# UK GEOGRAPHY * 81 - Calculate Distances Postcodes #
message('Loading libraries...')
pkg <- c('popiFun', 'data.table', 'fst', 'geosphere', 'rgeos')
invisible(lapply(pkg, require, char = TRUE))
out_path <- file.path(geouk_path, 'distances', 'postcodes')
message('\n Loading data...')
pc <- read_fst(file.path(geouk_path, 'postcodes'), columns = c('postcode', 'PCA', 'x_lon', 'y_lat'), as.data.table = TRUE)
ngh <- read_fst(file.path(geouk_path, 'neighbours', 'PCA'), as.data.table = TRUE)
dt.haversine <- function(lat_from, lon_from, lat_to, lon_to, r = 6378137){
radians <- pi/180
lat_to <- lat_to * radians
lat_from <- lat_from * radians
lon_to <- lon_to * radians
lon_from <- lon_from * radians
dLat <- (lat_to - lat_from)
dLon <- (lon_to - lon_from)
a <- (sin(dLat/2)^2) + (cos(lat_from) * cos(lat_to)) * (sin(dLon/2)^2)
return(2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) * r)
for(pca in levels(pc$PCA)){
dist <- data.table(pcA = character(), pcB = character(), distance = numeric(), knn = integer())
message('Processing Postcode Area ', pca)
y0 <- pc[PCA == pca]
ya <- pc[PCA %in% c(pca, ngh[location_id == pca, neighbour_id]), -c('PCA')][order(postcode)]
for(idx in 1:nrow(y0)){
message(' * Processing postcode ', idx, ' (', round(100 * idx / nrow(y0), 2), '%)')
y <- data.table(
pcA = y0[idx, postcode],
pcB = ya[, postcode],
distance = distVincentyEllipsoid(y0[idx, .(x_lon, y_lat)], ya[, .(x_lon, y_lat)])
y <- y[order(distance)][, knn := 1:.N]
message(' Adding to main dataset...')
dist <- rbindlist(list( dist, y ), use.names = TRUE)
dist <- dist[pcA != pcB][, knn := knn - 1]
message('\n Saving file with index...')
setorderv(dist, c('pcA', 'distance'))
write_fst_idx('pca', c('pcA'), dist, out_path, 'pca')
# setorderv(dist, c('pcA', 'distance'))
# y <- dist[, .N, pcA]
# y[, n2 := cumsum(N)][, n1 := shift(n2, 1L, type = 'lag') + 1][is.na(n1), n1 := 1]
# setcolorder(y, c('pcA', 'N', 'n1', 'n2'))
# write_fst(y, file.path(out_path, paste0(pca, '.idx')))
# write_fst(dist, file.path(out_path, pca))
message('Creating unique file for distances below 10 km...')
dist <- NULL
for(pca in levels(pc$PCA)){
message('Processing Postcode Area ', pca)
y <- read_fst(file.path(out_path, pca), as.data.table = TRUE)
message('Subsetting to 10 km then adding to main dataset...')
y <- y[distance < 10000]
dist <- rbindlist(list( dist, y ), use.names = TRUE)
message('\n Saving file...')
write_fst(dist, file.path(out_path, 'dp10km'))
message('\n Done! Clearing Environment...')
rm(list = ls())
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