...),
edges = spatial_filter_edges(x, ...),
raise_unknown_input("subset_by", subset_by, c("nodes", "edges"))
# Return in a list.
subset = x_new
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Transform the geospatial coordinates of the
#' network into a different coordinate reference system. \code{...} is
#' evaluated in the same manner as \code{\link[sf]{st_transform}}.
#' Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of class
#' \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @importFrom sf st_transform
#' @export
to_spatial_transformed = function(x, ...) {
transformed = st_transform(x, ...)
#' @describeIn spatial_morphers Merge nodes with equal geometries into a single
#' node. Returns a \code{morphed_sfnetwork} containing a single element of
#' class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}. By default sfnetworks rounds coordinates to
#' 12 decimal places to determine spatial equality. You can influence this
#' behavior by explicitly setting the precision of the network using
#' \code{\link[sf]{st_set_precision}}.
#' @export
to_spatial_unique = function(x, attribute_summary = "ignore",
store_original_data = FALSE) {
# Create groups.
group_ids = st_match_points(pull_node_geom(x))
# Contract.
x_new = contract_nodes(
x = x,
groups = group_ids,
simplify = FALSE,
compute_centroids = FALSE,
reconnect_edges = FALSE,
attribute_summary = attribute_summary,
store_original_ids = TRUE,
store_original_data = store_original_data
# Return in a list.
unique = x_new
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